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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 19, 2023

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        28-year veteran township firefighter retires

           Not every fire Capt. Chris Madzik put  The thought of becoming a
        out throughout his 28-year career with the  firefighter/paramedic didn't occur to
        Northville Township Fire Department    Madzik until he was 25, fresh off a radio
        involved flames.                       job in Washington, D.C. He returned to his
           On one memorable run to Northville  hometown of Livonia and a friend of his
        High School several years ago, he assisted  sister's was a firefighter.
        a student who “was having a bad day, a   “I liked that every day was different,”
        really rough day” behavior wise, Madzik  he said.
        explained. He transported him in an      He joined Northville Township in
        ambulance to the hospital, where he    November 1995 because they were offer-
        learned the teen had ADHD.             ing free training for a three-year commit-
           “I talked to him the whole way there,”  ment to the department as a paid on-call
        said Madzik, who is a father of two, and  firefighter. He became a full-time firefight-
        immediately made a connection with the  er in April 1998. In 2002, he was promoted
        stressed student.                      to sergeant, then to a lieutenant in 2003.
           “When we got to the hospital, I grabbed  He became a captain in 2017.
        the upset mom and I just said, 'You know, I  “At that time, there was the building
        have ADHD, too. And I'm okay. Your son is  boom going on,” Madzik said. “Northville
        going to be okay. He's going to be fine. He  Township was one of the leaders in popu-  Northville Township Fire Department Capt. Chris Madzik, one of the first full time fire-
        just had a bad day. Everything is going to  lation growth, so I knew that the fire  fighters in the department, officially retired Oct. 16 after 28 years on the job.
        be okay.' Hopefully, I made their bad day a  department was going to have to change  “Singing at the Tiger game, I loved it,”  wife, Julie, their 19-year-old daughter,
        little better,” Madzik recalled.       and grow, and I wanted to be there when it  he said. “That was the first time I've ever  Josie, and their 13-year-old son, Reed. He
           Madzik's concern for others is part of  did.”                             sung in a venue that big where I had to  said he plans to fit in more golf, more
        the legacy he left when he retired from  He said his public safety career has  worry about that much (sound) delay. I  music and hiking, too.
        duty Oct. 16, after nearly three decades of  opened doors he never anticipated. About  very much loved that experience.”   He'll also be thinking of his friends at
        helping township residents.            12 years ago, he rediscovered his love of  Madzik's about to perform for a new  the fire station.
           It's one of the reasons, at 53, he is ready  music. Growing up, he performed in  crowd. He plans on working for Howell  “I'm going to miss the guys,” he said.
        to pass the baton after being one of the  choirs and musicals, but as an adult he put  Public Schools as a paraprofessional who  “I'm going to miss the day-to-day stuff.
        first full-time township firefighters. He  it aside until his wife urged him to get  assists impaired children.    These are guys that I've been with well,
        cares about the next generation of     back in the spotlight, he explained.    “I have a skill set that can be valuable  some of them for most of my adult life.”
        Northville Township firefighter/para-  Currently, he sings tenor in Livingston  for kids with physical and emotional  The feeling is mutual, said Northville
        medics, he said.                       County Choirs and in concerts for the  impairments,” he said. “In this job, I've  Township Fire Chief Brent Siegel. “With
           “It's time to clear some space for other  Expressions Music Academy in Novi. He's  always done very well helping kids need-  28 years of service, Capt. Madzik has a lot
        guys to grow and develop and advance   frequently asked to sing the “The Star-  ing specialized care, so I think that'll trans-  of institutional and operational knowl-
        their careers,” he said. “I mean, I've been  Spangled Banner” at first responder  fer into the classroom.”         edge,” he said. “He has contributed to the
        here more than 25 years. It's just time to  nights for the Detroit Tigers, Red Wings  He will balance his new career with  forward progression of the department
        let other people have their shot.”     and Pistons.                          fun, too. He will spend more time with his  and his presence will be missed.”
        Mother’s insanity plea accepted in death of toddler

           The Inkster mother found by police  requested welfare check. The officers  died of the injuries.                   Boles was remanded to a forensic psy-
        kneeling over her two severely injured  discovered Boles in the bathtub of the  Boles reportedly struggled and resis-  chiatry center for an up to 60-day psychi-
        children has been found not guilty of  home kneeling over her two small chil-  ted police efforts at the scene.    atric examination. Following the find-
        felony murder charges by reason of     dren whose throats had been slit,       She entered a plea of not-guilty by  ings of that examination, she could be
        insanity.                              according to police reports. A knife was  reason of insanity to charges of felony  committed to a psychiatric hospital for
           Sara Boles, 47, was discovered at   found in the tub with the severely    murder, attempted murder, two counts of  an indefinite amount of time. Any dis-
        about 9 a.m. Jan. 1, 2022 by police offi-  injured 3-year-old girl and 1-year-old  first-degree child abuse and resisting,  charge from psychiatric custody would
        cers who forced their way into her home  boy, according to police reports. Both  assaulting or obstructing police. Circuit  require the approval of an independent
        on the 29500 block of Grandview Street  children were transported for emer-  Court Judge Bridget Hathaway accepted  psychiatrist and a mental health care
        in Inkster. Officers were responding to a  gency medical care and the toddler later  the not guilty by insanity plea.  committee.

           Lights, camera, action

           Inkster resident Robert Turley, along with Dr. Leslie Small, the director of several
           Kevin Hart films, multiple Emmy award winning screenwriter Marcia McKenna and
           cinematographer Hamid Torabpour are filming a documentary about the City of
           Inkster. Turley is the co-producer of the film, titled For the Love of Inkster and said
           pre-production has been completed on the movie. Turley added that any money
           he might make from the movie will be donated to the We Rise organization in the
           city. He praised the group for the multiple efforts to help Inkster children and eld-
           ers and said he hopes the community will support the film and continue to sup-
           port the We Rise efforts.


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