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Veteran of inaugural township fire department retires
Another member of the inau- team except I was watching leader on the Western Wayne Siriani finished up his bache-
gural group of career firefight- them put out the fire. The next County Hazardous Materials lor's degree in public safety
ers in Northville Township has day, I told my mom I was going Response Team (HAZMAT) studies at Siena Heights
retired. Battalion Chief Brian to make a career change and I where he served for 19 years; University and earned a mas-
Siriani worked his final shift in enrolled in the Schoolcraft Fire was a hazardous materials spe- ter's degree in technology from
Northville July 16, after nearly Academy and left Wayne State.” cialist with the Michigan Urban Eastern Michigan University.
27 years of service. While his mom was upset at Search and Rescue (USAR), He also bonded with his fel-
Serendipity was the force the time, he said, his career suc- Task Force 1, and served as low firefighters while living
behind his career choice. cess indicates he made the right both a local union president with them 24-hours a day.
Siriani attended Wayne State choice. Siriani was named the and on the union executive “When you work a 24-hour
University, where he played next deputy chief of the board for 18 years. shift, you are spending almost a
football. He said his goals were Brighton Area Fire Authority “Battalion Chief Siriani will third of your life with the same
to go into elementary education where he began his new posi- definitely be remembered as a people,” Siriani said. “You see
and coach football. On a Friday tion July 24. great person in addition to his everybody's ups and downs. You
night, however, as he visited a Siriani joined Northville extreme passion for the fire see everybody's happy moments
close friend who was a paid on- Township as a paid on-call fire- service,” Northville Township and sometimes their sad
call firefighter for Northville fighter in 1996 and became full- Fire Chief Brent Siegel said. moments. You're part of their
Township, those plans changed. time in 1999. During his tenure, “He has been excellent in devel- family.”
While Siriani was visiting, his he said he watched the fire oping and maintaining relation- His colleagues stepped up
friend was dispatched to a near- department evolve. His shift ships which has been key to his when his wife, Allison, had can-
by house fire and invited Siriani when he first joined was 8 hours success as a leader. cer surgery during the COVID
to observe the scene. That and comprised two people, then “He was a major contributor lockdown. Northville Fire Department
moment changed the trajectory his shift increased to 16 hours in to the growth of our department “I never felt alone,” he said. Battalion Chief Brian Siriani
of his career, he said. 1999 with four firefighters and and will continue to use his “Every single person in the fire
“I got to see the camaraderie then in May 2000, he worked the strong skill set developed in department, the township just hope people say I'm a good
between the crews,” Siriani first 24-hour shift in Northville Northville Township to serve administration, the manager's person,” Siriani said.
said. “I saw how they treated Township, which continues to the Brighton Area Fire office, literally every single per- “I know that's simplistic, but
the homeowners with compas- this day, Now there are 11 fire- Authority as their new deputy son reached out to me and I'll really, I just hope people say, if
sion, how the team environment fighters rather than only two. chief.” never forget that.” they mentioned my name here,
reminded me a lot of a football Siriani became a team While working full time, “I hope to be known for - I that I was a good person.”
Tackling grief
Members of the Northville Township police and fire departments joined the New Hope
Center for Grief Support summer camp at Maybury Farm last month. The camp was
designed to help children of all ages cope with grief through interactive and enjoyable
activities. From bonding with farm animals who have experienced loss to hand painting
with horses, reading heartwarming books, and jamming to live music sessions, the
participants enjoyed the day, officials said. Retired Detroit Lions player Eric Hipple
joined the camp and led football drills.Photos by Keith Kolodsick
6:30 P.M.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the City of Romulus City Council will hold a public hearing on
Monday, August 28, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. to hear objections to the demolition and/or removal of debris
on the herein-described properties:
1. 7305 Hollywood (Single-Family Residential Structure with garage) DP# 80 044 01 0398 000
2. 10524 Inkster (Single-Family Residential Structure with shed) DP# 80 052 99 0017 000
3. 37187 Menton (Single-Family Residential Structure) DP# 80 067 03 0001 000
4. 10885 Middlebelt (Awning) DP# 80 051 99 0020 000
5. 11318 Moore (Single-Family Residential Structure) DP# 80 077 015 0037 000
6. 28055 Van Born (Polebarn) DP# 80 001 99 0015 000
7. 29805/29815 Van Born ( Two Single-Family Residential Structure, garage, and shed)
DP# 80 005 01 1008 007
8. 31021 Van Born (Single-Family Residential Structure) DP# 80 006 99 0015 000
9. 36009 Van Born (Single-Family Residential Structure, Polebarn, Shed, and slab) DP# 80
0017 99 0022 000
10.11010 Whitehorn (Multi-tenant Building) DP# 80 077 06 0052 000
Instructions for Persons with Disabilities
Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate in the meeting effectively
should contact the City Clerk or send an email by 4:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to request
assistance. Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk, 11111 Wayne Rd.,
Romulus, MI 48174,
This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCL
15.263a et. seq., and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC
City Clerk
Publish: August 3, 2023 RM0752 - 080323 2.5 x 7.25
A copy of this notice will be posted on the City Website at