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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 2, 2023

                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE
                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE

        Stormy weather

        Sumpter is certified as ‘StormReady’

           Sumpter Township recently   tions, according to the national  tem that monitors weather con-
        received the StormReady        weather service.               ditions. In addition, the munici-
        Community designation from       Sumpter was recertified for  pality must also promote the
        the National Weather Service.  another four years by the      importance of public readiness
           StormReady uses a grass-    national organization as one of  through community seminars
        roots approach to help commu-  only 10 local municipalities des-  and develop a formal hazardous
        nities develop plans to handle  ignated as StormReady. To earn  weather plan which includes
        all types of extreme weather-  the designation the community  training severe weather spot-
        from tornadoes to winter       must establish a 24-hour warn-  ters and organizing emergency
        storms. The program encour-    ing point and emergency opera-  services.
        ages communities to take a new,  tions center and have more     The prestigious recertifica-
        proactive approach to improv-  than a single means to receive  tion procedure was led by
        ing local hazardous weather    severe weather warnings and    Sumpter Township Trustee Tim
        operations by providing emer-  forecasts.                     Rush and was formally award-
        gency managers with clear-cut    The community must also      ed to Sumpter Township and     Sumpter Township Trustee Tim Rush, left, and Director of Public
        guidelines on how to improve   have multiple ways to notify the  the public safety department  Safety/Chief of Police Eric Luke receive the StormReady Community
        their hazardous weather opera-  public and have created a sys-  earlier this year.           designation.
        District high schools offering college programs

           The    Wayne    Westland    with several colleges and uni-  district spokesman.          Early    College    Student    scheduled via Zoon at 6 p.m.
        Community Schools District is  versities to combine the high    This program is offered at no  Application with an essay; com-  Nov.   15        (Link:
        offering high school students  school and college experience.  cost  to  Wayne-Westland     plete the Wayne-Westland Early
        the opportunity to earn college  Upon completion of this five-  Community Schools District  College Recommendation         599800 ); at 6 p.m. Jan 17 at the
        credit hours, industry certifica-  year program, students will  students.                   Form; obtain two references    William D. Ford Career-
        tion, and an associate degree  graduate with their high school  The application window for  and participate in a 10-15     Technical Center and at 6 p.m.
        while still in high school.    diploma and up to 60 credit    fall 2024 participation in the  minute interview.            Jan. 31 through Zoom (Link:
           Wayne-Westland Community    hours, potentially earning their  program is now open.  To apply,  Information sessions regard-
        Schools District has partnered  associate degree, according to a  students must complete an  ing to program have been      989589 ).
        Vistatech facility now open at Schoolcraft College

           The $11 million renovation of the   exams offered in the United States.   in the nation, officials said.        Trinity Health, a sports performance facil-
        Vistatech Center at Schoolcraft College  Central to the revamp are three culi-  The adaptable space can accommodate  ity sponsored by Trinity Health, and a
        provides an area where students and com-  nary establishments: American Harvest  various corporate events. Operating seven  manufacturing company (Masco Corp.) -
        munity members can gather to eat, work,  Restaurant, Main Street Café and The  days a week, the Vistatech Center will  all offering learning and employment
        play, learn and do business together, a col-  Craft Grille, where students have the  serve students and the community while  opportunities for Schoolcraft students
        lege spokesman said.                   opportunity to gain real-world experience  providing a non-traditional revenue  while generating non-traditional revenue
           The center now provides a technology-  by working under the supervision of tal-  source that helps keep Schoolcraft tuition  for the college and serving residents of
        rich venue for business gatherings, corpo-  ented chefs within the culinary depart-  rates competitive, they added.   Southeast Michigan, a spokesman said.
        rate events, dynamic learning, cutting-  ment.                                 The renovation is part of Cerny and the  The Vistatech Center is open to the
        edge training, and culinary arts education  In addition to culinary experience, the  board of trustees' broader vision for the  public.
        - a first-of-its-kind in higher education, a  Main Street Cafe and The Craft Grille also  campus. In addition to the VisTaTech cen-  For  more  information,  visit
        college official said.                 feature award-winning craft beers created  ter, Schoolcraft has added to the campus a
           "The Vistatech Center embodies      by the Brewing and Distillation       surgical-medical facility operated by  lore-vistatech/
        Schoolcraft's vision of pushing boundaries  Technology program.
        and embracing innovation," said Dr. Glenn  The Vistatech Center also includes the
        Cerny, president of Schoolcraft College.  Collaborative Learning Studio with studio
        "This architectural marvel is not just a  seating, a flight of video screens and a
        space, but a force that will drive our com-  demonstration kitchen available to rent
        munity toward a brighter future."      for corporate events and repurposed by
           Designed not just for students and fac-  students and staff. The center also fea-
        ulty at Schoolcraft College but also as a  tures state-of-the-art telecommunications
        resource for area residents,the Vistatech  technology, flexible furniture configura-
        Center is the hub of the Schoolcraft culi-  tions, on-site catering services and some of
        nary school and the site of master chef  the  most advanced instructional kitchens

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