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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             June 4, 2020

              MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING                     SECTION 17. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Federal Law Enforcement
                                        May 11, 2020                                  Fund on an activity basis, the following:
           MEETING HELD ELECTRONICALLY – VIA ZOOM TELECONFERENCING                             FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT                       $     57,160
                                                                                               REVENUES                                            1,800
         Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem, John Barden.                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        55,360
         Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Councilman William Wadsworth                            TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE          57,160
         The council meeting was held in accordance to Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-48, (1) (a), that a  SECTION 18. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the State Law Enforcement Fund
         meeting of a public body may be held electronically, by telephone or video conferencing, in a manner in which  on an activity basis, the following:
         both the general public and the members of the public body may participate by electronic means.  STATE FORFEITURE                   $    125,000
         Roll Call                                                                             REVENUES                                            52,000
         Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE        73,000
         Williams,                                                                             TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         125,000
         Absent / Excused: None                                                       SECTION 19. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Municipal Library Fund on
         Administrative Officials in Attendance:                                      an activity basis, the following:
         Leroy Burcroff, Mayor                                                                 MUNICIPAL LIBRARY                             $    986,040
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                                           REVENUES                                           870,340
         Stacy Paige, Treasurer                                                                APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                       115,700
         1. Agenda                                                                             TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         986,040
         A. Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley for Approval of the Agenda as presented.  SECTION 20. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Special Assessment - Beverly
                   Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams  Road Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                              Nays - None                                                      SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - BEVERLY ROAD            $      86,620
                              Motion Carried Unanimously                                       REVENUES                                            76,770
         2.     Minutes                                                                        APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        9,850
         A. Res. # 20-119   Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb for Approval of the Minutes from  TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE  86,620
         the Regular Council Meeting held on May 4, 2020.                             SECTION 21 That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the 2017B Court Building Debt
                   Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams  Service Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                              Nays - None                                                      2017B COURT BUILDING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS       $          1,041,980
                              Motion Carried Unanimously                                       REVENUES                                          1,053,980
         B. Res. #20-120  Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley for Approval of the Minutes from the  SECTION 22. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the 2017A Ecorse/Vining Capital
         Public Hearing held on May 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the FY 2020/21 Preliminary Budget.   Improvement Debt Service Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                   Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams  2017A ECORSE/VINING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS        $  1,282,880
                   Nays - None                                                                 REVENUES                                          1,283,380
                   Motion Carried Unanimously                                         SECTION 23. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the 2014 Capital Improvement Debt
         3. Petitioner - None                                                         Service Fund on an activity basis, the following:
         4. Chairperson’s Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem                                   2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS                $    205,730
            A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to Accept the Chairperson’s Report.  REVENUES                                    205,740
                   Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams  SECTION 24. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Sewer Debt Service Fund on
                              Nays - None                                             an activity basis, the following:
                              Motion Carried Unanimously                                       SEWER DEBT SERVICE                            $    320,000
         5. Mayor’s Report – LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor                                          REVENUES                                            90,000
            Mayor Burcroff acknowledged and thanked Abbie Akins, the Financial and Administrative Teams, and the  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE    230,000
            City Council for working collaboratively on the FY 2020/21 Budget.                 TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         320,000
                                                                                      SECTION 25. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Water Debt Service Fund on
            A. Res. # 20-121  Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to concur with the Administration  an activity basis, the following:
              and adopt the General and Special Appropriations Act and Tax Levy Authorization for the City of  WATER DEBT SERVICE
              Romulus and the 34 th  District Court Fiscal Year 2020-2021 as submitted by Mayor Burcroff.   REVENUES                         $     25,500
                                                                                      SECTION 26. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Ecorse Construction & Vining
                                                                                      Road Extension Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                                      CITY OF ROMULUS                                          ECORSE CONSTRUCTION & VINING ROAD EXTENSION          $  899,340
                           GENERAL AND SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT                              REVENUES                                            5,000
         A resolution to provide for the adoption of a budget proposed by the Mayor containing estimates of proposed  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE  894,340
         revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30,  2021 and millage  TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE  899,340
         rates to support this budget.                                                SECTION 27. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Tax Increment Finance
         BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS:                   Authority Vining Road Construction Fund on an activity basis, the following:
