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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 19, 2023

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Planners reject proposed project at Sparr’s site

           The proposed growth of an   ago by property owners                                                                      accommodation recommended
        apartment complex at the site of  Mohammad Nawwas and Naji                               ”                                 by the planning commissioners
        Sparr's Greenhouse and Nursery  Kahala. Planning commissioners                                                             and described the project as
        in Plymouth Township hasn't    at that time suggested multiple                Residents told the trustees                  upscale lofts and businesses.
        flourished with planners or the  changes to the initial plan which               hey were concerned                          Planning commissioners were
        public.                        would include a smaller, reno-                                                              not in favor of the proposed fast-
           The proposed building would  vated Sparr's Flower Shop.                     about traffic in the area.                  food drive-thru restaurant which
        be constructed on the 5-acres at  Nawwas and Kahals, along                                                                 has been eliminated from the
        the corner of Joy and Lilley   with architect Scott Wright of                                                              new plans.
        roads where Sparr's Greenhouse  D.S. Wright and Associates, pre-  rezoning, neighboring property  described as already congested.  The township board members
        and three houses have stood for  sented their enhanced plan to  owners were on hand to voice  Nearby subdivision residents  have the final decision regarding
        five decades. The budding plan  members of the Plymouth       objections to the proposed loft  expressed their concern about  the proposed construction at the
        which includes 68 units in three  Township Board of Trustees Oct.  apartments.              the three-story building impact-  site which must be presented to
        apartment buildings, was first  11 seeking rezoning for the site.   Residents told the trustees  ing their privacy.        the planning commission again
        presented to township planning   While the new plan now       they were concerned about traf-  Nawwas and Kahals, told the  before returning to the board of
        commission about six months    meets the requirements for     fic in the area which they    trustees they have made every  trustees for consideration.

           Safety lessons

           October is Fire Prevention Month and members of the Canton
           Township Public Safety Department stopped by Primrose Academy
           last week for a special visit with preschool and preK classes. The
           firefighters taught the children about 911, stop, drop, and roll, and
           what to do in case of emergency. The firefighters also demonstrated
           their equipment and showed the students how they gear up to
           respond to a fire.



        is set

           Canton Township will celebrate
        the triumph of good over evil dur-
        ing the Third Annual Diwali
        Community Celebration this
        month. Canton Leisure Services is
        again partnering with several com-
        munity groups to present this spe-
        cial event, which is an Indian cul-
        tural celebration of lights that sym-
        bolizes the “victory of light over
        darkness.”  Sponsors this year
        include, Schoolcraft
        College, and Piysh Dave Realtor.
           Michigan Lieutenant Governor
        Garlin Gilchrist II will serve as the
        keynote speaker for this special
        event, which is open to the public.
        Program activities planned
        include Indian cultural perform-
        ances, music, and dancing, as well
        as a children's activity and free
        henna designs.  Indian snacks will
        also be available to purchase, and
        vendors will be on hand offering
        various merchandise. The commu-
        nity celebration will culminate
        with a short fireworks display.
           “Canton is delighted to host the
        Third Annual Diwali Community
        Celebration as a tribute to the
        diversity and multicultural fabric
        of the Canton community,” said
        Laura Mortier, recreation supervi-
        sor. “By presenting this type of
        event, we hope to foster a deeper
        understanding and awareness of
        this 10,000-year-old Indian tradi-
        tion within our community by pro-
        viding this excellent opportunity to
        experience the Indian culture.”
           Diwali is perhaps the most
        well-known Indian festival. The
        word Diwali means 'rows of light-
        ed lamps' and is known as the fes-
        tival of lights because houses,
        shops, and public places are deco-
        rated with small earthenware oil
        lamps called diyas.
           There is no admission fee to
        attend this special event which
        will take place from 6 until 8 p.m.
        Friday, Oct. 27 at the Summit on
        the Park located at 46000 Parkway
        in Canton.  For more information,
        visit or call
        (734) 394-5460.
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