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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 29, 2021

                                                    CANTON - NORTHVILLE
                                                    CANTON - NORTHVILLE

        Competency exam ordered for son in death

           The son of a Canton         July 13 to determine whether   call June 21  from the wife of the  dead in his bed from a gunshot  open murder, two counts of
        Township police officer will   Hayden Jagst, 18, can be found  deceased, a veteran police offi-  wound, according to Arntz.  felony firearm, carrying with
        undergo a court-ordered psychi-  criminally responsible for the  cer.                          Hayden Jagst had left the   unlawful intent and carrying a
        atric examination to determine  death of his father, Edward     Brighton Police Det. Michael  home when officers arrived but  concealed weapon. If found
        his competency to stand trial in  Jagst, who was found dead in his  Arntz testified in a court hearing  police reached him by phone  competent to stand trial and
        his father's death.            bed at the family home June 21.   that during the 911 call, the  and convinced him to return to  convicted, he faces up to life in
           Livingston County District    Brighton police officers     caller said her daughter told her  Brighton where he was taken  prison.
        Court Judge Daniel Bain        responded to the Jagst home in  that Hayden Jagst had shot his  into custody without incident,  He is scheduled to appear
        ordered the competency exami-  the 300 block of Woodlake Drive  father in the head. Responding  according to Arntz.        before Bain for a review hearing
        nation during a court hearing  in Brighton in response to a 911  officers found Edward Jagst   Hayden Jagst is charged with  Aug. 24.
        Canton teen accepts plea deal in fatal car crash

           A Canton Township teen is fac-  Prosecutors had originally  have a drivers' license when  Buren Township police officers  sustained in the crash.
        ing up to 15 years in prison in con-  charged the 19-year-old with sec-  found, injured, in his damaged  responded to the scene, they found  Minor was also transported to
        nection to the death of a Van  ond-degree homicide but in a plea  vehicle, at 2:30 a.m. May 7, 2019.  McElreath, 64, in his significantly  the hospital from the scene for
        Buren Township resident in 2019.  deal, Minor agreed to plead guilty  According to police reports, Minor  damaged vehicle in an open grass  treatment of injuries.
           Micaiah Minor admitted his  to the lesser charge and the more  sped through a red light on  field in the area, where it stopped  Minor will be sentenced on the
        guilt to a charge of involuntary  serious charges was dismissed by  Belleville Road, crossed over the  after the collision. McElreath was  lesser charge, which carries a
        manslaughter in the May 2019   the court July 21.             double yellow line and struck a  transported by emergency medical  maximum penalty of 15-years in
        automobile collision that took the  Prosecutors claim that Minor,  northbound car near the Ecorse  services to a nearby hospital,  prison, on Sept. 29 in Third Circuit
        life of John Robert McElreath, 64.  17 at the time of the crash, did not  Road intersection. When Van  where he died from the injuries  Court.
        New construction site rules are

        being enacted in Northville

           New ordinance provisions    noted the damage might not be  the chairman of the city
        regulating procedures at con-  immediately visible, but if the  Sustainability Committee, asked
        struction sites in Northville  root zone of a tree is impaired, it  whether a civil infraction is
        could be adopted by members of  could be dead within a few years.  enough of a deterrent if construc-
        the city council Aug. 2.       He also recommended that tree  tion standards are violated at a
           The new provisions include  standards in a construction zone  site. He suggested delineating
        aspects such as tree protection,  be adopted from professional  the difference between an ordi-
        temporary fencing, sidewalk    arborist agencies, and told the  nance and standards for the lay
        access and maintenance. The    council members that the Village  audience. Gutman said he want-
        standards would make a viola-  of Franklin and city of Southfield  ed to see the tree component of
        tion a municipal civil infraction  both have good tree protection  the draft standards strengthened
        with a fine of up to $500, plus the  ordinances currently in effect.  so builders don't resort to remov-  On the job
        costs of prosecution, rather than  Another resident, Lenore   ing a tree at a construction site  New Northville Township Police Ofc. Jumara Julie took her offi-
        the current misdemeanor.       Lewandowski who lives on       because compliance is too diffi-  cial oath of office last week, administered by Township Clerk
           Council members heard from  Randolph street, said she would  cult.                          Roger Lundberg in a ceremony attended by friends, family and
        Timberlane resident Jim        like to see stormwater run-off   The second reading and possi-  staff at township hall. Julie, a Hamtramck resident, recently
        Porterfield at the regular meet-  addressed in the construction  ble adoption of the ordinance is  received her associate's degree in law enforcement from
        ing last week. Porterfield, an  standards as well some control of  scheduled for the Aug. 2 meeting  Macomb Community College, where she also worked as a dis-
        arborist, told the council mem-  the garbage and waste material  of the city council. Standards will  patcher. She graduated from the Macomb Police Academy in
        bers he was concerned about    that blows from a construction  be referenced in the ordinance  May. Born in Bangladesh, Julie speaks Bangla, Hindi and
        protecting the critical root zone  site.                      but adopted separately following  English.
        of trees in construction areas. He  Dave Gutman, who serves as  approval of the ordinance.
        Night Out set

           Canton Police will participate
        in National Night Out from 6:30
        until 8:30 p.m. next Thursday,
        Aug. 5 at Canton Heritage Park.
           The event will take place
        around the large pond injunc-
        tion with the Thursday Night
        LIVE Concert by Wag The Dog.
           There will also be a walk
        around the globe with the
        Canton Coalition for Inclusive
        Communities including a world
        map provided by Leisure
        Services,  and a Passport provid-
        ed by Canton Public Library, for
        attendees to track their travels
        as they make their way around
        the pond stopping at each booth
        along the way .
           The event will showcase the
        diversity of the township by high-
        lighting by various cultures and
        place of worship within the com-
        munity. There will be live music,
        an interactive Canton Public
        Safety vehicle display, refresh-
        ments and games provided by
        event sponsors.
           The National Night Out cam-
        paign is an effort to promote
        police-community partnerships
        to make neighborhoods safer,
        better places to live, according to

        FROM PAGE 1
        Golf Course staff; custodial staff;
        Canton Sports Center staff and
        others. Interested candidates
        can apply at https://canton.appli-   Canton
        Township     is  an   Equal
        Opportunity Employer.
           In addition, Canton Township
        has also implemented a referral
        incentive program, which offers
        $100 to any current township
        employee for recruiting a part-
        time, seasonal, or variable
        employee from now until Dec.
        31.  To receive this special incen-
        tive, any potential recruits must
        list the township employee on
        their applications and work 250
        hours within the first 6-months
        of employment with the town-
        ship.  For additional informa-
        tion, visit or
        call (734) 394-5460.
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