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September 21, 2023                                             ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER
                                                    PLYMOUTH - SUMPTER

        New water bill service

        is approved by trustees

           Water bills in Sumpter Township will  “This isn't skilled work,” he said, and
        have a new look beginning next month.  indicated that the employee currently
           Members of the township board of    preparing the mailings is capable of pro-
        trustees approved using KCI of Grand   viding much higher level work, which, he
        Rapids to print and mail the water and  added, is needed.
        sewer bills. KCI currently prints and mails  “This is freeing up an employee's
        the township tax billings, officials said.  time,” he told the board members, noting
           Cost for the service is expected to be  the printing and preparation of the mail-
        $2,500 per quarter for the preparation and  ings is a time-consuming job. Outsourcing
        postage on the 3,300 water billings pre-  this aspect of the billing will allow for bet-
        pared quarterly.                       ter use of the employee's time, he
           Finance Director Scott Holtz explained  explained.
        to the board members that the data and   The new billings will be on 8 ½ by 11
        compilation of the billings would continue  inch sheets and will allow the township to
        to be prepared by a township employee  include other communications or mes-    Grounded
        and that the township would retain con-  sages to residents, officials said. The new  The historic Courthouse Grille on Plymouth Road was demolished recently to
        trol of the billings. He said this would free  billings, in mailing envelopes, will replace  make room for a condominium development planned for the property. A 103-unit
        up the department employee to provide  the currently used postcards.           luxury apartment will be built on the site of the beloved restaurant. The project will
        other services needed in the finance     Trustee Peggy Morgan cast the only no  be partially funded with a State of Michigan EGLE (Environment, Great Lakes and
        department.                            vote on the new procedure.              Energy) grant and loan. Officials said the site is contaminated with metals and
                                                                                       petroleum compounds and has debris in the ground left over from use as a land-
                                                                                       fill prior to 1930. The state awarded a $535,000 Brownfield Redevelopment Grant
                                                       Showing off                     to install a vapor mitigation system and a separate $1 million EGLE Brownfield
                                                                                       Redevelopment Loan will be used to offset the cost of special deeper foundations
                                                       Renown local artist and         needed on the land. The redevelopment will connect the property to Hines Park
                                                       founder   of    the   Art       and the Middle Rouge Parkway. The development is scheduled to be finished in
                                                       Foundation is visiting Paris    December 2025, according to plans. Officials said the new project "will further
                                                       working with young overseas     rejuvenate the Plymouth Road corridor along with park access and connectivity
                                                       artists. Gilito is a French     with Old Village and job creators on Haggerty" Road. The long-rumored ghosts in
                                                       expatriate from Cape Verde,     the building did not make an appearance during the demolition, according to
                                                       Africa. Roko has worked with    reports at the site.
                                                       the young artist and accom-
                                                       panied him to visit museums
                                                       introducing him to classic
                                                       artwork.  Roko will also be
                                                       working with several other
                                                       underserved youths and
                                                       their work will be featured in
                                                       his Paris exhibition, opening
                                                       Sept. 28 at La Commanderie
                                                       du   Clos    Montmartre.
                                                       Information is available at the
                                                       Roko website or Facebook.
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