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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 2, 2023


        Postal worker robbery

        Suspects are arrested

           Two men are facing multiple  duced. The various crimes carry  indicated the suspects, both
        federal felony charges in connec-  penalties from 25 to 5 years  wearing all-black clothing and
        tion to the robbery of a postal  imprisonment if convicted.   ski masks, took the keys to the
        worker in Northville Township    Northville Township Police   postal boxes and fled the area in
        last week.                     were dispatched in response to a  a newer model mid-sized silver
           Michale Lamar Smith-Ellis,  report of an armed robbery at  Hyundai SUV, according to
        30, or Detroit and Terrance    about 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct.  police reports.
        Tucker, 32, of Inkster were    24. The incident took place in the  Northville Township police
        arraigned in federal court last  area of Silver Spring Drive and  dispatchers immediately notified
        week. The pair face charges of  Eight Mile Road, according to  surrounding law enforcement
        conspiracy; robbery or theft of  police reports, and occurred in  agencies of the incident and
        mail, money or property of the  broad daylight when two sus-  included a description of the sus-
        U.S. Government; aggravated    pects, armed with a firearm, tar-  pects provided by witnesses.
        assault of federal employee; use  geted a postal carrier, demand-  Livonia officers located and
        of a firearm during and in rela-  ing keys to postal boxes. Police  stopped the suspect vehicle on I-
        tion to a crime of violence and  said no injuries were reported.   96 near Middlebelt Road and
        key or locks stolen or repro-    The preliminary investigation  arrested the defendants.          Michale Lamar Smith-Ellis               Terrance Tucker
        Planning commission hears Downs site plan

           The final site plan for the development                                                                         family attached homes west of S. Center
        at the Northville Downs property was pre-                                 ”                                        Street, which are estimated to be ready for
        sented to members of the planning com-          Northville-based architects have designed these homes,             sale beginning in July 2025 and completed
        mission for consideration last week.                  which will be sold and built by Toll Brothers.               in October 2026.
           Seth Herkowitz of Hunter Pasteur pre-                                                                              The project team estimates it will take
        sented the developer's refined renderings                                                                          12 months from the date of application to
        of detached and attached single-family                                                                             approve the permits on a local, regional
        homes and detailed the timeline for the  agreement permits the developer to  after many of the city traditional homes.  and state level that will permit daylighting
        mixed-use project. While this meeting was  demolish the cabin.               The houses range from 2,000 to 3,100  of the river that is currently buried under
        expected to focus on conditions of the pre-  The original offer to relocate the  square feet and most have a primary suite  the Downs property. It's estimated 70 per-
        liminary site plan approval and new ele-  Farmers' Market on a portion of the Downs  on the first floor.           cent of the river will be daylighted in 2024
        ments of landscape, lighting and signage,  land during construction was deemed  For single-family homes, buyers will be  and the remaining 30 percent in 2025. This
        Herkowitz noted that the presentation  unfeasible by city administration and the  able to choose their style, elevation and  timeline is based on approval from the
        would need to be split over the course of  task force. The city is looking for a new  colors. The builder said that, due to mar-  Brownfield Redevelopment Authority to
        two meetings due to the amount of content  temporary location and can apply up to  ket demand, larger lots will be used for  permit funds for this purpose. The devel-
        that he and his associates planned to pres-  $300,000 committed by the developer (the  larger homes.               oper noted the river will capture 30,000
        ent.                                   first capture of brownfield funds) for the  One of the most significant changes is  gallons of stormwater annually and the
           City Planner Sally Elmiger provided a  temporary site or use that allocation for  that the former three-story townhomes on  underground detention basin will provide
        point-by-point assessment of the condi-  the final site of the Farmers' Market. This  the southern-most part will be reduced to  additional infiltration at the site.
        tions of the Planned Unite Development  condition has been met.              2-1/2 stories. The change to 2-1/2 stories  The next meeting of the planning com-
        and preliminary site plan as approved by  The final site plan showed refined  means the height of these buildings is no  mission to discuss the project is set to
        the commissioners on Sept. 7, 2022.    architectural details of the 38 single-family  longer a deviation from the city Master  begin at 6 p.m. Nov. 9 at Northville City
           The final site plan shows the log cabin  homes and the ways they vary in style and  Plan. A ladder fire truck is no longer  Hall and Zoom. The developer will finish
        situated in the river park on the west side  lot size to become an extension of the  required to put out a fire in the 2-1/2 story  his presentation and take clarifying ques-
        of the daylighted river; it currently fronts  walkable city neighborhoods. Northville-  structures, as it would have been if the  tions from commissioners, then the meet-
        River Street. If matching funds to relocate  based architects have designed these  building were three stories.    ing will move into public comment regard-
        the cabin aren't raised by March 1, 2024  homes, which will be sold and built by Toll  Toll Brothers will also build 22 single-  ing the final site plan application.
        (with the developer committed to paying  Brothers.
        up to $125,000 toward relocation), or the  Architect Greg Presley, of Presley
        log cabin is not removed from the project  Architecture, presented the “individuat-
        site by April 15, 2024, the development  ing” styling of homes that are patterned

                              Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed
                                      Activity in a Wetland
         To:  All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals
         This is to give notice that Northville Charter Township as the Responsible Entity under Part 58 has determined that the follow-
         ing proposed action under Community Project Funding and HUD Grant #B-22-CP-MI-0441 is located in a wetland, and
         Northville Charter Township will be identifying and evaluating practicable alternatives to locating the action in the wetland and
         the potential impacts on the wetland from the proposed action, as required by Executive Order 11990, in accordance with HUD
         regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain Management and Protection of
         The project consists of installation of sanitary sewer along a 0.5 mile long stretch of 5 Mile Road on the border of Plymouth and
         Northville Townships between a point 1600-ft west of Ridge Road and a point 1000-ft east of Ridge Road. At the point 1000-ft
         east of Ridge Road the new sewer will connect to the existing sanitary sewer line and the current Western Township's Utility
         Authority (WTUA) interceptor. The project will provide sanitary sewer service to a development west of Ridge Road as a part
         of the Michigan International Technology Center (MITC) initiative. The project area west of Ridge Road will primarily be direc-
         tional drilled, minimizing impact to the natural environment. The project area east of Ridge Road will be open cut in order to
         replace the existing 12-in diameter sewer with an 18-in diameter sewer. The open cut area is anticipated to impact a small sec-
         tion of wetland adjacent to the south side of the road.
         0.074 acres of Palustrine Emergent Persistent (PEM1) wetland directly adjacent to the road are anticipated to be impacted by the
         project. Approximately 150-ft of sanitary sewer construction will impact the wetland. The proposed impact is located 550-ft east
         of Ridge Road along the south side of 5 Mile Road in Plymouth Township, Wayne County, MI.
         There are three primary purposes for this notice.  First, people who may be affected by activities in wetlands and those who have
         an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide
         information about these areas.  Commenters are encouraged to offer alternative sites outside of the wetland, alternative methods
         to serve the same project purpose, and methods to minimize and mitigate impacts.  Second, an adequate public notice program
         can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information and request for public comment about wetlands
         can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks and impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of these
         special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in
         wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.
         Written comments must be received by Northville Charter Township at the following address on or before November 20, 2023:
         Northville Charter Township, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168, Attention:  Bob Belair, Director of Public Services.
         Comments may also be submitted via email at
         Date:  November 2, 2023                                       NT0235 - 110223  2.5 x 4.465
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