         SECTION 1. That for the expenditures of the City Government and its activities for the fiscal year, beginning  TIFA-VINING CONSTRUCTION  $  29,420
         July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021, the amounts in the following sections are hereby appropriated.  REVENUES                             500
         SECTION 2. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund on an activity  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE  28,920
         basis, the following:                                                                 TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE          29,420
                   COUNCIL                                      $     99,770          SECTION 28. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Sewer and Water Fund on an
                   MAYOR                                             754,610          activity basis, the following:
                   CLERK                                             689,550                   SEWER AND WATER                               $  17,530,070
                   FINANCIAL SERVICES                              11,567,320                  REVENUES                                         17,268,340
                   TREASURER                                         451,460                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                       261,730
                   PUBLIC SAFETY                                    1,440,850                  TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE       17,530,070
                   PUBLIC SERVICES                                  3,757,490         SECTION 29 That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Vehicle and Equipment Fund
                   COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT                  314,220          on an activity basis, the following:
                   RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL                           669,600                   MOTOR VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT                   $   2,912,970
                   TOTAL EXPENDITURES                             19,744,870                   REVENUES                                          1,130,150
         REVENUES                                                                              APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                      1,782,820
                   PROPERTY TAXES                              $    8,676,500                  TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE        2,912,970
                   BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS                       216,000          SECTION 30. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Technology Services Fund on
                   FEDERAL GRANTS & REVENUES                              -           an activity basis, the following:
                   STATE GRANTS & REVENUES                          4,181,040                  TECHNOLOGY SERVICES                           $    803,010
                   CHARGES FOR SERVICES                              814,770                   REVENUES                                           714,490
                   FINES & FORFEITS                                 1,300,000                  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        88,520
                   INTEREST & RENTS                                  620,880                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         803,010
                   OTHER REVENUES                                   1,793,260         SECTION 31. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Property and Liability Self-
                   CONTRIBUTIONS FROM LOCAL UNITS                     63,770          Insurance Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                   NON-BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS                  1,274,200                  PROPERTY AND LIABILITY SELF INSURANCE         $    612,600
                   TOTAL REVENUES                                  18,940,420                  REVENUES                                           619,720
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                       804,450         SECTION 32. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Retirement Insurance Benefit
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE       19,744,870        Fund on an activity basis, the following:
         SECTION 3. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Major Roads Fund on an  RETIREE INSURANCE BENEFITS  $  2,868,160
         activity basis, the following:                                                        REVENUES                                          2,980,680
                   MAJOR ROADS FUND EXPENDITURES                $   3,131,650         SECTION 33.That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Brownfield Redevelopment
                   TRANSFER TO LOCAL STREETS                              -           Authority Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                   TRANSFER TO DEBT FUND                             205,730                   BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY            $     3,590
                   TOTAL EXPENDITURES & CONTINGENCIES                                          REVENUES                                            9,760
                                                                    3,337,380         SECTION 34.That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Downtown Development
                   REVENUES                                         2,382,290         Authority Fund on an activity basis, the following:
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                      955,090                   DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY                $    630,250
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE       3,337,380                  REVENUES                                           500,160
         SECTION 4. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Local Streets Fund on an  APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE  130,090
         activity basis, the following:                                                        TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         630,250
                   LOCAL STREETS FUND EXPENDITURES               $    1,018,780       SECTION 35. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Tax Increment Finance
                   REVENUES                                          786,330          Authority Funds on an activity basis, the following:
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                      232,450                   TIFA DISTRICT II                              $   8,574,260
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE       1,018,780                  REVENUES                                          6,806,240
                                                                                               APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                      1,768,020
         SECTION 5. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Public Safety Fund on an  TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE  8,574,260
         activity basis, the following:                                               SECTION 36. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the 34th District Court on an
                   PUBLIC SAFETY FUND                           $  14,029,510         activity basis, the following:
                   REVENUES                                         14,029,510                 34th DISTRICT COURT                           $   4,902,300
         SECTION 6. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Romulus Athletic Center Fund  REVENUES                 4,902,300
         on an activity basis, the following:                                         SECTION 37. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated the following Capital Budget expendi-
                   ROMULUS ATHLETIC CENTER                      $   2,661,757         tures:
                   REVENUES                                         2,662,648                  CAPITAL BUDGET                                $  11,475,620
         SECTION 7. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Cemetery Perpetuation Fund on  SECTION 38. That amounts budgeted for specific items or purposes and not required to be utilized for such
         an activity basis, the following:                                            items or purposes may be spent by the Mayor for other items or purposes within the same activity for which
                   CEMETERY FUND                                $      8,000          such allocations are made.
