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September 21 – 27, 2023                                 NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 38                                                                                    www

                                       State awards training funds to area businesses

               Vol. 138, No. 38           Businesses in Belleville,                                                              awards to employers through
             Water bills in Sumpter    Canton Township, Northville and                          ”                                Michigan Works! Agencies
          Township will have a new     Romulus will receive state fund-         This is another reason why Michigan              (MWAs), including the Southeast
          look beginning next month.   ing to help more than 230 local                                                           Michigan Community Alliance.
                          See page 5.  workers receive the training nec-      is one of the best states to do business in.       Participating employers play an
                                       essary to gain and retain high-                                                           integral role in defining their key
                                       skill, high-wage careers.                                                                 training needs, then work with
                                          Statewide, approximately                                                               their local MWAs and other part-
                                       $13.5 million in grants from the  paths to good-paying jobs and  “For years, Michigan's Going  ners to develop strategic training
                                       second cycle of fiscal year 2023  empowering Michigan businesses  PRO Talent Fund has provided  plans.
                                       Going PRO Talent Fund were    to develop the talent they need to  critical funding to local business-  “The Going PRO Talent Fund
                Vol. 76, No. 38        awarded to nearly 300 Michigan  compete in the global economy.  es across the state, ensuring they  is arguably the best talent devel-
             One of the 'heroes' in the  businesses to help approximately  Let's keep connecting hardwork-  can provide the necessary train-  opment program the State of
          latest Disney on Ice show    8,500 workers secure employ-  ing Michiganders with the train-  ing to uplift and support  Michigan has to offer,” said David
          opening tonight trained for  ment, industry-recognized cre-  ing they need to Make it in  Michigan's world-class work-  Worthams, director of employ-
          her competitive skating in   dentials and strong wages.    Michigan.”                    force,” said state Rep. Reggie  ment policy for the Michigan
          Canton.                         “The Going PRO Talent Fund    In Belleville, Neapco was  Miller (D-Van Buren Township).  Manufacturers Association. “As
                          See page 3.  is an investment in our state's  awarded $224,350; in Canton  “Strengthening our manufactur-  we get into the next cycle of
                                       greatest asset - our people - help-  Township Marimba Auto was  ing sector has never been more  grants, employers and their
                                       ing them develop the skills they  awarded $46,000 and GNS North  important, and this funding for  employees will see huge strides
                                       need to advance their careers and  America $44,048; in Northville  businesses across the state will  in new skills that we need as we
                                       build a better life in Michigan,”  IFlii was awarded $4,000 and in  make all the difference.”  move into the future of manufac-
                                       said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.   Romulus, Ginosko Modular was     The Michigan Department of  turing in the state. This is another
                Vol. 76, No. 38        “These grants help us put     awarded $141,485 and Mucci    Labor and Economic Opportunity  reason why Michigan is one of the
                                       Michiganders first, ensuring  Farms, 81,855.                makes Going PRO Talent Fund   best states to do business in.”
             The Leanna Hicks Public
          Library will present a lec-
          ture in the continuing men-
          tal health series from 11:30    A step in time
          a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Saturday,
          Sept. 30.
                          See page 6.     Victorian Festival to begin in Northville tomorrow

