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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            August 3, 2023

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        National Night Out celebration is set

           There will be a special     refreshments from Kona Ice are                                                              Oneders, as well as a cultural
        tonight in Canton Township     planned along with craft proj-                            ”                                 pre-show at 6:30 p.m. by Karma
        during National Night Out      ects and games provided by the             It is an opportunity for residents to            Bellydance.
        planned from 6:30 until 8:30   event sponsors.                                                                               Canton will join forces with
        p.m. at Heritage Park.           "Each year this community                      meet and interact with                     neighbors participating across
           National Night Out is organ-  event celebrates the impor-                                                               thousands of communities from
        ized by the Canton Police and  tance of residents and neigh-             police and fire personnel, as well as             all 50 states, as well as United
        Fire Departments, the Canton   borhoods uniting together to           strengthen Canton's neighborhood spirit.             States territories, Canada, and
        Public    Library,   Canton    take a stand against crime in                                                               military bases worldwide for
        Coalition    for   Inclusive   our community," stated Canton                                                               the 40th Annual "National Night
        Communities, Community         Community         Relations                                                                 Out," coordinated by the
        Financial Credit Union and     Coordinator Patty Esselink.                                                                 National Association of Town
        Canton Leisure Services.         "It is an opportunity for resi-  communities for all. All activi-  Heritage Park Peace Pole  Watch.
        National Night Out is an annual  dents to meet and interact with  ties will take place around the  Plaza, located on the south side  According to the NATW web-
        community-building campaign    police and fire personnel, as  large pond in Heritage Park,  of Heritage Park, off Veterans  site, more than 38 million neigh-
        that promotes police-communi-  well as strengthen Canton's    located off Veterans Way behind  Way. This special ceremony will  bors across over 17,000 commu-
        ty partnerships and neighbor-  neighborhood spirit of cama-   the Canton Administration     dedicate the recently installed  nities are expected to partici-
        hood camaraderie to make       raderie and the importance of  Building at 1150 S. Canton    Peace Pole, which bears the    pate in the community-building
        neighborhoods safer, better    keeping our community safe     Center Road.                  message "May Peace Prevail on  event that promotes neighbor-
        places to live, according to a  and tolerant."                  National Night Out partici-  Earth" in 12 different languages.  hood camaraderie.
        statement from the township.     All ages are invited to attend  pants are also invited to attend  Additional festivities also  For more information about
        Live music, an interactive     this free event promoting      a Peace Pole dedication cere-  include the 'Thursday Night   this community event, visit
        Canton Public Safety vehicle   peace, tolerance, and the prin-  mony, which will take place at  LIVE Concert' at 7 p.m. in the, or
        display and complimentary      ciples of building safe, inclusive  6:15 p.m. in the newly created  Amphitheater, featuring the  call (734) 394-5460.

        Ford Road shopping

        block game continues

           Shoppers in businesses locat-  for a chance to win in a weekly
        ed along the Ford Road corridor  drawing for a $100 gift card.
        in Canton Township continue to  There will be a grand finale on
        enjoy random $100 gift cards pre-  the 27th week for the Grand
        sented during a special promo-  Prize $500 gift card.
        tion now under way.              In August, the red block along
           The ShopLocal, ShopCanton   Ford Road between Morton
        Color Block Game, sponsored by  Taylor Road and Lilley Road will
        the    Canton     Downtown     be the contest area. The grand
        Development Authority, in coop-  prize drawing is set to take place
        eration with Canton Leisure    in November.
        Services and Canton Chamber of   Organizers said participating  Sweet ride
        Commerce is ongoing in the     merchant specials for the red    The first of two new senior transport vans has arrived at the Plymouth DPW building where it will be
        green block. Visitors who shop  block are now available on the  stored until the second van is delivered, expected later this year. The vans were purchased using
        and dine the specials from par-  ShopCanton Guide mobile app.   federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds along with contributions from Plymouth Township,
        ticipating merchants in that color  Contest details are available at  the City of Plymouth, the Pulte Family Trust on behalf of Saint John's Resort, and the Plymouth Arts
        block using the ShopCanton     and    on     and Recreation Center (PARC).
        Guide mobile app are entered   Facebook @ShopCanton.
        Bridge sidewalk

        project is funded

           Plymouth Township was
        recently awarded a federal
        Transportation Alternatives
        Program (TAP) Grant in the
        amount of $545,271 for the Ann
        Arbor Road sidewalk project
        located under the CSX rail
           The Downtown Development
        Authority (DDA) will also con-
        tribute $350,000 to the project
        effort, which is expected to be
        repaid by the "Plymouth Walk"
        apartment and condo project,
        using the projected Plymouth
        Walk Brownfield Tax Capture,
        according to officials.
           Officials said the sidewalk
        installation will enhance public
        safety and connectivity in the
        corridor. They added they
        believe the project will also
        leverage the ability of city offi-
        cials to request improvements to
        the bridge by the railroad opera-


        FROM PAGE 1

        “outrageous” and suggested resi-
        dents attend the meeting or
        email the commissioners at com- or
        attend the Aug. 7 meeting at
        Caster Park in the city.
           Mayor Nick Moroz said no
        decision had been made at the
        July 17 meeting and that a
        framework for an outdoor dining
        policy had been under discus-
        sion for some time. He said cur-
        rently there are two policies in
        place, one for the use and rental
        of on street parking spaces and
        another for sidewalk spaces.
           He said he met with the
        restaurant owners and expected
        additional dialogue at the Aug. 7

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