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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 21, 2023

                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        State grant to fund

        drivers ed program

           Wayne-Westland Community Schools   down barriers for Wayne-Westland
        will be in the driver's seat of a new train-  Community Schools' students seeking a
        ing system funded by a $250,000 state  driver's license.
        grant.                                   The new training system and funding
           The State of Michigan awarded the  ensures all eligible students can obtain a
        through an award of $250,000 to support  driver's license, school officials explained.
        an innovative Driver's License Pilot     “This is a win for Wayne-Westland. This
        Program.                              program will have a lasting impact on our
           This initiative aims to empower stu-  students and our community,” said Dr.
        dents with essential life skills and  John Dignan, superintendent of Wayne-
        enhance future opportunities by giving  Westland Community Schools.
        them access to driver's education, officials  “Access to driver's education will
        said.                                 empower our students with more inde-
           The pilot program will offset the high  pendence, employment opportunities and
        cost of driver's education and help break  personal growth, he concluded.
        Bomb successfully                                                               Future fans

                                                                                        Wayne Westland Community Schools district elementary students were invited
                                                                                        to Wayne Memorial High School last week to join the Youth Night festivities.
        defused in Wayne                                                                Excitement buzzed as the young students eagerly formed a welcoming line to
                                                                                        greet the high school football team. The team faced Fordson High School in a
                                                                                        league game which ended in a disappointing loss, 33 to 7.

           The Detroit Metro Airport Bomb     (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and
        Squad was called to Wayne last week to  ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and  Veteran’s meals sponsored
        defuse a homemade bomb found in the   Explosives). The safety of our residents is
        wheel well of a truck parked on Gloria  a priority, and we appreciate the quick
        Street between Annapolis and Clinton  response of our law enforcement part-     While Halloween pumpkins and deco-  (734) 467-3200 or email: mayor@city-
        Street.                               ners,” Wayne police said in a news     rations are beginning to appear through- Registration is also avail-
           Wayne police were called to the site at  release.                         out the community, Wayne and Westland  able at Rhaesa's office, (734) 722-2000 or
        about 3:34 p.m. Sept. 10 in response to a  “The safety of our residents is our  officials have Thanksgiving on their  email:
        call concerning a suspicious package dis-  utmost priority and we extend our grati-  minds.                        Registration forms are also available at
        covered in the vehicle.  Responding offi-  tude for the swift response and profes-  Westland Mayor Michael Londeau,  the Westland City Hall greeter station.
        cers called the airport bomb squad and  sionalism displayed by our law enforce-  Wayne Mayor John Rhaesa and Wayne    Applications must be submitted no
        experts responded immediately, accord-  ment partners,” the release continued.  Ford Civic League President Vic Barra  later than noon Wednesday, Nov. 15 to
        ing to police reports. Residents were    Anyone with any information related to  are already planing the 10th Annual  receive a complete holiday meal, "compli-
        asked to evacuate the area during the  the incident is asked to call the Wayne  Holiday Meals for Wayne-Westland veter-  ments of a grateful community," officials
        incident.                             police detective bureau.               ans, surviving spouses, and families of  said.
           Explosive specialists determined the  “Your cooperation and assistance are  active duty service members.           Veterans and/or their families can pick
        device to be a credible threat and defused  vital to ensuring a thorough and effective  Registration for the free meals is  up the free meals from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.
        the potential explosive on site. Police said  investigation into this matter. The Wayne  already being accepted and suggested,  Saturday, Nov. 18 at Wayne Ford Civic
        there was no danger to nearby residents  Police Department remains dedicated to  officials said. Registration is available  League 1645 N. Wayne Road in Westland.
        who were evacuated for several hours.  maintaining the security and peace of  online                           at:  Pre-registration for the meals is required.
           “The investigation is ongoing, and we  mind of our community members,” the  For more information, call (734) 728-
        are working in cooperation with the FBI  statement concluded.                -Meals-for... or contact Londeau's office,  5010.



           The Leanna Hicks Public
        Library will present a lecture in
        the continuing mental health
        series from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30
        p.m. Saturday, Sept. 30.
           The presentation will include
        topics including engaging in dis-
        cussions on mental health and
        the effects on relationships.
        Attendees will learn practical
        techniques to manage stress and
        gain insights into trauma recov-
        ery, presenters said.
           The workshop will also
        include deep breathing tech-
        niques for stress reduction and a
        discussion on unaddressed
        childhood trauma, healing and
        moving forward.
           The workshop is free, and
        more information is available at or call (313)
           The library is located at 2500
        Hamlin Dr. In Inkster.



           Water from residential taps in
        the City of Wayne remains con-
        taminated with high levels of
        lead, according to inspectors
        from the Michigan Department
        of Health and Human Services.
           Wayne residents should con-
        tinue to put lead filters on home
        water faucets and consider hav-
        ing children tested for lead in
        their blood following levels of
        the neurotoxin found in city
        water supplies.
           Filters are available between
        7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday
        through Friday at the Wayne
        Department of Public Works,
        35200 Forest Ave. in Wayne.
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