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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 16, 2020

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Wayne High School wrestling coach fired

           Andrew Hein has been termi-  more than the 70 miles per hour                                                            competition where they compet-
        nated from his position as     speed limit and drove into the            The students subsequently admitted                ed in their respective matches,
        wrestling coach and physical   area between the highway and                                                                according to reports.
        education teacher at Wayne     the exit ramp where the vehicle            being in the car when one of them                  None of them received any
        Memorial High School.          rolled over.                                exhibited signs of a concussion.                medical treatment at the time.
           The termination reportedly    The original police report stat-                                                            The students later confessed
        stems from an auto accident    ed that Hein, as the driver, was                                                            that Hein had told them not to
        which took place at about 8:18  the sole occupant of the vehicle  The students subsequently  Reportedly, Hein was transport-  mention the accident to anyone.
        a.m. Feb. 8 on the I-96 exit in  while subsequent events indicat-  admitted being in the car when  ing the students to a wrestling  Reportedly, the county prose-
        Howell. According to the accident  ed that at least three members of  one of them exhibited signs of a  tournament in Howell. The stu-  cutor is reviewing the police
        report, the driver lost control of  the wrestling team were in the  concussion three days after the  dents were picked up from the  reports to determine if any crimi-
        the vehicle while traveling at  car at the time of the crash.  Saturday  morning    crash.  accident scene, transported to the  nal charges should be filed.
        Westland mayor reports 29 coronavirus deaths

           Westland Mayor William R.   continue to serve the public   ernor's order limits gatherings  tion and updates on other city  respond to emails and voicemails
        Wild had a sobering message for  while adhering to the directives  and travel and requires all work-  closures and postponements,  as quickly as possible.
        residents of the community last  from the State of Michigan and  ers who are not necessary to sus-  visit www.cityof  There are also two drop boxes
        week.                          our primary focus and concern is  tain or protect life to stay home.  In accordance with state and  located in front of city hall for res-
           “As of today, (April 10),   keeping members of the commu-    Wild said that the closure of all  federal guidelines with regards to  idents to drop off payments and
        Westland has 278 confirmed     nity safe and doing everything in  Westland municipal buildings,  social distancing, Wild said that  paperwork which will continue to
        cases of COVID-19 and 17       our part to slow the spread and  including the Westland Public  Westland City Hall would remain  be checked daily.
        Westland residents have lost their  minimize the number of people  Library, the Jefferson Barns  operational with a limited staff.    Essential government services
        lives as a result of contracting the  affected.”              Community Vitality Center, the   Contact information for city  that will continue include public
        virus,” Wild said.               Wild's remarks came one day  Senior Friendship Center, the  departments is also available on  safety, utilities, animal control,
           On Tuesday, the number of   after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer    Mack Mayfield Municipal Golf  the                  website,  housing and building depart-
        deaths had increased to 29 in the  announced an extension to the  Course and Westland City Hall    ments, sanitation (including trash
        city.                          Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive  would be extended.              Wild added that city staff  collection), and finance, Wild con-
           “Our staff is working hard to  Order through April 30.  The gov-  For the most current informa-  members will continue to  cluded.
        Legislators demand more pandemic case information

           State Reps. Kevin Coleman   equipment, is necessary for    agreed in a statement.        scope and scale they are facing  tion that we can quantify and
        (D-Westland) and Jewell Jones  local governments to provide     “County governments and the  tomorrow.”                    share would help a great deal,”
        (D-Inkster) are calling for more  the necessary resources to com-  state must release daily updates  “Michigan's response to this  said Jones. “Having the facts
        data on COVID-19 cases to be   bat the public health crisis.  on important statistical data  crisis has been nimble, but   and being able to place our-
        made accessible to the public.  Hospitals and health care sys-  including the number of severe  everyone has struggled to fully  selves in the best position to
           Information on the number   tems need to share their data  versus mild cases and hospital-  utilize their resources without  combat this crisis will ensure
        of daily hospitalizations, case  with the state and counties to  izations,” said Coleman. “Our  an accurate picture of the entire  our speedy transition back to a
        severity,   and    available   ensure local governments and   cities and townships cannot   situation.                     more normal life while discour-
        resources, including number of  residents fully understand the  plan adequate responses with-  “Although there's no way to  aging fear and panic at the same
        beds and personal protective   current situation, the legislators  out understanding the exact  know all the answers, informa-  time.”
        Meetings                       and the same, obviously, for                             ”                                  be allowed to speak when called

