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Spooky Season including a contest for pet see residents and businesses in spookiest decoration on the city Historic Village Park at 857 Wayne
City officials said they want to
Halloween costumes.
Facebook and Instagram pages
Road. The event is free.
The event includes music, Romulus with the best outdoor @DowntownRomulus. Voting will The 18th District Court parking
FROM PAGE 1 dancing and family-friendly enter- Halloween decorations. begin shortly after submission lot will be the site of another
tainment. To be considered for the title of deadline and will end at 10 a.m. Trunk-or-Treat event from 5:30
children of all ages, including the The free event is organized by Spookiest House in Romulus, Oct. 31.The winner will be until 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25.
young at heart, to downtown the Plymouth Chamber of direct message one clear photo to announced on the city social This is also a free event.
Plymouth streets for a day filled Commerce. Sponsorships and ven- the city Instagram or Facebook media pages and contacted sepa- The court is located at 36675
with costumes, games and trick-or- dor slots are still available. Learn page @DowntownRomulus or rately. A map of Romulus Trick or Ford Road and this is a free family
treating fun. more at email to cbradley@romulusgov. Treat sites is below. event designed for those 12 and
Many downtown streets will be com. younger. Entertainment and a DJ
closed during the event to ensure IN ROMULUS: Entries should also include the IN WAYNE: will be provided by The Dance
the safety of the event for children. The spookiest house decora- full name, phone number, and HYPE Athletics will help Academy.
Costumes are encouraged and sev- tions in Romulus will be awarded address of the entry with the Wayne residents mark the holiday Costumes are encouraged,
eral costume contests are planned, honors from the city this year. photo. The public will vote for the with a spooktacular time at the organizers said.
City of Wayne Trunk or Treat Another Truck or Treat is
event. The celebration will contin- planned for 5 until 7 p.m.
ue from 4:30 until 6 p.m. at Atwood Thursday, Oct. 26 hosted by the
Park in Wayne on Saturday, Oct. Volunteers of America at the
28. Westland Thrift Store located at
A special 4 p.m. opening time is 34800 Warren Road in Westland.
planned for those with disabilities, This event is also free. Visitors are
organizers said. urged to wear their costumes and
The event will be filled with can trick or treat around the park-
candy, fun and free treats and cos- ing lot with staff members.
tumed treaters will follow a safe A Westland Halloween Festival
path through Atwood Park, weav- is planned from 1 until 3 p.m. this
ing around the soccer field, all Saturday, Oct. 21 at Nankin Mills
while collecting candy. Park, 33275 Hines Drive in
As an added bonus, cider and Westland.
donuts will be served on a first Free event activities include:
come, first served basis, organizers hayrides; inflatables; games;
said, and urged the costumed chil- candy giveaway, entertainment
dren to arrive with parents early to featuring the Amazing Clark
ensure there are plenty of goodies Puppet Show at 1:15 p.m. and
still available. magician Jim Abbot at 2 p.m.
There is no fee or pre-registra-
IN WESTLAND: tion required for this free event.
There will be a Truck or Treat Costumes are welcome but not
event from noon until 2 p.m. mandatory for the Halloween
Saturday, Oct. 21 at Westland Festival, organizers said.