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August 3, 2023                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Rotary Festival of Lights planning now under way

           The traditional Romulus     Ozga St. There will be a shuttle
        Rotary Parade of Lights set for 8  service provided to the stating
        p.m. Sept. 15, will officially begin  location to join groups.
        the popular Pumpkin Festival     "This will help reduce conges-
        again this year.               tion during lineup and have your
           The parade takes place no   vehicles at the end of the parade.
        matter what the weather condi-  Vehicles not actually participat-
        tions may be, organizers said, and  ing in the parade will be allowed
        each entry pays a $10 fee. To par-  in the staging area only to drop
        ticipate, the entries must be on  off participants and then will be
        wheels and lighted, the more   directed elsewhere for parking,"
        lights, the better chance of win-  organizers said in a prepared
        ning the $50 prize awarded in  statement. There will be no park-
        each category. Glow sticks are not  ing available at the staging loca-
        sufficient lighting for a float or  tion.
        participants, organizers remind-  There will be hot dogs and
        ed entry hopefuls. Vehicles with  water  available  at  the
        headlights should keep them off  Progressive Hall for participants
        as they distract other entries and  after the parade, they added,
        music is welcome, officials said.  Entries will be organized into
        Political entries are strictly pro-  six categories. Voting for the
        hibited.                       favorite for each category will be
           "This is not just another   completed        on      the
        parade. This is a chance to shine,"  RomulusRotary Facebook page  include: Commercial - Any float  family floats, and non-profit  Live Music - Marching bands
        organizers said. Staging for the  by "liking" the photos of the vari-  entry advertising a business will  organizations;  Non-Motorized -  and/or  floats  with  live
        parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. on  ous floats. Winners will be  be considered in this category.  Any non-commercial float entry  music/entertainment and  School
        Goddard Road, west of Wayne    announced on Facebook at 5 p.m.  This might also include any entry  that is not motor powered. This  - Any entry that might be created
        Road. Only actual parade entries  Sunday, Sept. 17 and will be invit-  that has paid employees helping  might include horses, bikes, or  and affiliated or advertised as a
        should attend the line up proce-  ed to a Romulus Rotary Club  in the creation of the float;  groups of people walking in the  school such as Romulus High
        dure. All other participants must  meeting to be recognized and  Motorized - Any non-commercial  parade; Classic Car - Any classic  School, Barth Elementary,
        park at the Romulus Progressive  awarded their prize money.   float entry that is motor powered.  car, including trucks, buses and  Halecreek Elementary, Summit
        Club near Five Points at 11580   Parade entry categories      This would include churches,  other forms of transportation;  Academy, etc.
        Businesses awarded grants                                                      Video tour of city set

           Romulus businesses Ginosko Modular
        and Mucci Farms were among those                      ”                        at recreation center
        awarded funding from the most recent      This funding for businesses
        round of Going PRO Talent Fund grants.          across the state
           Statewide, approximately $13.5 mil-                                            There will be a one-time opportuni-  indoor tour is designed for those who
        lion in grants from the second cycle of fis-  will make all the difference.    ty to take the Inktown Tour without  are not physically able to walk the
        cal year 2023 Going PRO Talent Fund                                            leaving the comfort of the air-condi-  pedestrian tour of the community.
        were awarded to nearly 300 Michigan                                            tioned Inkster Recreation Center       Organizers said this is a rare oppor-
        businesses to help approximately 8,500  ing to local businesses across the state,  beginning at 6 p.m. tomorrow, Friday,  tunity which will include information
        workers secure employment, industry-   ensuring they can provide the necessary  Aug. 4.                            about the history of the city along with
        recognized credentials and strong wages.  training to uplift and support Michigan's  Organizers said both refreshments  the present and future.
        In Romulus, Ginosko Modular was        world-class workforce,” said state Rep.  and knowledge will be served at the   “Inkster is at the center of
        awarded $141,485 and Mucci Farms,      Reggie Miller (D-Van Buren Township).   free event, sponsored by members of  American history and the heart of hub
        $81,855, according to official state   “Strengthening our manufacturing sector  We Rise with help from the         of Black history. Let's keep that legacy
        reports.                               has never been more important, and this  Community Up Project and Project   alive and take it forward,” organizers
           “For years, Michigan's Going PRO    funding for businesses across the state  We Hope, Dream, and Believe. The   said.
        Talent Fund has provided critical fund-  will make all the difference.”
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