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November 2, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND
                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND

        Voters will select new mayor, 4 councilmembers

           Next Tuesday, voters in     festival committee, prior to his                                                            Rutkowski and incumbent
        Westland will choose a new     election to state office. Coleman                         ”                                 Melissa Sampey are vying for
        mayor, the first in nearly 20 years.  was defeated by former Mayor  Voters will also choose four members of the city council  terms. Hornbuckle was appoint-
           Current interim Mayor Mike  William Wild in his first bid for  on Nov. 7. Six candidates are seeking the four terms     ed to fill Londeau's seat when he
        Londeau and State Rep. Kevin   the top job in the city.  If Coleman                                                        left the council to become the
        Coleman, D-Westland, are vying  is elected, a special election to                                                          interim mayor. Both Bauman and
        for the four-year position which  fill his unexpired term as the                                                           Hornbuckle are seeking a partial
        pays $121,574 annually. The two  representative from the 25th  city council, Londeau chaired  members of the city council on  term through 2025, the remain-
        were selected from a field of six  District would be necessary.   the city Downtown Development  Nov. 7. Six candidates are seek-  der of Londeau's unexpired
        hopefuls in an August primary    Following Wild's resignation,  Authority and was a member of  ing the four terms. Emily   term.
        election.                      current members of the city    the master plan steering commit-  Bauman, DeLano Hornbuckle,   The councilmembers are paid
           Coleman, 40, served on the  council chose Londeau to serve  tee. He is a graduate of Wayne  incumbent Michael McDermott,  $18,040 annually while the coun-
        Westland City Council, the veter-  as interim mayor until the elec-  Memorial High School.  Edward     Pruett,   Council   cil president, elected by the
        an's association and the Westland  tion. Prior to his election to the  Voters will also choose four  President Pro tem Andrea  members, is paid $18,953.

           History lessons

           Members of the Noon Plymouth
           Rotary Club learned more about the
           history of their club last week as they
           participated in the Plymouth Historical
           Museum Cemetery Ghost Walk.
           Among those learning more about
           several charter members of the club
           were Eric Joy, June Kirchgatter, City
           Manager Paul Sincock and Warren
           Musson. The Rotary Club donated
           several headstones to mark the
           graves of the charter members of the
           club. This was the first of several
           events scheduled to mark the 100th
           anniversary of the Rotary  club in
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