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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            August 3, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Dangerous Goudy Park amphitheater closed by city

           Plans to demolish and rebuild  Road in the city. The inspection                                                         picnic area remain closed, the
        the city Amphitheater at Goudy  was necessary, Buiten explained,                         ”                                 park area will continue to be
        Park in Wayne didn't come a    to ensure that the project could      Engineers reported a serious risk of collapse         open for everyone to enjoy, offi-
        moment too soon.               move forward using grant fund-                                                              cials said.
           City     Building     and   ing.                                   at the structure and determined it a threat.           The Rotary Club of Wayne
        Engineering Director Mike        Engineers reported a serious                                                              will continue to host the sched-
        Buiten spoke to members of the  risk of collapse at the structure                                                          uled concert at the park,  but the
        Wayne City Council at their    and determined it a threat to                                                               footprint will be a bit different
        recent meeting and explained   public safety, according to a  not only poses a threat to public  residents of the hazardous area.  with the staging area on Second
        that an inspection of the      statement from officials.      safety but also undermines the   The amphitheater and picnic  Street.
        amphitheater by structural engi-  Engineers discovered significant  structural integrity of the  area will remain closed until  “As we learn more about next
        neers would be required as     erosion of the ground surround-  amphitheater itself, officials  officials can determine the best  steps with the amphitheater, we
        plans included using grant fund-  ing the open reservoir under-  said.                      option to move the project for-  will share that information with
        ing to raze and reconstruct the  neath the existing amphitheater.  The city has installed protec-  ward.                   the public,” officials said in a
        facility in Goudy Park on Wayne  If left unaddressed, this situation  tive fencing at the site warning  While the amphitheater and  prepared statement.

                                                                                     Fit to be ‘tried’

                                                                                     The new Fitness Court at Jaycee Park in Westland was officially opened with a rib-
                                                                                     bon cutting ceremony last week. The fitness center, constructed in partnership with
                                                                                     Priority Health and the National Fitness Campaign, is a free, fresh-air fitness facility
                                                                                     designed to provide a seven-movement (core, squat, push, lunge, pull, agility and
                                                                                     bend) workout. The Fitness Court outdoor gym was invented in 1979 by the San
                                                                                     Francisco-based National Fitness. Staff from the Westland Fitness and Nutrition
                                                                                     Center were on hand to perform a demonstration and members of the Westland
                                                                                     Police and Fire departments participated in the "Race to Ribbon" Challenge. Jaycee
                                                                                     Park is located at 3400 Hunter Ave. in the city. The city also recently opened four
                                                                                     new Pickleball Courts at Curtis Wood Park. The park, at 36400 Palmer Road, also
                                                                                     features dedicated parking, a pavilion, picnic areas, play structures, portable rest-
                                                                                     rooms, soccer, and a walking / jogging trail. For more information, visit
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