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October 19 – 25, 2023                                   NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 42                                                                                    www

               Vol. 138, No. 42
             A Missing Man Table was
          placed at the front of the
          meeting room in Sumpter
          Township Hall just prior to
          the Sept. 26 meeting of the
          board of trustees.
                          See page 3.

                Vol. 76, No. 42
             Members of the Canton
          Township Public Safety
          Department stopped by
          Primrose Academy last week
          for a special visit with pre-
          school and preK classes to
          mark Fire Prevention
                          See page 6.

                Vol. 76, No. 42
          by police kneeling over her Sweet streets
             The Inkster mother found

          two severely injured chil-
          dren has been found not      Halloween holiday celebrations planned throughout communities
          guilty of felony murder
          charges by reason of insanity.  -Next week, angels, princesses, The bite-sized  Canton Public Safety in Heritage  Dozier Recreation complex, host-
                          See page 4.  superheroes and maybe even a  fruit candies outranked M&M's,  Park for trick or treating along the  ed by the Inkster Police
                                       vampire or two will begin to  Snickers and Reese's Cups,    story trail in select timeslots from  Department.
                                       appear on neighborhood streets  according to 11 years of sales  1-3 p.m. The feature story is  There will be a Trunk or Treat
                                       throughout   the   area   as  data. Although candy corn made  appropriate for all ages, organiz-  event for children and a contest
                                       Halloween celebrations begin.  the top 10, the tricolored treats  ers said. Pre-registration is  for the best decorated trunk.
                                          While the fun has always   also ranked among the worst   required for every trick-or-treater,  There will be a separate, special
                Vol. 23, No. 42        included the sweet treats distrib-  Halloween candies, according to  regardless of age.  Per-person fees  contest for the best decorated
                                       uted to all ages from neighbors,  a survey.   are $10 for Canton residents and  police trunk, organizers said. The
            Capt. Chris Madzik, one of
          the original crew of full-time  civic organizations and at commu-  Only Christmas shoppers out-  $13 for non-residents. For addi-  event will include music, a raffle
          firefighters in Northville has  nity events designed to keep the  spend Halloween. Consumers  tional information or to register,  and a haunted locker room for
          retired after a 28-year career.  smallest costumed Dracula or  spent approximately $9 billion on  visit    the bravest in attendance. Cotton
                          See page 4.  Hulk safe, there are a few doubt-  Halloween in 2019, according to  The Village Arts Factory, in  candy, popcorn, cupcakes, hot-
                                       ful facts of little known value asso-  the National Retail Federation.  partnership with Canton Leisure  dogs, chips and drinks will be
                                       ciated with the holiday.      The largest share goes toward  Services staff, has organized the  served while supplies last, organ-
                                          The holiday dates back more  candy, with 95 percent picking up  Kids' Halloween Stroll at the  izers said.
                                       than 2,000 years and started as a  the sweet stuff, 75 percent plan-  Village Arts Factory from 4 until 8
                                       pre-Christian festival celebrating  ning on buying decorations and  p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28, with games,  IN NORTHVILLE:
                Vol. 23, No. 42        the last day of the fall harvest and  65 percent shopping for costumes.   music, treats, decorations, and  Trick or treating in Northville
             The proposed growth of    spirits crossing over, since the  Halloween celebrations are  costumes. Trick or treaters can  is planned for 12:30 p.m. Saturday,
          an apartment complex at the  Celts believed the veil between  plentiful throughout the area.  travel from studio to studio as  Oct. 28.
          site of Sparr's Greenhouse   the living and spirit world grew  Here are those we found at press  they stroll among fun interactive  The event, organized by the
          and Nursery in Plymouth      thinnest at that time. People in  time, although there may be oth-  stations located throughout the  Northville  Chamber  of
          Township hasn't flourished   Ireland, the United Kingdom and  ers added since then.      warehouse building, located at  Commerce, will continue for 2
          with planners or the public.  Northern France used to ward off                           50755 Cherry Hill Road. This  hours and 30 minutes and will
