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June 4, 2020                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Lawsuit claims evictions were illegal

           A non-profit addiction recov-  ment complex was sold to                                                                 Canton, which is near treatment
        ery organization has filed a law-  Crossing Owner LLC and Pepper      The group currently has about 125 clients            centers in Plymouth and Canton,
        suit against a Canton Township  Pike Property Management LLC                                                               according to Paliwoda. The group
        apartment complex claiming the  in 2018, 70 of his clients were          in various apartment complexes who                currently has about 125 clients in
        management committed both fair  evicted from their apartments.          are regularly visited by staff members             various apartment complexes
        housing and civil rights violations  The lawsuit alleges that the new                                                      who are regularly visited by staff
        in evicting program clients.    owners refused to renew leases           and screened for substance abuse.                 members and screened for sub-
           Joseph Paliwoda, CEO of     with LIGHT House clients and                                                                stance abuse.
        Personalized Nursing LIGHT     the nearly $230,000 in annual  LIGHT House clients.          time, the apartment complex      LIGHT House located alter-
        House, Inc. filed the federal law-  rental payments based on a  The new owners sent LIGHT   continued to advertise rental  nate apartment housing for the
        suit last week against the owners  desire for a “different demo-  House  'Notice  to  Quit,  units   with    “Immediate    clients, Paliwoda said, but the
        of Crossings at Canton. Co-plain-  graphic.” The filing claims that  Termination of Tenancy” forms  Occupancy.”            ensuing financial losses and emo-
        tiffs in the lawsuit are LIGHT  the rental payments were made  in December of 2018 along with a  Clients of LIGHT House spend  tional distress inflicted on the
        House and the Fair Housing     on time and that the actions of  letter claiming renovations at the  about 10 weeks in the outpatient  clients was stressful, prompting
        Center of Metropolitan Detroit.  the management company and   apartment complex would       recovery program including     the lawsuit seeking legal redress
        The plaintiffs  claim through the  owners was based on the disabili-  require the tenants to leave. The  housing in the furnished apart-  for the “blatant” and “harmful”
        court filing that when the apart-  ties of the tenants involved, all  lawsuit alleges that during this  ment units at Crossings of  actions of the complex owners.
        New rules may help restaurants’ reopenings

           Members of the Plymouth     parking spaces in front of                                                                  with GraphX to make covers for
        City Commission approved a     restaurants for use by the estab-                         ”                                 the necessary 8-feet-by 5-feet
        Social District Designation last  lishments to increase seating                 The DDA is suggesting                      city barricades that will be used
        week that will allow the expan-  capacity and allow for social dis-          restaurant owners purchase                    to designate the street cafes.
        sion of outdoor restaurant     tancing next week.                                                                            The DDA is suggesting
        patios on public areas June 8    Restaurant owners will need                    one or more covers to                      restaurant owners purchase one
        when the state Stay at Home    to apply with the Michigan                      designate their business.                   or more covers to designate
        orders expire and restaurants  Liquor Control Commission to                                                                their business.
        are allowed to serve dine-in cus-  be allowed to serve alcohol in                                                            The DDA was able to secure
        tomers. The designation would  the newly-designated areas.    license to take advantage of  4601,7-154-89505-529626--      a reduced price of $135 per ban-
        allow restaurants to use the   The process is being stream-   future opportunities to expand  ,00.html.                    ner which can be used all sea-
        additional public space until  lined by the Michigan Liquor   patio seating into public spaces.  As part of the plan, the  son.
        Nov. 1.                        License Control Commission.    To        apply        visit:  Downtown      Development       To order the covers, visit the
           The city will be designating  Owners must apply for this,  Authority (DDA) will be working  DDA website.
        Masks donated to Plymouth Township workers