                                            Northville will celebrate
                                          the history of the community
                                          during the annual Victorian
                                          Festival set for this weekend,
                                          Sept. 22, 23 and 24.
                Vol. 23, No. 38             The three-day celebration
            Industry veteran Greg         opens with the Victorian
          Morris joined the Northville    Parade tomorrow evening
          staff of professionals as the   and continues through
          assistant Parks & Recreation    Saturday and Sunday. The tra-
          director last week.             ditional event includes live
                          See page 4.     music, theatrical performanc-
                                          es, Victorian-era re-enactors,
                                          educational presentations,
                                          craft vendors, duck races and
                                          other entertainment.
                                            The festival booths will
                                          open from 4 until 9 p.m.
                                          tomorrow, Sept. 22 on Main
                Vol. 23, No. 38           and     Center     streets.
             The historic Courthouse      Throughout the weekend,
          Grille on Plymouth Road         local non-profit, school
          was demolished recently to      groups, food trucks, and arts
          make room for a condomini-      and crafts vendors will be
          um development planned for      engaging with visitors in the
          the property.                   heart of town, providing food
                          See page 5.                                  Authentic Victorian costumes are a tradition during the Northville Victorian Festival which cele-
                                          and activities.              brates the history of the community.
                                            At 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, the
                                          festival will officially begin  there will be no beer tent.  a.m.,  Magician    Jeff    From noon until 3 p.m.
                                          with the Victorian Parade fea-  Instead, visitors are encour-  Wawrzaszek of A2 Magic, has  Sunday, Mill Race Village will
                                          turing children and adults all  aged to enjoy the expanded  a comedy/magic show, spon-  offer tours, events and family
                                          dressed in period attire. The  social district, The Twist, and  sored by the Northville  fun. The spirited duck race
                                          parade will start on West Cady  meet in downtown Northville  District Library. At 1 p.m., the  begins at 3:30 p.m. Duck sales
                Vol. 138, No. 38          and Wing near the post office  at Town Square or on the  Northville Chorale performs.  will take place from noon to 3
             The traditional Rotary       travel down East Cady to    closed streets at Main and   The Switchback Band will     p.m. and sell for $5 per duck
          Club Festival of Lights         Hutton, Dunlap to Linden,   Center. The restaurants and  perform from 2 until 5 p.m.  or a Quack Pack of five for
          opened the 25th Annual          West Main to Wing and back to  bars in town will be open to  Northville Folk will play from  $20. Visit the Mill Race Village
          Romulus Pumpkin Festival        the starting point. A map of  help celebrate the event.  7 to 9 p.m. A full schedule of  website for a schedule of
          last weekend as crowds          the route is available on the  On Saturday, festival     performances is available at  activities.
          cheered along the route.        Northville Chamber of       booths will be open from 10  the Northville Chamber of      In downtown Northville on
                          See page 2.     Commerce website.           a.m. to 7 p.m. The Town      Commerce website.            Sunday, festival booths are
                                            The Shawn Riley Band will  Square stage will feature      The Eclipse Vintage       open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
                                          perform at Town Square from  entertainment all day, with  Baseball team plays at Ford  Switchback returns to Town
                                          7 until 10 p.m. tomorrow.   performers ranging from      Field at noon on Saturday and  Square stage from noon to 3
                                            This year, officials said  musicians to magicians. At 11  at 1 p.m. on Sunday.      p.m.

             The Detroit Metro Airport Plymouth-Canton schools rated among best in nation
                Vol. 76, No. 38

          Bomb Squad was called to        Three high schools in the                             ”                                   U.S. News and World Report
          Wayne last week to defuse a  Plymouth-Canton Community                                                                 staff members evaluated nearly
          homemade bomb found in       Schools district are ranked       We know Plymouth-Canton Community Schools               18,000 public high schools at
          the wheel well of a truck.   among the best in the nation,                                                             the national, state and local lev-
                          See page 6.   according to a report from U.S.                can compete with the                      els and included national and
                                       News and World Report.                  best schools anywhere in the nation.              state rankings, plus Best STEM,
                                          According to the list of the                                                           charter and magnet high
                                       best public high schools in the                                                           schools. The rankings are
                                       country published by the maga-                                                            based on students' scores on
                                       zine, Canton, Salem and                                                                   state assessment tests for math,
                                       Plymouth high schools were       “We know Plymouth-Canton   Community           Schools   reading and science. The top
                Vol. 76, No. 38        rated among the top 10 percent.  Community Schools can com-  Superintendent Dr. Monica L.  ranked schools also had strong
             W ayne- W estland         Among Michigan public high    pete with the best schools any-  Merritt said. “As we begin a  performances among under-
          Community Schools will be    schools, Canton High School is  where in the nation and it's  new school year, we look for-  served students, robust college
          in the driver's seat of a new  ranked No. 21, Salem is 31st  exciting to see the hard work of  ward to building on our suc-  readiness programs, extensive
          training system funded by a  and Plymouth is 37th. Michigan  our staff, students and parents  cesses so every student can  curriculum offerings and high
          $250,000 state grant.        has more than 1,700 high      shine through in these rank-  thrive and succeed in whatever  graduation rates, according to
                          See page 6.  schools.                      ings,” Plymouth Canton        they choose to do.”           the publication.

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