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June 4, 2020                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland readies for return of city hall workers

           Westland officials began a phased   assist individuals who prefer to conduct
        Return to Business Plan Monday  which  business in person.  As required by the
        reopened Westland City Hall and the    state, employees will be required to wear
        Jefferson Barns Community Vitality     masks while working.  Personal Protective
        Center in limited capacities. The      Equipment (PPE), including masks, gloves
        Assessing, Building, City Clerk, Economic  and hand sanitizer will be provided to
        Development, Finance, Planning, Public  employees and residents conducting busi-
        Service and Water/Sewer Departments    ness in city hall, if needed.
        will all resume normal operations, offi-  Westland will not be hosting events or
        cials said.                            renting out city facilities and public meet-
           In response to the pandemic and asso-  ings will continue to take place virtually at
        ciated closures, the city placed 2/3 of non-  this time.
        public safety employees on temporary fur-  “Our team has been hard at work over
        lough.  With the implementation of phase  the past few months, working to provide
        1 of the return to business plan, employees  the essential services that are needed to
        will be brought back from furlough as  keep Westland up and running while
        demand increases.  The city has also   implementing safeguards and social dis-
        installed glass barriers around employee  tancing measures to ensure when our city
        work stations and at the front counter to  buildings reopen, we can do so safely,”  are relaxed.  Phase 2 will focus on the cre-  “I want to thank the residents of
        ensure staff can work and service resi-  commented Mayor William R. Wild.     ation of plans and policies that will allow  Westland for their contribution to flatten-
        dents safely.                            Westland will continue to follow the  the city to conduct public meetings in per-  ing the curve in Wayne County as well as
           Residents are encouraged to conduct  State of Michigan recommendations from  son, officials said.  Phase 3 will involve the  the employees of the City of Westland for
        city business on  the MI Safe Start Plan and will move into  opening of other city facilities, park  maintaining their professionalism
        and to utilize the drop boxes located out-  the next phases of a return to business  amenities and accepting room and pavil-  throughout these challenging times,” Wild
        side city hall, but staff will be available to  plan as restrictions on public gatherings  ion rentals.            concluded.
        State Wayne owners plan for ‘clean’ reopening

           Owners of the State Wayne   local and very social by nature                                                             seating layout will automatically
        Theatre are hoping for a re-open-  and uniquely disadvantaged in a            In between each showing,                     be configured within our
        ing July 1.                    pandemic crisis.”                                                                           reserved seating computer soft-
           A spokesman from Phoenix      The movie industry is not only                theater workers will use a                  ware, so that customers will not
        Theatres, which has owned the  closed at local theaters, but all      food grade disinfectant spray on all seats.          be within 6 feet of other guests
        historic Michigan Avenue theater  production has stopped on new                                                            not in their family group.     Each
        since 2000, said the past two  feature films as well, he added.                                                            employee will wear masks and
        decades have had difficult chal-  The film studios have responded  the return of Hollywood's sum-  can establish a safe movie-going  other protective equipment and
        lenges typical of operating a  by literally rescheduling all films  mer blockbuster movies to the  environment for both our  ticketing and concessions trans-
        small business, but “none of   beginning later this summer and  big screen.”                employees and guests.”         actions have been streamlined to
        these problems have been as    in some cases 2021.  As the film  “Prior to our re-opening, we  Phoenix Theatres plans to   minimize tough points.
        serious as the current COVID-19  industry grapples with these  will be traveling to our theatre  incorporate both CDC and local  “In between each showing,
        pandemic.”                     unprecedented     problems,    locations in Iowa, Massachusetts,  government standards on how a  theater workers will use a food
           “This challenge was complete-  Phoenix Theatres decided to  and Michigan with our small spe-  theater should safely operate.  grade disinfectant spray on all
        ly unexpected, and affects literal-  proactively shift their focus to  cialized training group to individ-  Working closely with the  seats that removes 99.99 percent
        ly everyone in the world,”     offer solutions that could make a  ually work with every employee  National Association of Theatre  of all viruses on surfaces within
        explained Cory Jacobson, owner  difference, he explained..    in the company,” said Sheena  Owners and with the help of our  30 seconds.
        of Phoenix Theatres. “We have    “Our management group has    Hohman, director of employee  management and employees we      “We will be using this disinfec-
        faith in the human need to inter-  spent the past few months work-  training and development. “This  have established new safety pro-  tant spray on high touch points
        act with one another and the art  ing on developing a comprehen-  will ensure a complete under-  tocols for every aspect of the the-  throughout the building includ-
        we present at the movies. It is  sive plan with CDC guidance to  standing of the importance of fol-  atre, Hohman said.    ing the restrooms and concession
        unique to our American experi-  carefully re-open our theatres,”  lowing our newly-established  “We will have social distanc-  areas,” she said. “In addition,
        ence, as movies are one of our  Jacobson said. “We are hopeful  guidelines for operations. By pro-  ing guidelines in all the common  hand sanitizer stations will also
        greatest cultural contributions to  that all of our locations will be  viding our employees with the  areas and most importantly in  be provided for customer use
        the world. Our business is both  able to open by July 1 to support  tools and training necessary we  the theatre auditoriums. The  throughout the theater.”
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