           As a marine who served overseas,    opportunity even more special was that  United State Marine Corps, my uncles  cials during National Police Week is a
        John Lacny said he has a lot of respect for  we were able to make the donation dur-  and cousin served on the Chicago police  complete honor.”
        public safety and those fighting COVID-19  ing National Police Week.”        force, and my cousin Admiral Mullen      “No one wants to lose lives to COVID-
        on the front lines.  That prompted his   President John F Kennedy pro-       served as the Chairman of the Joint   19 any more then they want to see some-
        recent donation of 150 KN95 equivalent  claimed May 15 as Peace Officers     Chiefs of Staff for Presidents  George W.  one lose their life to senseless violence.
        masks for the Plymouth Township Police  Memorial Day; the week in which that  Bush and Barack Obama.  I also worked  When you see our police and firefighters
        and Fire departments, he said.         date falls is National Police Week.   for Raytheon in the Middle East to help  please thank them for everything they are
           “It is an honor to be able to help the  During this week, prior to the COVID-19  defend our allies and our National  doing to protect us, and please pray for
        men and women that work every day to   crisis, more than 25,000 attendees would  Defense interests.   Therefore, being able  those families that have lost loved ones to
        keep up us safe and healthy,” said Lacny,  visit Washington D.C. to honor those  to provide PPE to our Public Safety offi-  the COVID-19 virus,” concluded Lacny.
        who is currently seeking office as state  police officers who made the ultimate
        representative from Plymouth Township,  sacrifice.                                                   CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
        the city of Plymouth, Northville          “Public service has been a long tradi-                      NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
        Township, the City of Northville, and part  tion in my family,” Lacny continued.  “I                2020 SIDEWALK REP AIR PROGRAM
        of Canton Township.  “What made this   was proud to serve our country in the               HEARING OF NECESSITY FOR SIDEWALK REPLACEMENTS
                                                                                                           FOR THE FOLLOWING SUBDIVISIONS:
                                                                                                  ZONE 5 - Target Subdivisions
                                         SYNOPSIS                                                 Cherry Blossom Estates     Kingston Estates
                                 VIRTUAL REGULAR MEETING                                          Franklin-Palmer Estates    Lexington Square # 1
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                      Glengarry Village #3       Lexington Square #2
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                            Glengarry Village #4       Nowland Estates
                                                                                                  Glengarry Village #5       Nowland on The Court
         DATE:  Thursday, May 21, 2020                                                            Glengarry Village #6       Pine View Estates
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.                                                                         Glengarry Woods            River Park #1
                                                                                                  Greenbrook Village #1      River Park #2
         CALL TO ORDER:   Supervisor Nix called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.                 Greenbrook Village #2      River Park #3
         ROLL CALL:    Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee                                                Also
                       Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Symantha Heath, Trustee
                       Fred Shadko, Treasurer  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                              Miscellaneous Locations and Metro Act Locations throughout Canton Township
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                                   ALL subdivisions located in ZONE FIVE are south of Cherry Hill Road, east of Canton
         1. Agendas:                                                                                         Center Road and west of Morton-Taylor Road.
            A.   Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
         2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                                              SEE ATTACHED MAP
            A.  Plante Moran - Audit Presentation - Presented
            B.  HDC  Reappointment - Fred Shadko - Approved
            C.  Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented
         3. Public Hearing: MITC Brownfield Plan, Amendment #1 - Open and Conducted
         4. Brief Public Comments: One resident had a question or comment for the Board of Trustees.
         5. New Business:
            A.   MITC Brownfield Plan, Amendment #1 - Approved
            B.  Parks & Recreation - Roofing Project - Approved
            C.  Community Park Infield Project - Approved
            D.  Request for Temporary Sign - Approved
            E.  Northville Youth Network - Bylaw Amendment - Approved
         6. Unfinished Business: None
         7. Ordinances:  None
         8. Check Registry:
         A. In the amount of $4,867,516.12 for the period of March 7, 2020 to May 1, 2020. - Approved
         9. Board Communication & Reports:
            A.  Robert R Nix, Marjorie Banner, Fred Shadko, Scott Frush, Symantha Heath, Mindy Herrmann, Christopher Roosen,
         Todd Mutchler
         10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees - None
         11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.
         A draft of the minutes will be available on June 3, 2020.
         Respectfully submitted:
         Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor
         Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                                  NT0069 - 060420  2.5 x 4.981

                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Public Act 80 of the Public Acts of 1989 of the State of Michigan, as amended, and
                                                                                      pursuant to the findings of necessity; assessment against owners of property; hearing; exceptions; notice of the Charter Township
                                                                                      of Canton that the Board of the Charter Township of Canton will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at the Village
                                                                                      Theater at Cherry Hill, 50400 Cherry Hill Road, Canton, MI 48187 at 5 :00 PM for the proposed sidewalk replacements.
                                                                                      Publish: The Eagle 06/04/20                                    CN2070 - 060420  2.5 x 11.213
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