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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            August 3, 2023


        Death of former township police chief mourned

           Retired Sumpter Township    County Sheriff's Department.    ing with the residents in atten-  and the robust, responsive, and
        Chief of Police James Pierce     Following his time as deputy  dance.                       efficient department we have
        died July 26, 2023. Mr. Pierce  sheriff, Mr. Pierce took the posi-  In August of 2014, Mr. Pierce  today.”
        served as  chief of police in the  tion of police commander with  accepted the nomination from  Mr. Pierce, who enjoyed
        township from 2006 until 2016.   the Sumpter Township Police  the late Lee Targgart, owner of  watching horror and science fic-
           Mr. Pierce was born Jan.12,  Department and after serving in  Sumpter Ace Hardware, to par-  tion movies with his grandchil-
        1950 in Detroit, the son of James  that capacity for two years, was  ticipate in the “ice bucket chal-  dren, was also an avid motorcy-
        and Marilyn Pierce. He served in  appointed as the Sumpter    lenge” to bring awareness to  clist.  He was a member of the
        the United States Navy and was  Township Police Chief in 2006.  ALS. He, along with officers and  Forces of Magnitude motorcycle
        honorably discharged from serv-  He retired from the department  staff, stood in the police depart-  club in the early 1970s and after
        ice in December of 1971. He was  in February 2016. After a short  ment parking lot in their uni-  officially retiring, he joined the
        a 3rd degree Taekwondo Black   retirement, he decided he was  forms, allowing hundreds of gal-  Tuskegee Airmen Motorcycle
        Belt and taught karate through  not quite ready to give up police  lons of ice water to be dumped  club in 2019.  He enjoyed riding
        the Metropolitan Combative Arts  work and returned to the City of  on them from the bucket of a  his Royal Blue 2017 Harley
        Dojo.                          Detroit Police Department in the  front loader.              Davidson Trike with the motorcy-
           Mr. Pierce served in law    Police Assistant Training        “Chief Pierce treated each of  cle club and taking adventures
        enforcement for more than 45   Division.  Mr. Pierce officially  us as members of his family and  with the love of his life, Regina.  Chief of Police James Pierce
        years.  He began his career as a  retired from police work in 2018.  changed the dynamic of the  Mr. Pierce was preceded in
        City of Detroit Police Officer in  Mr. Pierce was remembered  police department. He was     death by his son, Jalani in 1995  ter-in-law Renee Peterson;
        August of 1973.  During his    fondly and with great respect by  proud to be the Chief of Police of  and his grandson, Monte in 2022.    nieces  Christine  (Victor)
        career, he worked on the chief's  members of the Sumpter      Sumpter Township and equally     Among his survivors left to  Ubokudom     and    Chanay
        staff, Internal Affairs, Gaming  Township Police Department in  proud of the men and women  cherish his memory are his wife  Peterson; nephews Che Peterson
        Division    and    Executive   an official Facebook posting. His  who make up the department,”  of 53 years, Regina; a sister  and Rayan Beane, and best
        Protection where he served as  love of the annual Sumpter Fest  noted a department spokesman.  Zandreia Walker; his son James-  friend and “brother” Melvin
        Mayor Coleman Young's personal  was recalled and he always    “Chief Pierce created many    Rafael (Misty); grandchildren  Turner.
        security for 10 years.  He retired  insisted on walking the parade  opportunities for members of the  Kyana-Jalani, Rafael-Antonio  Final arrangements were
        from the City of Detroit Police  route from Judd to Dunn Road.  department to excel through edu-  (Becca), Makaliah-Regina, Tyson-  entrusted to the David C. Brown
        Department as a sergeant in    He was a fixture during the festi-  cation and promotions, laying the  Jalani, James-Kolby and Yasmin-  Funeral Home. Interment was at
        2003.  He then briefly served as a  val and loved patrolling the fair-  foundation for our present bal-  Denise; great-grandsons Ezekiel-  Grandlawn Memorial Park in
        deputy sheriff for the Wayne   grounds on his golf cart, interact-  anced, effective command staff  James and Jayden-Isaiah; a sis-  Detroit.
        Evaluation of staffing needs at DPW will continue

           The staffing level at the Sumpter                                                                               require the hiring of another full-time
        Township Department of Works will                         The report indicated that the parks                      employee in that department. He suggest-
        remain at the current level…for now.                                                                               ed looking at the entire project of mainte-
           Department of Public Works Director                   and cemetery were taking two-thirds                       nance would be more helpful in making a
        John Danci provided a preliminary                               of one employee's time.                            staffing decision.
        report regarding staffing during the July                                                                             “I think looking at the total project
        11 meeting of the members of the board                                                                             would bring some more light of what we
        of trustees. Danci explained that using  amount of time we've been spending try-  “really worth hiring a fifth employee or  need,” he said.
        the data available, staff members were  ing to maintain the parks.” Danci stressed  having somebody dedicated full time to  Danci agreed noting that while in the
        able to compile a study of costs and the  that the findings were estimates and that  the parks.”  Danci added that currently,  summer months a single employee might
        number of hours employees in the       the totals were “kind of an averaging” of  the four DPW employees were handling  be spending hours cutting grass, the same
        department have spent on various proj-  staff time. The report indicated that the  the workload including the routine main-  number of hours might be spent in snow
        ects.                                  parks and cemetery were taking two-   tenance. He said he hoped to complete a  removal or plowing during the winter.
           He explained that this was a prelimi-  thirds of one employee's time.     report with a study of the exact hours and  “At the end of the season, we'll have
        nary report and he was sharing it in an  The estimate was based on the DPW   cost of labor.                        more accurate data,” he told the board
        effort to ensure the board members were  maintaining the parks with mowing and  Trustee Matt Oddy asked if putting the  members, noting that he would bring the
        kept informed as the study continued.  minor projects, Danci said. “There are  maintenance of the fairgrounds into the  report, when complete, back to the board
           “It has mostly been the parks and   always things that come up,” Danci    DPW would increase the workload and   for consideration.
        cemetery,” he told the board, “and the  explained. He said the report was an
        spreadsheet summarizes the cost and the  effort to begin to build a plan to see if it is
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