                                                                                                                                   upon for up to 3 minutes.
                                       guests who've called in to the
                                       meeting. Meetings will be                  Each meeting has an ID number                    Telephone attendees will be
        FROM PAGE 1                    recorded. City council meetings                                                             placed in a queue by pressing *9
                                       will be posted to the Vimeo                      with an access code.                       and will be identified and called
        Safe order, all City of Plymouth  account, with access from the                 There is no charge to                      upon by the last four digits of
        board and commission meetings  city website homepage, the next              participate in Zoom meetings.                  their telephone number.
        are utilizing the Zoom applica-  day unless there are technical                                                              Normal public comment pro-
        tion. A link for each meeting is  difficulties.                                                                            tocols will be followed, officials
        emailed to those who sign up to  Each meeting has an ID num-  prior to the start of the meeting Instructions for par-  said.
        receive meeting minutes and    ber with an access code. You   as well as throughout the meet-  ticipating in public comment at  Belleville, Inkster and Wayne
        agendas on the city website, offi-  can access the meeting code by  ing.                    the meeting are also available.  officials have cancelled public
        cials said. Links, agendas and  starting at the agendas and min-  There is no charge to partici-  Electronic attendees will be  meetings through the end of the
        meeting minutes are also posted  utes page (in government) and  pate in Zoom meetings.      able to use the “Raise Hand”   month, as have township board
        on the city website agenda cen-  then click on the council, board  The City of Westland council  function during the citizen's  members in Sumpter and
        ter. A portion of every meeting is  or commission meeting you  meetings are also taking place  comments sections of the meet-  Northville in an effort to adhere
        dedicated to public comments.  want to attend.                utilizing the Zoom feature.   ing.                           to the governor's extended
        To participate, type “Public     The access code to these     Information is available at the  The council president will  orders and keep township
        Comments - “ in the everyone   meetings is live several minutes  city website, wwwcityofwest-  recognize the resident and will  employees and the public safe.
        chat window.
           Meetings of the members of
        the Romulus City Council are
        also taking place using the
        Zoom computer program.
        Citizens may submit their ques-
        tions and comments prior to the
        meeting, no later than 4 p.m. the
        date of the meeting to: public- .
           All citizens will be given an
        opportunity for their comments
        to be heard and or read during
        the public comment period of
        the meeting. To join the Zoom
        meeting, access  www.romulus- where full instructions
        for joining the meeting and the
        meeting ID number will be pro-
           The City of Northville has
        also set up Zoom access for
        meetings. During these meet-
        ings, council members and
        board and commission mem-
        bers will be on video and guests
        may choose to view it on video
        or listen to it on audio only.
           To view the meeting on video,
        you need to log in to the meeting
        from a computer, tablet or smart
        phone. On a smart phone, in
        advance of the meeting, down-
        load the Zoom mobile app. For
        first-time users from a desktop
        or laptop, when you click on the
        meeting link you will be prompt-
        ed to download the software
        which takes about 30 seconds.
        You will be prompted to connect
        audio and/or video, then click
        on the button that says “Join
        Meeting.” If you are using a
        landline or cOIP phone, you can
        join a Zoom meeting via telecon-
        ferencing/audio conferencing by
        simply dialing the number pro-
        vided by the city.
           The audience will not be on
        camera. Guests using the video
        capabilities will appear as
        audio only (heard but not seen)
        if they choose to speak publicly,
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