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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 29, 2021


        Primary election Tuesday will eliminate office hopefuls

        4 vying for mayor’s office                                                           12 seek city council terms

           Voters in Westland will be asked to   Beier, 29, served in the United States
        reduce the number of candidates seeking  Navy.                                    Four of the 12 Westland City Council  Voters will also see a familiar name
        the office of mayor from four to two dur-  More information about his qualifica-  candidates hoping to move onto the  on the primary ballot as current Wayne
        ing the Aug. 3 primary election next   tions can be found on his Facebook page,  general election will be eliminated by  Westland Board of Education President
        Tuesday.                               Daniel Beier for Westland Mayor.         voters during the Aug. 3 primary vote  David Cox is seeking election to the city
           The two candidates who receive the    Current Councilwoman Tasha Green is    next Tuesday.                      council. Cox, 63, is semi-retired and acts
        highest vote totals will move on to the gen-  also seeking the mayoral office. Green, 45,  Eight hopefuls will move on to the  as a consultant at GSA Property Tax
        eral election in November.             has served on the city council for one   November ballot and then voters will  Consultants. Cox is also on the
           Incumbent Mayor William R. Wild is  term. She is a small business owner and a  choose four of those candidates to  Westland TIFA board and the Westland
        seeking his fourth, four-year term. Wild,  reserve Wayne County Sheriff deputy.  serve on the city council. Council mem-  Economic Development Corporation
        53, is the longest-serving mayor in the city  More information about her candidacy  bers are paid $17,368 annually and  board.
        having been in his current office for 15  is available at   choose a president from among their   Candidate Michael Delph is currently
        years. He also served on the city council  Edward Pruett, 39, is a business owner  members who is paid $18,247 annually  employed with the City of Farmington
        before being elected as mayor.         and pastor. He is also seeking his first-  and a president pro tem who is paid  Hills and claims 25 years of municipal
           His qualifications and experience are  ever elected office as mayor of the 11th  $17,802.                       employment.
        listed on his website, wildfor         largest city in Michigan.                  Incumbent  James Godbout has        Candidate Debra Fowlkes, 64, is a for-                            Pruett also works with the nonprofit   served on the city council for more than  mer member of the Wayne Westland
           He is being challenged by Daniel Beier,  group, A Better Westland.           20 years. He is vie-president of Midwest  Community Schools Board of
        a newcomer to politics who has never pre-  To learn more about his qualifications  Recycling and holds a bachelor of sci-  Education. She is employed as an
        viously held elected office.           visit       ence in business administration from  insurance contract administrator. She
                                                                                                                           holds a bachelor's degree in English
                                                                                        Lawrence Technological University.
        Library asking voters to OK                                                     Michigan Municipal League and the  and a master's degree in health services
                                                                                          Godbout, 66, participates with the
                                                                                                                              Political organizer Jon Haddad, 26, is
                                                                                        Nankin Transit Commission and is a
        lower operating millage                                                         member of the Westland Lions Club,  also seeking a term on the Westland
                                                                                        the Community Foundation of
                                                                                                                           City Council.
                                                                                                                              He has a bachelor's degree in politi-
                                                                                        served as a political party precinct del-
           Westland voters will be asked to    number of delayed and neglected repairs  Westland Board of Directors and has  cal science and history from the
        approve a new, lower millage rate for the  at the building, she said, including a 27-  egate.                      University of Michigan-Dearborn.
        library during the Aug. 3 election.    year-old roof, leading windows and worn    Another incumbent, Jim Hart, the    Also seeking election is Candi Halton,
           A ballot question asking for a 10-year,  carpet. Those improvements and repairs,  current president of the city council, is  37, a small business owner with a
        .85 millage to support library operations  including accommodations for the 60  also seeking reelection. Hart, 44, is a  degree in Washtenaw Community
        will replace the current .975 rate currently  available computers in the building, will  real estate consultant and a Verizon  College.
        levied in the city to fund the $3.6 million  take most of the current $4.5 million fund  engineer. He is president of RSM  Antoinette Martin, 64, is also hoping to
        library budget. That millage is set to  balance, she explained.                 Technical Solutions.               become a member of the city council.
        expire this year. Library officials said the  The facility has now reopened at regu-  Hart hold a bachelor's degree in  She is retired and earned her bachelor
        new rate would generate $1.4 million in  lar hours and operations, and an open  business management from the       of business administration in finance
        funding the first year.                house to provide information regarding   University of Phoenix and a master's  degree at Eastern Michigan University.
