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July 29, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Library ‘Friends’ awarded technology grant from Bosch

           A technology grant from the  library Information Technology                                                             loan   out   hotspots    and
        Bosch Community Fund will      Department. “Many families are                            ”                                 Chromebooks, with a goal of
        help span the digital divide in  struggling to provide enough                Many families are struggling                  going live prior to the start of the
        the Plymouth community.        bandwidth at home for all family                                                            school year. For updates, resi-
           The Friends of the Plymouth  members to achieve their educa-             to provide enough bandwidth                    dents can watch our website and
        District Library were awarded  tion and work needs. With many              at home for all family members...               social media or sign up for our e-
        the funding for two technology  more parents working at home                                                               newsletter                at
        resources at the library including  and students needing stable                                                  ,” Bell added.
        LinkedIn Learning, a powerful  internet access, there is a demon-                                                            The Friends of the Plymouth
        online learning tool that supports  strated need for this service in  etc.); Adobe Create Suites  The Bosch Community Fund  District Library is a 501(c)(3)
        high school students and adults  our community.”              (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design,  support is crucial to the ability of  organization that seeks to sup-
        in expanding their technology    LinkedIn Learning allows     etc.);  latest versions of popular  the library to provide access to  port the Plymouth District
        skills.  The grant will also fund a  library cardholders to choose  operating systems such as  LinkedIn Learning, and the ben-  Library through grant funding
        pilot program the library is   from more than 16,000 online   Windows 10, iOS, Android,     efits to the community are signifi-  and personal donations. The
        developing to enable home      courses to learn in-demand skills  Linux; coding and markup lan-  cant, Bell said. The pilot project  Friends also rely on proceeds
        access to the internet via loan-  from real-world industry experts.  guages such as C, Java, Python,  funded through the 2021 grant  from their used book sale to pro-
        able Chromebook computers      Available in seven languages, the  Ruby, MySQL, HTML, CSS and  helps us to reach even further,  vide enhanced library program-
        with internet hotspots.        video courses are taught by    PHP; business skills, communi-  expanding Plymouth residents'  ming, technological upgrades,
           “Closures and restrictions  industry experts and are       cation, marketing and leader-  internet and technology access.     building improvements, and
        resulting from the Coronavirus  designed for any skill level, she  ship; data analysis, cloud com-  “With the generous grant from  other general needs.
        pandemic starkly emphasized    explained. Available courses   puting, server management and  the Bosch Community Fund, the   The Plymouth District Library
        the need to address the digital  include:                     creative arts including photogra-  library is now in the process of  is located at 223 South Main St. in
        divide in our community,” said   Microsoft Office Suite (Word,  phy, video editing 3D animation,  purchasing and setting up the  Plymouth. For more information,
        Melanie Bell, the head of the  Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher,  and so much more.             equipment and the processes to  call (734) 453-0750.

          All aboard

          The grand opening celebration for the bay-
          window caboose at the Plymouth Historical
          Museum took place last weekend with fan-
          fare and a performance by the Plymouth
          Community Band.  The caboose was
          donated to the museum by CSX Railroad
          as they downsized rolling car stock. In this
          bay window caboose, the crew monitoring
          the train sat in the middle of the car in a
          section that slightly protruded from the side
          of car to provide a better view of the side of
          the train. In the 1940s, the bay window
          caboose gained favor with many railroads
          because it eliminated the need for addition-
          al clearance through tunnels and under
          bridges. The bay-window style also provid-
          ed safety to caboose crew members, who
          regarded the cupola as a hazard, especial-
          ly when extending their body outside of the
          open cupola window to view the side of the
          train. The exhibit was funded by donations
          and in part by the purchase of memorial or
          tribute paver bricks by the public. The
          museum is located at 155 S. Main St. and
          the caboose exhibit is open during regular
          museum hours. For more information, call
          (734) 455-8940.

                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                          ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS – PUBLIC HEARING
                                    August 18, 2021 – 7:00 PM
          The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) has scheduled a public hearing for August 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM at the Northville Township
          Municipal Office Building, located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville MI. The ZBA will consider a use variance request to
          Chapter 170, Zoning Ordinance, Article 41.4 (D), Use Variance, to allow the residential zoned property
          at 18831 Beck Road to be used as professional office.
          Written comments regarding these requests will be received by the ZBA at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168. The
          meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.
          Paul Slatin, Chair
          Zoning Board of Appeals
          Publish: July 29, 2021                                    NT0145 - 072921  2.5 x 1.969

                                  NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
                                           OF THE
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                  PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO
                                      ORDINANCE §139-44
          PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Northville Board of Trustees will be considering adoption of the pro-
          posed amendment to Ordinance Chapter 139. Article III, Cross Connections at their Regular Meeting on August 19, 2021, at 7:00
          P.M. at the Northville Township Hall located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48168.  This amendment was intro-
          duced at the Board of Trustee meeting of July 15, 2021.
          The proposed amendment will include:
          § 139-44 Backflow Testing.
          All testable backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested initially upon installation, relocation and/or repair to be sure that the
          assembly is working properly. Subsequent testing of assemblies shall be on an annual basis or as required by the Township of
          Northville and in accordance with Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy requirements.  Only individ-
          uals that hold an active ASSE 5110 tester's certification shall be qualified to perform such testing. That individual(s) shall cer-
          tify the results of his/her testing.
          A copy of the full Ordinance and amendment can be viewed during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to  4:30 p.m. at the Office
          of the Township Clerk, Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville Michigan 48168.
          Roger Lundberg
          Publish: July 29, 2021                                    NT0144 - 072921  2.5 x 3.472
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