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October 19, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Day of Remembrance marked by trustees

           A special display was placed  The Missing Man table is a sym-                         ”                                 inverted to denote their inabili-
        at the front of the meeting room  bol of those service members                                                             ty to be with and toast with
        in Sumpter Township Hall just  who have not returned.                                                                      friends and families while a
        prior to the Sept. 26 meeting of  Burdick, a veteran of the                  The displays often include a                  yellow ribbon on the table sym-
        the board of trustees.         Korean War, and Paige, a town-               lighted candle to reflect hope                 bolizes the continued uncer-
           The Missing Man Table or    ship resident, began a short                                                                tainty of the fate of the
        Fallen Comrade Table was set   Day of Remembrance ceremo-              for the return of the lost, dead or alive.          POW/MIA men and women
        to remind the public of service  ny prior to the scheduled board                                                           along with hope for their return
        members who remain missing     workshop session. Veterans in                                                               and determination to account
        and those labeled as prisoners  the audience introduced them-                                                              for them and bring them home.
        of war. Sumpter Township       selves while former township                                                                  The displays often include a
        Manager Anthony Burdick and    treasurer and current Planning  continued across the nation.  symbolizing the blood that has  lighted candle to reflect hope
        Vietnam veteran LeRoy Paige    Commissioner Vincent Warren    Burdick explained the special  been shed. The rose also repre-  for the return of the lost, dead
        spoke to the board members     presented a flag with the      significance of each item on the  sents the families and loved  or alive.
        and the public about the spe-  POW/MIA logo imprinted to the  table.                        ones that have been left behind  The Bible on the table is
        cial remembrance celebration   township. Warren made a for-     The display in the meeting  and the faith they uphold that  there to represent the strength
        established to honor both      mal request of the board mem-  room included a small round   their loved one will one day   gained through faith to sustain
        Prisoners of War (POW) and     bers to raise the specialized  table covered with a white cloth  return. In addition, a slice of  families.
        Missing In Action (MIA).       flag   on    the   Day    of   symbolizing the pure intention  lemon was placed on a bread    The empty chair symbolizes
        National           POW/MIA     Remembrance next year.         with which the comrades hon-  plate as a reminder of their bit-  those missing.
        Recognition Day has been         Burdick explained that the   ored served. The table was set  ter fate while a pinch of salt on  Board members unanimous-
        established as the third Friday  National Day of Remembrance  for just one person, reflecting  the plate symbolizes the tears  ly voted to display the flag next
        of every September to remem-   was initiated by servicemen    the vulnerability of one prison-  that have been shed by their  year.
        ber the 81,409 servicemembers  during the Vietnam War. When   er against his enemy.  A single  families as they quietly wait.  “We will not forget,” Burdick
        who remain unaccounted for.    the war ended, the tradition   rose in a vase sat on the table  A glass on the table was    said.
        Water advisory in effect

           A second boil water advisory has    were advised that the drop in water
        been imposed in the City of Romulus.   pressure in the area south of Eureka
           The latest advisory, issued by the city  Road, west of Inkster Road and east of
        on Tuesday, Oct. 17, advised residents  Huron River Drive could allow for bac-
        who live between Huron River Drive     terial contamination in the water sys-
        and Inkster Road not to drink the water  tem. The bacteria are generally not
        unless they first boiled it for one minute  harmful, Scappaticci noted in an adviso-
        and then let it cool. The boiled or bottled  ry to residents of the area.
        water was recommended for drinking,      The break was detected by pressure
        making ice, brushing teeth, washing    testing on Middlebelt Road south of
        dishes or preparing food.              Eureka but has now been repaired. That
           Bottled water is available for affected  advisory was lifted Oct. 10 but the latest
        residents at the Romulus Fire          warning remains in effect.
        Department Headquarters located at       In his advisory, Scappaticci explained
        28777 Eureka Road. Proof of residency  that the advisory was issued last
        within the impacted area is required.    Tuesday as a precautionary action and
           "Crews are continuing to work to    that whenever a water system loses
        resolve the issue.  We will provide notifi-  pressure for any significant length of
        cation as soon as the boil water alert has  time, precautionary measures are rec-
        been lifted," officials said.          ommended by state authorities.
           The first water advisory was issued by  He added that staff members would
        Director of Public Works Roberto       be performing tests and flushing the  Bottled water was distributed to residents affected by both the boil water advisories in
        Scappaticci last week in response to a  water system to ensure the safety of the  Romulus last week. Firefighters handed out water from fire headquarters.
        water main break on Oct. 7. Residents  water.
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