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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 21, 2023


        New assistant recreation director named

           Industry veteran Greg Morris                                                             He currently resides in
        joined the Northville staff of pro-                        ”                                Commerce Township with his
        fessionals as the assistant Parks             I look forward to learning more               wife of 15 years and their 9-year-
        & Recreation director last week.                                                            old son.
           Morris is now responsible for            about the community and working                    Northville Parks & Recreation
        the day-to-day department oper-           together to enhance the quality of life .         is a shared service between the
        ations including administration,                                                            Charter Township of Northville
        marketing, event management                                                                 and the City of Northville to joint-
        and customer service. He over-                                                              ly operate parks and recreation
        sees the recreation division of  Recreation  and   Cultural   high-risk children ranging from  and senior services.
        the department, which will     Services department, where he  8-16 years old, a spokesman      Northville Parks & Recreation
        include playing a key role in hir-  created budgets for 50 programs  explained.             Department provides parks,
        ing personnel, cultivating recre-  a year and was project manager  During his career, the Central  facilities, programs and services
        ation programming and planning  on the rigorous multi-year    Michigan University graduate  through three divisions. The
        special events, according to an  process of accreditation by the  also volunteered with the USA  recreation division hosts pro-
        official announcement of his hir-  Commission for Accreditation of  Metro Detroit Softball board and  gramming in special events,
        ing.                           Parks and Recreation Agencies  the mParks state conference   youth recreation, camps, teen
           He joins the management     (CAPRA), which Northville Parks  committee. He is both a Certified  enrichment, adult recreation,             Greg Morris
        team led by Derek O. Smith, who  & Recreation will undergo in the  Park  and   Recreation   athletics and more. The senior  boardwalks and nature areas.
        was named director of Northville  future.                     Professional (CPRP) and a     services division provides pro-  Unity Skatepark and a cricket
        Parks & Recreation in July.      Prior to Novi, he was the mar-  Certified Festival and Event  gramming in health and well-  pitch are being built this summer
           Morris' first day was Sept. 13.   keting and special events manag-  Executive (CFEE).    ness, social, educational, enrich-  for an anticipated fall opening.
           “Northville    Parks    &   er for Huron Valley Recreation &  “Greg's history of creating  ment and events. In addition, it  Both are at Millennium Park in
        Recreation has the potential to  Community Education, coordi-  innovative programs, his leader-  operates a daily curb-to-curb  Northville Township.
        grow and I am excited to be a  nating 24 special events a year,  ship ability and his good nature  transportation program for  “I'm grateful to work with
        part of it,” Morris said. “I'm look-  overseeing the quarterly activity  make him an ideal fit for this  adults ages 60+ and people with  Director Smith and the rest of
        ing forward to meeting residents  brochure and directing 100 vol-  position,” said Smith. “I'm cer-  disabilities. The parks and facili-  the  Northville  Parks  &
        and working alongside our team  unteers along with the pools and  tain this region will benefit from  ties division is responsible for a  Recreation team,” Morris said. “I
        to provide programs and events  fitness staff.                his passion and dedication.”   variety of neighborhood and   look forward to learning more
        that will make memories for a    Morris began his career as     Morris' own recreation pas-  community parks and pathways.  about the community and work-
        lifetime.”                     recreation coordinator for the  sion is golf and volunteering as  The parks boast a variety of  ing together to enhance the qual-
           Morris' career spans 19 years.  City of Marshall, where he  coach for his son. He also enjoys  amenities, such as athletic fields,  ity of life for those who live in,
        Most recently he was recreation  launched 31 programs, including  watching sports and is a fan of all  playgrounds, tennis courts, pavil-  work in and enjoy our communi-
        supervisor at the Novi Parks,  an after-school program for 40  the Detroit professional teams.  ions, dog parks, pathways/trails,  ty.”
        Saddle up

        Maybury Riding Stable seeking return of horses at park

           Efforts to remount one of the  park. Since the departure of  hour-long ride. A percentage of  requested for the fourth time in  veterinary bills, feed and pay-
        most treasured features of     Maybury Riding Stables, the    the revenue from the guided   two years later this month. The  roll for the stable hands and
        Maybury State Park remain      vendor who provided the guid-  rides was shared with the park  trails and staging area are still  guides. Sincock acknowledged
        unsuccessful after more than   ed rides through the park for  to help offset expenses.      being used by riders who bring  that it is a tough business partic-
        two years.                     nearly 15 years, no one has      The park had provided the   their own horses to enjoy the  ularly with the rise in costs for
           The empty stables and       taken up the reins to provide  rides for nearly 40 years until  park, but that traffic has also  feed and other necessary
        unused guided trails of the    the unique horseback experi-   the COVID pandemic negatively  diminished markedly during    expenses.
        horse paths through the 8 miles  ence. The provider housed 20 to  impacted the unique amenity.   the past two years.         The park is located at 49601
        of wooded park area were for-  30 riding horses at the park sta-  According to Park Supervisor  Bidders will be responsible  Eight Mile Road in Northville.
        merly one of the most popular  ble and charged riders of all  Traci Sincock, bids for provid-  for providing the horses, insur-  For more information, call (248)
        and unique attractions at the  skill levels $60 for about an  ing the guided rides will be  ance, all tack and equipment,  349-8390.
        Redesigned entrance signs