                          See page 6.  ghosts by lighting sacrificial bon-  IN BELLEVILLE AND SUMPTER:  event is geared toward younger  take place in downtown
                                       fires, and - you guessed it - wear-  The annual Booville celebra-  trick-or-treaters ages 12 and  Northville on Main Street
                                       ing costumes to trick the spirits,  tion in downtown Belleville is  younger and will feature non-  between Wing and Hutton streets
                                       according to     planned for 5 until 7 Tuesday Oct.  scary festive seasonal music and  and on Center Street between E.
                                          As the story goes, an Irish man  31. Local downtown businesses  decorations. In addition, a senso-  Cady Street and Dunlap Street.
                                       named Stingy Jack tricked the  will be handing out candy to  ry-friendly timeslot is planned  The event is free and open to
                                       devil and therefore was not   treaters.                     from 4 -5 p.m. All participants are  the public.
                Vol. 138, No. 42       allowed into heaven or hell - so he  Sumpter Township will again  encouraged to wear costumes.  The famous Northville skele-
              A boil water advisory has  spent his days roaming the Earth  host the popular Trunk or Treat  Pre-registration is required.  tons have returned to downtown
            been lifted in Romulus and  carrying a lantern; hence the  Halloween celebration in the  Tickets are $5 and are available  and are displayed throughout the
            residential water is safe for  name “Jack of the Lantern.”  Jack-  parking lot of the Community  online  only    at  area.
           drinking and cooking follow-  'o-lanterns did originate in  Center.           
            ing repair of a water main.  Ireland, after all. Once Halloween  The annual event is planned  Tickets for these spooktacular  IN PLYMOUTH:
                          See page 3.  became popular in America, peo-  from 6 until 8 p.m. Monday, Oct.  events are available at www.can-  The annual celebration of
                                       ple used local produce like pump-  30. Those who wish to take part in For additional  spooky season is set for 11:30 a.m.
                                       kins instead.                 distributing candy to costumed  information, visit www.canton-  until 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 22 in
                                          When the Irish fled the potato  children need to make a reserva- or call (734)394-5460.   downtown Plymouth.
                                       famine that devastated their  tion for a parking spot from which                             Pumpkin Palooza, the tradi-
                                       country in the 1840s, they brought  to hand out treats.     IN INKSTER:                   tional free Halloween themed
                                       their Halloween traditions with  To reserve a parking spot, call  A Halloween Haunted Festival  event, usually brings hundreds of
                Vol. 76, No. 42        them to American shores. The  (734) 256-4406. The best decorated  is planned for 5 until 9 p.m.
             Judge Breeda O'Leary      celebration spread across the  trunk at the event will be award-  Tuesday, Oct. 31 at the Booker T.  See Spooky Season, page 2
          and the 29th District Western  country, until mischievous  ed a prize, organizers said.
          Wayne Regional Behavioral    Halloween pranks reached an all-  The community center is locat-
          Treatment Court have been    time high in the 1920s. Some  ed at 23501 Sumpter Road.
          awarded a $231,500 grant.    believe community-based trick-   The Sumpter Township Fire
                          See page 5.  or-treating became popular in the  Department will host the annual
                                       1930s as a way to control the mis-  3-hour Trunk or Treat event
                                       chief.                        beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday at
                                          As for the traditional candy  the fire station. Organizers said
                                       corn, it was originally called  the event will include candy, food
                                       “chicken feed.” The sugary recipe  and fun for everyone. The fire sta-
                Vol. 76, No. 42        has gone largely unchanged since  tion is located at 20550 Sumpter
             The City of Westland will  the 1880s. Love 'em or hate 'em,  Road in Belleville.
          use the $1 million grant     you can't argue with that kind of
          awarded by the Michigan      consistency.                  IN CANTON TOWNSHIP:
          Economic Development            And speaking of sweets,       The Canton Trick or Treat
          Corporation to fund the      Skittles remains the top selling  Story Trail returns on Saturday,
          Annex at Nankin project.     and most wanted Halloween     Oct. 21. Costumed visitors can join
                          See page 5.  candy,     according      to  Canton Leisure Services and

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