           The millage funding would be used to  planned improvements and repairs at the  degree in information systems from the  She is a member of the Westland
        pay staff salaries, operate programs and  facility and the new, lower operating mill-  University of Michigan-Dearborn.  Rotary Club and served on the
        purchase books explained Library       age question is planned for 4-7 p.m. Aug.  Incumbent city council member    Westland Brownfield Redevelopment
        Director Jennifer Roth. During the forced  11.                                  Peter Herzberg, 30, is campaigning to  Authority and the Westland Library
        closure during the pandemic, the library  Roth said that without approval of the  return to office. Herzberg, 30, earned a  Board of Directors.
        did not order books and saw a marked   operating funds by voters, the library   bachelor's degree in finance from     Josh Powell, 35, is a technical analyst
        decline in everyday operating expenses.  would be forced to reduce expenses,    Wayne State University and works in  working in information technology. He
        That savings, however, was offset by a  including reduced hours and staffing.   finance.                           has an associate's degree in criminal
                                                                                                                           justice along with his bachelor's degree
                                                                                          The incumbents are being chal-
        Poll workers are still needed                                                   lenged by Sarah Austin, 41, a senior  in information technology.
                                                                                        human resources specialist at
                                                                                                                              Melissa Sampey is also seeking a
           Westland City Clerk Richard LeBlanc is  dates will vary and will be scheduled  LafargeHoldim. Austin earned her  term on the council. She is 39 and is a
        currently accepting applications for poll  before regularly scheduled elections. All  bachelor's degree in business adminis-  partner and vice president of market-
        workers for the upcoming elections in the  election inspectors must be trained before  tration from Eastern Michigan  ing and sales for TruChampions and is
        city.                                  being scheduled to work.                 University.                        a healthcare communications consult-
           To serve at the poll, applicants must be  Applications are available at city hall  She has been a member of the  ant. She earned her bachelor of science
        a registered voter in the State of Michigan,  or online for election inspectors.  Westland Area Jaycees for 13 years and  degree from Eastern Michigan
        have moderate computer skills, be able to  Candidates will be notified of training  has served as president of the local  University.
        work well with others, and be able to read  dates after the completed forms are  group as well as serving as president of  She has volunteered with the
        and follow directions. All election workers  returned to the office of the city clerk.  the state Jaycees. She is also a member  Stephen Tulloch Foundation, Forgotten
        are expected to operate the election com-  Access the City of Westland website and  of the Order of the Eastern Star, the  Harvest, Angels of Hope, Toys for Tots,
        puters and voting equipment during the  search for Election Inspector Application  VFW and has been a precinct chairper-  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro
        course of the day, LeBlanc said. Training  (PDF) and W-9 (PDF).                 son in Westland.                   Detroit and Autism Speaks.


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              The funeral service will be                     Public Auction          ROMULUS          DEARBORN HEIGHTS     1G2WP52K9XF347646,
                              held 1 pm Monday, July 26,                      Martin’s Towing    POLICE DEPARTMENT           POLICE         2006 PONTIAC
                              2021 at Stark Funeral                          17180 Dix Toledo       11165 OLIVE ST     25637 MICHIGAN AVE.  1G2ZH158364142143,
                              Professionals. Burial will  Copart has vehicles up  Brownstown MI 48193  ROMULUS MI 48174  DEARBORN HEIGHTS   2002 VOLKSWAGON
                              follow  at  Union-Udell  for  public  auction   August 4, 2021       THE FOLLOWING            MI 48125        WVWPD63B62P453830
                              Cemetery  in  Ypsilanti,  Tuesday 8/3/21 at 10 AM  10:00 a.m.      VEHICLES HAVE BEEN      THE FOLLOWING
                              Michigan. Visitation will be  at  1994 CHEVROLET   DEEMED ABANDONED      VEHICLES HAVE BEEN
                              5-8 pm Saturday and 1-8                     1GCDC14Z9RZ241944      AND WILL BE SOLD AT   DEEMED ABANDONED
                              pm Sunday.            2008 DODG             2007 BUICK             PUBLIC AUCTION ON     AND WILL BE SOLD AT
                                                    2B3KA43G28H234963     3G5DA03L57S591926       8/12/21 @ 1:00 P.M.   PUBLIC AUCTION ON:
                                                    2006 CHRY             2002 PONTIAC           @ J&M TOWING 8964    8/12/21 @ 12:00 P.M. AT
                                                    1C3EL56RX6N284673     1G2WP52K92F172453          INKSTER RD.        27218 CURRIER ST.