        are installed at city borders

           Visitors to Northville will be welcomed  and in poor repair. The cost of the project
        by new contemporary signs at key       was approximately $100,000.
        entrances to the historic town.          New signs have been installed at
           The new signage incorporates the new  Randolph and Eight Mile, and Center and
        city logo and brand, designed by Buzz  Eight Mile, and on the south side at
        Bizzell, of North Carolina. The signs have  Center and Seven Mile, and S. Main near
        a distinctive raised "Northville" above a  the waterwheel. In total, six large wel-
        swirl pattern, creating a layered effect  come signs and 11 city limit signs will be
        with the word welcome at the bottom    installed.  The signs are either pedestal  A new Northville entrance sign being installed by Mike Domine, DPW director.
        right-hand corner. The colors are lime  mounted on a brick base or pole mounted.
        green and shades of light and medium   Large signs will be placed at city hall,                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
        brown, interspersed with gray. The signs  including new signs for the police depart-                    REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
        are reflective so they can be seen in the  ment and fire department, and at the city  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
        dark, and are constructed of durable,  yards on Doheny.                       proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, October 19 2023 for the following:
        weather-resistant materials, officials said.  The pedestal signs will be landscaped            RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION, RECYCLING
           ASI Signage of Troy constructed and  in the future with a design and plantings                        AND DISPOSAL SERVICES
        installed the new signs which replace  by members of the Northville           Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
        weathered wooden signs that were dated  Beautification Commission.            may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
                                                                                      with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
                                                                                      the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                                                      sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
           To subscribe to The Eagle visit                                         MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
                                                                                      Publish 9/21/2023                                              CN2509 - 092123  2.5 x 2.169


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              vehicles must be paid in  SOLD AS.  STARTING BID  2015 FORD       1C4RJFAG3KC838821     2016 CHEVROLET        1FMHK8D8XCGA72309
                              full at the time of the con-  IS FOR TOWING AND  3FADP4AJ5FM110551  2012 DODGE          3GNCJLSB5GL198699     2014 DODGE
                              clusion of the auction.   STORAGE.          2002 FORD             3C6JD6DT1CG158855     2016 FORD             1C3CDFBB5ED877901
        On September 26, 2023 @                                           3FAFP37342R235789     2012 FORD             1FADP3F25GL290452     2013 BUICK
        1PM Frazier's Auto Service                  VEHICLE ARE SOLD AS   2011 HONDA            1FAHP3F20CL320095     2012 FORD             1G4PP5SKXD4113311
        Towing located at 35830  THE FOLLOWING CARS  IS  AND   MAY   BE   2HGFA1F57BH539179
        Van Born Rd Wayne, MI  HAVE BEEN DEEMED     REMOVED FROM AUC-     2011 CHEVROLET
        48184 will conduct a pub-  ABANDONED BY THE  TION PRIOR TO BIDDING.  1G1PG5S99B7251170
        lic auction of Impounded  WESTLAND  POLICE                        2007 MERCURY
        and Abandoned Vehicles.  DEPT.  AND WILL BE                       3MEHM08197R626255
        The following vehicles will  SOLD AT A PUBLIC AUC-  ALL BIDS START AT  2007 SATURN
        be offered for sale to the  TION AT BISHOP AUTO  AMOUNT SHOWN FOR  1G8ZS57N67F170302
        highest bidder.       WRECKING LLC AT 2780  TOWING AND STORAGE
        2015 HYUNDAI          SPRINGHILL INKSTER, MI  FEES.                  PUBLIC AUCTION
        KM8JU3AGXFUD5439      48141 ON THURSDAY                             MARTINS’ TOWING
        2011 HYUNDAI          SEPTEMBER 28, 2023, AT  2011 DODGE           17180 DIX TOLEDO RD
        5XYZG3AB9BG079556     10AM.                 3D4PG1FG5BT515718        BROWNSTOWN,
        2011 CHRYSLER                               2004 CADILLAC               MI 48193
        1C3BC1FB3BN526678     1996 GEO              1G6KD54Y04U201280      SEPTEMBER 27, 2023
        2003 CHEVROLET        (2CNBE1368T692279)    2010 FORD                   10:00 AM
        1GNDT135132255915     2004 PONTIAC          1FAHP3FN0AW160869     2008 CHEVROLET
        2003 GMC              (2G2WS522041126593)   2015 CHEVROLET        3GNDA13D18S524806
        1GTGK13423F195615     2016 CHEVROLET        1GNKRGKD8FJ297598     2007 CADILLAC
        The above vehicles are  (1G1ZB55T6GF269481)  2008 FORD            1G6DM57T370163127
        impounded through the                       3FAHP07138R260598     2007 MAZDA
        cities of Romulus and                       1994 FORD             JM1BK12F971728348
        Canton.  All paperwork is  CANTON POLICE    1FALP42T4RF146022     2008 DODGE
        to be picked up from the  DEPARTMENT        2011 FORD             1B3LC46R58N232529
        city within 48 hours of the  THESE VEHICLES HAVE  3FAHP0HAXBR130646  2006 CHEVROLET
        sale.                     BEEN DEEMED       2011 FORD             1GCFG15X661141966
        All vehicles are sold in "as  ABANDONED AND WILL  1FAHP3FN2BW134159  2004 BMW
        is condition".  Bidding on  BE SOLD AT PUBLIC  2010 JEEP          5UXFA13564LU32440
        all vehicles will start at the  AUCTION.  THE AUC-  1J4PS4GK5AC111824  2006 CHEVROLET
        amount due for towing  TION WILL BE HELD ON  2014 FORD            2G1WM16KX69292891
        and storage.  Vehicles  WEDNESDAY SEPTEM-   1FMCU0GX7EUE38353     2019 CHEVROLET
        may be deleted from this  BER 27TH ,2023 @ 10:00  2013 LEXUS      3GNAXXEVXKL223995
        list at any time prior to the  @6345 HIX,   JTHBK1GG4D2043941     2020 FORD
        start of the auction.  This is  WESTLAND MI  2010 CADILLAC        3FA6P0G77LR249432
        a cash only sale and all  THE VEHICLES WILL BE  3GYFNEEY3AS585278  2019 JEEP
   1   2   3   4   5   6