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November 2, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Wreaths Across America seeking donors, volunteers

           Each year, millions of      at sea and abroad, according to
        Americans come together to     the organization website.
        remember the fallen, honor       Local residents are being
        those who serve and their fami-  asked to help support the PVT
        lies, and teach the next genera-  James D Donovan/ Romulus
        tion about the value of freedom.  VFW Post 78 as members
           The City of Romulus will    attempt to honor every veteran
        once again participate in the  interred in city cemetery.
        annual    Wreaths     Across     VFW members are asking
        America recognition of veter-  residents and businesses to
        ans which takes place through-  sponsor a wreath to honor a
        out the country.               veteran during the special cere-
           The ceremony this year is   mony.
        planned for noon on Saturday,    Residents, businesses. clubs
        Dec. 16 at the Romulus         and family members each year
        Memorial Cemetery.             purchase a a veteran's wreath
           The national event is a gath-  in honor of or in memory of a
        ering of volunteers and patriots  loved one who served in the
        in local, state and national   armed forces. Donors can allow
        cemeteries in all 50 states -  the local organization to desig-
        most recently at 3,702 partici-  nate a recipient among those
        pating locations - as part of  interred at the Romulus ceme-
        National Wreaths Across        tery.
        America Day.                     Wreaths can be purchased
           Each year, a new theme is   online until Nov. 28 by visiting:
        chosen to help volunteers and  https://www .wreath-
        supporters focus their messag- Choose
        ing and outreach in their own  “Local Sponsorship Group”
        communities.                   and search “Romulus VFW” or
           The national nonprofit      MI0129P.
        theme for 2023 is “Serve and     Volunteers to help place the
        Succeed.”                      wreaths are still needed, the a
           More than two million volun-  VFW spokesman said.          City Hall, 11111 Wayne Road.   stones at 3,702 participating  each name said out loud.
        teers and supporters will gath-  Donations can be made in       In 2022, more than 2.7 mil-  locations around the country in  The Dec. 16 event in
        er at more than 4,000 partici-  person at Romulus Mayor       lion veterans' wreaths were   honor of the service and sacri-  Romulus will be free and open
        pating locations in all 50 states,  Robert McCraight's office at  placed by volunteers on head-  fices made by veterans with  to the public.
        Inkster voters to choose mayor, council members on Tuesday

           Inkster voters will go to the  He has pleaded not guilty to                                                             Chisholm has served on the city
        polls next Tuesday, Nov. 7, to  the charges.                             Inkster voters will go to the polls next          council for 7 years and is hoping
        choose a mayor and members of    Former Mayor Byron H.                                                                     to serve another term. Daniels is
        the city council in three city dis-  Nolen is seeking to return to the  Tuesday, Nov. 7, to choose a mayor and members     a real estate broker and has
        tricts.                        office which he left in 2019. An         of the city council in three city districts.       served as the precinct 4 delegate.
           Current Mayor Patrick       attorney for 27 years, he cites the                                                           In District 6, incumbent
        Wimberly, 49, has been indicted  city budget $3.3 million surplus                                                          Dennard Olando Shaw is
        by federal authorities and is  when he left office and the relief                                                          opposed by Cee Coleman-
        accused of demanding cash from  from state receivership in 2019.  Rutledge and Timothy Williams.  Williams served as Mayor Pro  Richardson.
        a developer hoping to purchase  Nolen was first elected in 2015  Rutledge has worked in govern-  Tem on the Inkster City Council  Shaw has been serving as the
        city-owned property. Wimberly  with 87 percent of the vote.   ment for more than 16 years. She  and is a former state legislator.   district representative while
        was elected to the mayor position  Inkster voters will choose a  is a Victim Advocate for the  Candidates in District 4 are  Coleman-Richardson is a long-
        which pays $105,000 annually in  city council representative for  Washtenaw County Prosecutor's  Steven Chisholm, the incumbent,  time city activist. Polls will be
        2019.                          District 1. Candidates are Felicia  Office Victim Service Unit.  and Rebecca J. Daniels.    open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m.
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