                                                    2005 VOLK             2010 DODGE              ROMULUS MI 48174     DEARBORN HEIGHTS
                              STATE OF MICHIGAN     WVWDD63B75E008175     3D4PH5FV6AT196637                                 MI 48125        Adoption
                              PROBATE COURT         1998 HOND             2006 BUICK            2008 CADILLAC                               ADOPTION. California cou-
                              COUNTY OF Wayne       1HGCG5649WA138950     3G5DA03L36S660384     1G6DM577980115426,    2008 BMW              ple promises baby warm,
             Cameron Zah                            2015 CHRY             2000 LINCOLN          2016 CADILLAC         5UXFE43538L029334,    loving home, secure future.
           Alexander Ludwig   NOTICE TO CREDITORS   1C3CCCCG8FN569810     1LNHM97V2YY789533     1G6AA5RA9G0110519,    2002 LESABRE          Devoted  grandparents,
                              Decedent's Estate     2003 CHEV             2005 CHEVROLET        2004 CHEVROLET        1G4HR54K62U124847,    educational opportunities.
        Age 26, passed away sud-                    2GCEC19T231350996     2CNDL13F456034452     1G1ZU54824F199623,    2007 BUICK            Generous living expens-
        denly Wednesday, July 21,  FILE NO.  2021-865673-DE  2015 FORD    2000 BUICK            2009 CHEVROLET        2G4WC582171200965,    es/relocation possible.
        2021. He was born January                   1FMCU9G99FUA80955     1G4HP54K4YU113098     2G1WT57N691291128,    2015 CHEVROLET        Danielle/Ed  (818)356-6981
        14, 1995, the son of Sean  Estate of        2007 NISS             2005 CHRYSLER         2012 CHEVROLET        1G1PA5SHXF7298058,    or attorney (310)663-3467
        Ludwig and Sarah Mullins.  Khader Ali Hamad    JN8AZ08W67W632466  2C4GP44R75R232439     1GNKRFED5CJ366684,    2002 CHEVROLET
                              Date of birth: 04/26/1953  2006 PONT        2007 PONTIAC          2014 CHEVROLET        1G1NE52J92M576670,    Help Wanted-Truck Driver
        Cameron enjoyed the out-                    2G2WP552961268043     2CKDL73FX76040047     1G1115SLXEU103215,    2017 CHEVROLET        CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,
        doors,  gardening  and  TO ALL CREDITORS:   2009 CHRY             2004 KIA              2014 CHEVROLET        3G1BE6SM5HS615461,    3  MONTHS   MINIMUM
        going on walks. He loved                    3A8FY48979T524851     KNALD124545046856     1G1PC5SB4E7400555,    2011 CHEVROLET        EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-
        to cook, particularly his  NOTICE TO CREDITORS:  2016 MERZ        2008 FORD             2000 CHRYSLER         2G1WG5EK6B1148165,    LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN
        favorite dishes pork chops  The decedent, Khader Ali  55SWF6EB4GU114244  1FAHP24W48G107294  2C3HC56G8YH336308,  2014 CHEVROLET      ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-
        with applewood and bis-  Hamad, died 03/24/2021  2006 PONT        2002 FORD             2004 DODGE            2G1115SL2E9275686,    CATED ROUTES ROMEO
        cuits and gravy. He loved                   1GMDU23L56D217063     1FMCU04142KC02234     1B3EL46X14N288517,    2008 CHEVROLET        AND WAYNE DISPATCH,
        listening to music, watch-  Creditors of the decedent  2009 FORD   2003 CHEVROLET       2009 DODGE            2G1WB58K081318555,    CALL KIRT 586-752-4529
        ing football and playing the  are notified that all claims  1FTPX14VX9FA52509  1GCEC14T93Z163351  3D4GG47B89T604374,  2009 CHEVROLET  EXT 1032
        video game Black Ops.  against the estate will be  2012 NISS      2009 DODGE            2003 FORD             1G1AT18H997253987,
        The most important things  forever barred unless pre-  3N1AB6AP4CL707044  1B3LC46B69N561082  1FMYU93143KB01322,  2015 CHRYSLER      Miscellaneous
        in his life were spending  sented to Ali Hamad, per-  2004 TOYT   2006 CHEVROLET        2003 FORD             1C3CCCDGXFN632226,    Eliminate gutter cleaning
