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Never forgotten
Last week, Inkster residents, elected officials, police officers and
family members gathered at the recreation center to commemo-
rate officers who died serving the community. The annual remem-
brance for Ofc. Daniel Dubiel, Sgt. Ira Parker and Ofc. Clay
Hoover who all died on July 9, 1987 after a horrific gunfight and
standoff at a Michigan Avenue motel has taken place every year
since their deaths. Also memorialized was Ofc. Kenneth
Woodmore who died in the line of duty on June 17, 1994.
Speakers reminded those in the audience of the dangers officers
face every day and the level of courage and dedication required
to protect and serve. Members of the Detroit Police Honor Guard,
at left, saluted the fallen officers.
Inkster police host National Night Out for community
Inkster police are again residents and local entrepre- receive approval prior to the the relationship between neigh- tories and military bases world-
preparing for National Nite Out, neurs are invited to set up a event. bors and law enforcement while wide on the first Tuesday in
celebrated from 5-9 p.m. booth at the event. Police offi- Interested parties should call bringing back a true sense of August. Many neighborhoods
Tuesday, Aug. 3 in the parking cials are encouraging local (313) 409-6698 to express interest community, according to the host block parties, festivals,
lot at the Inkster Police community and youth organiza- in attending, officials said. organization website. The event parades, cookouts and various
Department headquarters. tions to consider applying to National Night Out is an also provides a great opportuni- other community events with
As in previous years, the attend the event to have their annual community-building ty to bring police and neighbors safety demonstrations, semi-
police department will be host- mission heard. While local ven- campaign that promotes police- together under positive circum- nars, youth events, visits from
ing a family party in the parking dors are welcome to apply for a community partnerships and stances, they added. emergency personnel, exhibits
lot of the police department booth, no sales will be allowed, neighborhood camaraderie to Millions of neighbors take and much, much more in an
with giveaways, games, face the purpose is strictly for adver- make local neighborhoods safer, part in National Night Out effort to strengthen the relation-
painting, food, music, and more. tising. There is no fee for a more caring places to live. across thousands of communi- ship between local police and
The event is free for Inkster booth but all organizations must National Night Out enhances ties from all 50 states, U.S. terri- the neighbors they serve.
Death of pedestrian killed by train investigated by police
Police continue to investi- near Winifred Street and East father, son, brother and grand- which was heading to Detroit Wayne police and the
gate the death of a 26-year-old Michigan Avenue just before son." from Chicago. The train was Western Wayne Crash
Wayne man struck and killed by midnight on Tuesday, July 20. Police officers responded to stopped on the tracks for about Response Team continue to
a train last week as he was The victim was a 26-year-old the scene at about 11:50 p.m. five hours. investigate the incident and
walking along or crossing the Wayne man, according to offi- and discovered the man dead The area was closed to the anyone with information about
tracks. cial reports. Social media com- due to injuries consistent with public for several hours during the victim or the crash should
According to police reports, ments named the victim as being struck by a train, accord- the initial investigation but call Wayne Police Sgt. Robert
the man was struck by the train Cameron Ludwig and ing to authorities. There were reopened at about 5 a.m. Amore at (734) 721-1414 ext.
as he was walking on the tracks described him as "a loving 125 people on board the train, Wednesday. 1576.