                   REVENUES                                              80           SECTION 39.  Be it further resolved that the following millage rates as provided by charter or statute be
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        7,920          assessed:
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE          8,000                        OPERATING MILLAGE                      9.4063
         SECTION 8. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Cable Television Fund on an  P.A. 359 MILLAGE    0.0465
         activity basis, the following:                                                             FIRE AND POLICE SERVICES MILLAGE       4.0000
                   CABLE TELEVISION                             $     371,600                       LIBRARY MILLAGE                        0.7000
                   REVENUES                                           373,330                       SANITATION MILLAGE                     1.5500
         SECTION 9. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Merriman Road Special  EPA LEVY MILLAGE          0.0640
         Assessment Fund on an activity basis, the following:                         SECTION 40.  Be it further resolved that the Property Tax Administration Fee and any type of late penal-
                   MERRIMAN RD SPECIAL ASSESSMENT               $     131,720         ty charge as provided for by charter or statute be assessed.
                   REVENUES                                           99,740                Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                       31,980                               Nays - Kathy Abdo, Virginia Williams
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         131,720                              Motion Carried
         SECTION 10. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Street Lighting Fund on an  6. Clerk’s Report – Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
         activity basis, the following:                                               7. Treasurer’s Report – Stacy Paige, Treasurer
                   STREET LIGHTING                              $     625,010         The City Treasurer reported that tax and water payments made through May 8 th  have been processed
                   REVENUES                                           621,380         and credited to accounts.
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        3,630          8. Public Comment - None
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         625,010         9. Unfinished Business
         SECTION 11. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Oakwood Special Assessment  10. New Business
         District on an activity basis, the following:                                11. Warrant
                   OAKWOOD SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT          $      8,500            A.  Res. # 20-122  Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by William Wadsworth for Approval of  Warrant
                   REVENUES                                           20,910                # 20-9 for checks presented in the amount of $1,067,547.66.
         SECTION 12. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Community/Employee  Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
         Activity Fund on an activity basis, the following:                                                Nays - None
                   COMMUNITY/EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY FUND             $      2,300                               Motion Carried Unanimously
                   REVENUES                                            3,700          12. Communication
         SECTION 13.  That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Sanitation Fund on an activi-  Councilwoman Talley announced the Food Benefit Card program for families with students enrolled in
         ty basis, the following:                                                     Romulus Community Schools. Cards will be issued in the amount of $193.80 per student for the months
                   SANITATION                                   $   1,304,930         of March and April and $182.40 for the months of May and June. Families do not need to apply, the
                   REVENUES                                         1,352,580         card(s) will automatically be mailed to each household. Talley also gave an update on the 2020 Census
         SECTION 14. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Community Development  response rate for the City of Romulus which is currently at 66.9%.
         Block Grants Fund on an activity basis, the following:                       Councilwoman Williams announced the Forgotten Harvest food distribution on Tuesdays at RHS, beginning at
                   COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS           $     39,560          1:00pm until the food is gone and the Gleaners food distribution services.
                   REVENUES                                           39,560          13. Adjournment
         SECTION 15. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Michigan Indigent Defense  A.   Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams for Adjournment.
         Fund on an activity basis, the following:                                             Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                   MICHIGAN INDIGENT DEFENSE FUND              $      514,370                              Nays - None
                   REVENUES                                          561,990                               Motion Carried Unanimously.
         SECTION 16. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the 9 1 1 Fund on an activity  Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
         basis, the following:                                                        I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
                   9 1 1 FUND                                   $     162,200         copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on May 11, 2020.
                   REVENUES                                           154,760
                   APPROPRIATION - FUND BALANCE                        7,440
                   TOTAL REVENUES & APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE         162,200
                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
                                                                                      City of Romulus, Michigan                                     RM0497 - 060420  5 x 19.842
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