        time with his son, family  sonal representative, or to  JTEHD20V240006849  2CNDL23F466155960  1FAFP36333W180963,  2001 CHRYSLER     forever! LeafFilter, the most
        and cat Nala.         both the probate court at  2003 CHEV        1998 FORD             2000 FORD             3C8FY4BB81T577810,    advanced debris-blocking
                              1637   Copeland  Cir,  1G1JC52F937301834    2FMZA5145WBD41187     1FTZF172XYNC05570,    2015 CHRYSLER         gutter protection. Schedule
        Cameron is survived by:  Canton, MI 48187 and the  2014 CHEV      1997 GMC              2001 GMC              1C3CCCAB0FN652851,    a FREE LeafFilter estimate
        his seven-year-old son  personal  representative  1G1JC5SG4E4145165  1GTCS1949VK503928  1GKDT13W412142778,    2000 DODGE            today. 15% off Entire
        Ethan Ludwig; father Sean  within 4 months after the  2012 FORD   1995 FORD             2001 HONDA            1B3EJ46X3YN146763,    Purchase. 10% Senior &
        Ludwig; siblings, Carrinne  date of publication of this  1FAHP3F21CL142892  1ZVLT20A6S5149833  1HGCF86611A085675,  2007 DODGE       Military Discounts. Call 1-
        Mullins,  Cain  (Diane  notice.             1997 BMW              1997 SATURN           2004 JAGUAR           2D8GP44L07R330308,    866-495-1709
        Tackett)  Mullins  and                      WBADE6326VBW54447     1G8ZK8277VZ333061     SAJEA71C74SG01294,    2007 DODGE
        Dakota Mills; niece Harper;  07/21/2021     2013 CHRY             1997 FORD             2008 LINCOLN          1B3HB78K77D315782,    Wanted to Buy or Trade
        paternal  grandparents,                     1C3CCBCG3DN618046     1FTDX18W0VKD30521     3LNHM26T18R609982,    2010 FORD             FREON WANTED: We pay
        Thomas   Ludwig  and  Kevin R. Sackrider P77645  2004 FORD        2001 FORD             2002 MERCURY          3FAHP0HA1AR318020,    $$$ for cylinders and cans.
        Margaret Kreyling; mater-  208 W. Michigan Ave.  1FTZR45E54PA08682  2FAFP71W11X200461   4M2ZU86K82ZJ40227,    2009 FORD             R12 R500 R11 R113 R114.
        nal grandparents Marlene  Marshall, MI 49068  2011 KIA            2007 MAZDA            2002 MERCURY          1FMCU94G49KB56049,    Convenient.  Certified
        Mullins and Dan Menna  (269)781-9090        KNAGM4AD7B5004612     JM3ER293970149108     1MEFM50U22A624473,    2006 GMC              Professionals. Call 312-
        and maternal grandparents                   2011 CHEV             2002 FORD             2000 OLDSMOBILE       1GKDT13SX62217214,    291-9169   or   visit
        Mike and Peggy Mullins;  Ali Hamad          2G1WG5EK0B1160201     1FTNS24202HA28831     1G3NK52T0YC434885,    2009 JEEP   
        his best friend Frank  1637 Copeland Cir.   2002 LEXS             2000 PONTIAC          2009 SATURN           1J4FT47B59D114494,
        Dhans; and many loving  Canton, MI 48187    JTHBF30G025035972     1G2WJ52JXYF227655     1G8ZS57B59F140572,    1998 MERCURY
        aunts, uncles and cousins.                  2006 HYUN             2001 PLYMOUTH         2006 TOYOTA           4M2ZV1116WDJ14134,         Need a job?
                                                    5NPEU46FX6H007742     1P3ES46C21D299705     4T1BK36B66U138233,    2006 MERCURY              Looking to buy?
        He was preceded in death                    2002 BMW              1992 MERCURY          2003 TOYOTA           3MEHM08166R657817,
        by his mother Sarah       Call 734-467-1900   WBAEU33442PF56977   2MECM75W9NX602975     4T1BE32K73U125998,    2004 NISSAN               Looking to sell?
        Mullins, cousin Lil Bo  to place your classified ad   2010 ACUR   2003 PONTIAC          2004 TOYOTA           5N1BV28U44N318687,         Need to rent?
        Malone and uncle Big Bo      or email       2HNYD2H60AH528432     3G7DA03E03S525125     4T1BA32K54U026559     2003 NISSAN                Find it fast in
        Malone.                                                                                                       1N4BL11E33C325735,
                                                                                       1999 PONTIAC           The Eagle’s Classifieds.
   1   2   3   4   5   6