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Special celebration
Couple beats near fatal COVID-19 disease
David and Charlunda Thompson of His sister, a doctor, advised him to use
Inkster will have a lot to celebrate next all his remaining strength to sit up on the
month when they mark their 21st wedding side of his hospital bed and continue to
anniversary. talk to her, often for a continuous seven
The most important aspect of the event hours at a time, making breathing easier
will be that they are both alive and togeth- for him.
er. Thompson said the difficulty of the dis-
The couple was separated for 45 days ease is often underrated and that his the
earlier this year while fighting the coron- physical strain actually made him want to
avirus. Charlunda spent 29 days in weep.
Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn where the “I thought, if I go to sleep, I won't wake
couple went to be evaluated for the dis- back up,” the middle school teacher said. “I didn't know if I would see him again,” she needed extensive therapy and reha-
ease in March. She was admitted immedi- “So I was determined not to go to sleep.” she said. bilitation to learn to walk again, a result of
ately and spent 16 days on a ventilator, His wife, a hospice care nurse, said that The pair were reunited earlier this the wasting effects of the disease on
while David was initially sent home, but for her, the most difficult part of the situa- month, seeing each other for the first time patients' bodies.
later rushed as an emergency to tion was not knowing what her husband's in 45 days at the Mary Free Bed The couple is together again, now, in
Beaumont Hospital Wayne where doctors condition might be or if he was OK. She Rehabilitation Center. their Inkster home, and looking forward to
determined that his body was shutting said that waking up in the ICU was very The muscles in Charlunda's upper legs a very special anniversary celebration
down. difficult with no family around. were so weakened by the COVID-19 virus, next month.
Mother sent for competency hearing in stabbing
An Inkster mother has been ture. Each of the charges carries a Reid, was found dead in the home the home with a key and discov- The Wayne County Medical
ordered to undergo a competency maximum penalty of life in prison the two occupied in the 26440 ered the child's body in a back Examiner's Office determined the
examination by the court in con- upon conviction. block of Lehigh Street in Inkster. bedroom. child died from multiple stab
nection with the stabbing death of No bail is allowed in first- Family members had gone to the Inkster police officers were dis- wounds and blunt force trauma
her 3-year-old son. degree murder charges and home to check on the welfare of patched to the scene at about 2:44 injuries.
Atiya Nina Muhammed, 26, is Muhammed remains in custody at the mother and son when p.m. and Muhammed was initially Muhammed was referred for
facing charges of first degree pre- the Wayne County Jail. Muhammed failed to answer reported missing, but was arrest- the competency examination at a
meditated murder, felony murder, She was arrested May 6, the repeated phone calls over several ed at about 6 p.m. later the same May 20 court appearance in
first degree child abuse and tor- same day her 3-year-old son, Zion days. Family members entered day in a cooperative police effort Wayne County Circuit Court.
Wide field of candidates fills Northville primary ballot
Don Howard Nix said he's looking forward prompted a period of turmoil mer engineering director at Fiat- Steve McCurik, Kevin Johnston
Staff Writer to another term and praised his and animus between the town- Chrysler Corp. and Mohammad Aslam, the only
board members and their com- ship and the City of Livonia. The Vying for the office of treasur- Democrat on the ballot.
In Northville Township, the mitment. situation led to open arguments, er in the township will be incum- The winners of the Aug. 4 elec-
slate of candidates seeking elec- "Everyone here is dedicated lawsuits and an effort at annexa- bent Fred Shadk who will be tion for trustee will determine
tion Aug. 4 includes 12 and committed to serving the tion of Northville by Livonia. opposed by Jason Rhines. which names appear on the
Republicans and a lone township and doing what's best Abbo was appointed fiscal direc- Candidates for the four terms Republican ticket Nov. 3 to chal-
Democrat. for our residents." Nix said. tor for the Wayne County of office as members of the lenge Aslam, the only
Filing for reelection to the Abbo announced his retire- Commission in 2016. Northville Township Board of Democratic candidate.
position of township supervisor ment as township supervisor in Marjorie F. Banner, the Trustees will be incumbents All terms of office in the town-
were incumbent Supervisor 2012. During his term, the state incumbent township clerk is Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann ship are four years and the suc-
Robert R. Nix, III and Mark J. closed Northville Psychiatric seeking reelection to the full- and Chris Roosen. cessful candidates in November
Abbo, who served as supervisor Hospital and the resulting pro- time position and will be chal- The incumbents will be chal- will serve from November of
from 2000 until 2012. posed development at the site lenged by Roger Lundberg, a for- lenged by Cyndy Jankowski, 2020 until November of 2024.