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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June 4, 2020

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Belleville Rotary Club awards annual scholarships

           The 75th Annual Scholarship  Budd received the community   primarily at the student      dreamers will recognize and      Following the presentations,
        Program of the Rotary Club of  service scholarship from the   awardees, described historical  resolve the issues that face them  Kozlowski thanked all the virtual
        Belleville took a step into the  Rotary Club members.         challenges in previous genera-  and us, he told the Zoom meeting  attendees, the scholarship com-
        future with an electronic presen-  Belleville Rotary Club     tions that were often met and  club members.                 mittee and any others whose
        tation recently.               President Rachel Kozlowski     solved by dreamers - men and     Following Kole's address, the  work made the evening possible.
           The Zoom presentation of    offered welcoming remarks fol-  women - who pursued their chal-  scholarship presentations were  The Rotary Club of Belleville
        three $5,000 scholarships May 19  lowed by 34th District Court  lenges with persistence and over-  made by members of the  has now awarded $567,500 to
        was necessitated by the current  Judge David Parrott's introduc-  came the roadblocks were in  Belleville club scholarship com-  Belleville High School students
        coronoavirus pandemic stay at  tion of keynote speaker Mike   their way.  He suggested every-  mittee, Glenn Silvenis, Parrott,  as part of the club scholarship
        home executive order of Gov.   Kole, chairman of the Kole     one should find their dream and  and Kozlowski presenting the  program.  This year, as in recent
        Gretchen Whitmer.              Performance Group, and interim  then explained that whatever a  final award.  Each of the winners  years, the primary funding
           Belleville area resident gradu-  director of the Belleville Area  person's dream might be - even if  thanked the Rotary club mem-  source for the program has been
        ates Collin Patrick Attard and  Chamber of Commerce, as well  it is unclear how it can be real-  bers and spoke about their plans  the Charles B. Cozadd Rotary
        Haley Raw Bellingham were      as professor of leadership at  ized, it should be pursued.  It will  going forward and how the schol-  Foundation which assists the
        each awarded an academic       Northwood University.          be through persistent process  arships will assist them in reach-  club in the funding or partial
        scholarship and Joseph Randall   Kole's presentation, directed  that our current generation of  ing academic goals.        funding of many projects.
        2 men face charges in fatal gas station shooting

           Two men have been arrested  from   the   Romulus    Fire     Wayne County Prosecutor Kym  pulled a weapon and fired, fatally  and officers reportedly recovered
        in the shooting death of a third at  Department rescue and the City  Worthy has charged Diontay  striking the victim. The suspects  a handgun at the scene.
        a Romulus gas station.         of Taylor rescue teams at the loca-  Reece McMillon, 31 of Canton  drove from the scene at a high  McMillon has been charged
           According to police reports,  tion along with the body of Brian  Township and Gerald Stefan  rate of speeditnesses said. The  with first degree murder; felon in
        officers were called to the Shell  Eugene Davis, a 40-year-old  Nelson, 50 of Ypsilanti Township,  suspect vehicle was spotted by  possession of a firearm; felony
        station in the 27000 block of  Romulus man who had apparent-  in connection with the fatal shoot-  Taylor police and a car chase  firearm and fleeing and eluding -
        Eureka Road near Inkster Road  ly suffered a gunshot wound. The  ing of Davis.              ensured when the suspects, trav-  third degree.
        at about 8:35 p.m. May 19 in   victim had been pronounced       It is alleged that the victim was  eling west on Ecorse Road, disre-  Nelson has been charged with
        response to a 911 call that a man  dead at the scene by the medical  unknown to either defendant and  garded a red light and subse-  fleeing and eluding - third degree.
        had been shot at the location.  personnel and was subsequently  that as Davis approached the  quently crashed into another   Both    defendants   were
           When officers arrived on the  transported from the gas station  defendants' vehicle in the gas sta-  vehicle.  Officers from both Taylor  arraigned May 24 in 34th District
        scene, they observed personnel  parking lot.                  tion lot, passenger McMillon  and Romulus arrested the pair  Court in Romulus.

           Special tribute

           The Romulus VFW Post 9568 Honor Guard hosted a Memorial
           Day ceremony last week at the Romulus Memorial Cemetery. The
           VFW members and the public honored fallen soldiers with tributes
           and by placing American flags at veterans' graves. Mayor LeRoy
           Burcroff delivered a brief speech recognizing the sacrifice and
           service of local heroes.


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         1. Obituaries                                                                                     2006 BUIC LUCERNE CX  1HGCP2F6XCA240687
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          Betty Ann Dryer                                                            Copart has vehicles   1G2ZF57B884177043
          Betty Ann Barnes Dryer, 102, of Wayne, who began every day with a          up for public auction  2009 BMW 328 XI       Miscellaneous
          positive thought and a grateful heart, passed away peacefully              Tuesday 6/9/20        WBAPK73599A454437
          Wednesday, May 20, 2020.                                                   at 10 AM at           2003 FORD TAURUS SES      Miscellaneous
          Born in Kinderhook, on Nov.18, 1917, to Otis O. and Bernice Barnes,       1FAHP55UX3G100972     Turning 65? Need the right
          she was later joined by a sister, Ruth, and a brother, Jack. While                               2013 CHEV MALIBU 1LT  facts about Medicare ?
          attending Cleary College, she met and married C.K. Dryer, a medical        2007 JEP PATRIOT LI   1G11C5SA2DF127777     Questions? Confused? Call
          student at the University of Michigan.                                     1J8FF48WX7D421650     2004 CHRY SEBRING LX  us, we can help. 1-866-453-
          The couple settled in Wayne, where Mrs. Dryer became an active             2009 CADI CTS-V       1C3EL46X54N229215     6898   pkgfinancialser-
          member of the First Congregational Church, the Wayne Garden Club           1G6DN57P790171458     2013 NISS ALTIMA 2.5        
          (eventually a Life Member), and the Women's Auxiliary of Annapolis         2012 FORD FOCUS SE    1N4AL3AP4DN409576
          Hospital. She was also a proud member of The Mayflower Society.            1FAHP3K24CL445462     2015 JEP PATRIOT SP   Wesley Financial Group,
          Mrs. Dryer loved gardening, traveling, volunteering, working in her        2015 CHEV TRAVERSE L  1C4NJPBB8FD387473     LLC        Timeshare
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          after 72 years of marriage.                                                2002 HOND CR-V EX     1G4HD57286U128298     2019. Get free information-
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          Naperville, Il; Richard (Mary Dee) Dryer of Pinckney and Diana (Martin) Stadtmiller of Northville;  2017 CHEV IMPALA LT  KM8JM12BX6U376876  to get rid of your timeshare!
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