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April 16, 2020                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        State to investigate

        racial disparity in                                                                                ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA

                                                                                                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
        COVID-19 victims                                                              MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT ____________ BY CHAIRMAN MICHAEL CARLIN
                                                                                                                 THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020
                                                                                                                       6:00 P.M.

                                                                                                           ROLL CALL:        Timothy Boyd
           A new task force, created by Gov.   across the state,” Gilchrist said. “The                     Michael Carlin
        Gretchen Whitmer, will investigate the  coronavirus pandemic has shown this                        Gary Heitman
                                                                                                           William Pratt
        serious racial disparity in cases of   inequity to be particularly true, especial-                 Don Schnettler
        COVID-19 in the state.                 ly in the Black community, where the   ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES
           Whitmer announced the new investi-  health of our friends and family has been
        gation last week and said that the task  disproportionately impacted. That's why  1. Regular Meeting -  October 3, 2019
        force would be chaired by Lt. Governor  we are taking immediate action to assem-  ITEM NO. 2 - OLD BUSINESS (Tabled from 9/5/19 & canceled meeting from 4/2/2020)
        Garlin Gilchrist II. Members will include  ble some of the greatest minds to tackle  Application No. 1597-   Dagher Sign & Graphics (Representing Buddy's Pizza)
        leaders across state government and    this racial injustice now and in the                        22476 Telegraph RD
        health care professionals from communi-  future.”                                                  Southfield MI 48033
        ties most impacted by the spread of coro-  During the COVID-19 crisis, Whitmer  Location -         15075 Beck RD
        navirus. The task force was expected to  has signed a number of executive orders  Tax I.D.         Tax I.D. #78-005-99-0009-301
        meet last week.                        aimed at protecting people in vulnerable  IND Zoning District
           Statistics reported last Friday showed  communities. These include orders to  RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 25 Sec 25.9 (1) (b) Sign Regulations, Area, Height and Placement
        that more than 40 percent of COVID-19  temporarily ban evictions and tax foreclo-
        deaths in Michigan are African         sures, expand unemployment benefits,
        Americans, while only 14 percent of state  and restore running water for families.
        residents are African Americans.         “It shouldn't take a global pandemic
           “This virus is holding a mirror up to  for us to address these problems”
        our society and reminding us of the deep  Whitmer continued. “It shouldn't take a
        inequities in this country,” said Whitmer.  crisis for us to expand unemployment
        “From basic lack of access to health care,  benefits, ensure protections for workers
        transportation, and protections in the  who are sick, or expand access to quality,
        workplace, these inequities hit people of  affordable health care.
        color and vulnerable communities the     “We're going to come out of this, but we  The applicant is requesting two variances:
        hardest. This task force will help us start  must also learn some hard lessons about  The applicant is in an IND zoning district and is requesting two variances:
        addressing these disparities right now as  the deep problems in our economy that
        we work to mitigate the spread of COVID-  we need real, meaningful solutions on. As     1. To be allowed to have the sign area for a monument sign to be 65' square feet whereas 60' square feet is
                                                                                                  allowed with a distance from the road of 22' feet with a road frontage of over 200' feet. Variance requested
        19 in Michigan.”                       we recover from the impact of COVID-19,            is an additional 5' square feet of sign area.
           “We know that generations of racial  my administration will continue to focus        2. To be allowed to have the height of the monument sign to be 12' feet whereas 10' feet is allowed with a dis-
        disparities and inequality has a detri-  on long-term solutions for every family in       tance of 22' feet from the road with over 200' feet of road frontage. Variance requested is 2' additional feet
        mental impact on the lives of people   Michigan.”                                         in height.
                                                                                      ITEM NO. 3 - Canceled Meeting Business from March 2020 & April 2020
        Senior residents warned                                                       Application No. 1600-   United Road
                                                                                                           41100 Plymouth RD B1 4th Floor
                                                                                                           Plymouth MI  48170

        of latest telephone scams                                                     Location -           41100 Plymouth RD (Burroughs Building)
                                                                                      Tax I.D.
                                                                                                           Tax I.D. #78-026-99-0002-705
                                                                                      IND Zoning District
                                                                                      RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 25 Sec 25.9 (2) (e) (1) (f) Sign Regulations, Area, Height and Placement

                                  Julie Brown
                                  Staff Writer
           Police and sheriff's departments as well
        as the American Association of Retired                                        The applicant is requesting one variance:
        Persons are on the alert to help senior citi-
        zens stay safe during the current coron-                                      The applicant is in an IND zoning district and is requesting two variances:
        avirus pandemic.                                                                        1. To allow a second wall sign on the same façade without a second means of public ingress/egress.
           Plymouth Township Police Chief Tom                                                     Variance requested is 1 additional wall sign.
        Tiderington and others in law enforce-
        ment remind seniors to be wary of phone                                       ITEM NO. 4 - Canceled Meeting Business from April 2, 2020
        calls which employ the “grandparent                                           Application No. 1601-   Angela Tzelepis
        scam” when the caller pretends to be a                                                             46226 Forestwood Dr.
                                                                                                           Plymouth MI  48170
        younger family member and says bail
        money is needed immediately.                                                  Location -           46226 Forestwood Dr.
           Police officials stress that seniors                                       Tax I.D.             Tax I.D. #78-056-01-0174-000
        should hang up immediately and also rec-                                      R-1-S Zoning District
        ommend caller ID use to screen calls.  happen.”                               RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 20 Sec 20.1 Height, Area, Lot Coverage, Yard Requirements and Floor Area (as amend-
        Those calls should be immediately report-  Nessel advises everyone, not just sen-  ed 10/25/07).
        ed to the local police department non-  iors, to never disclose their Social
        emergency number, officials advised. to  Security number, noting federal agencies
        report those scams.                    including Social Security and the Internal
           “Keep informed  about the latest con  Revenue Service don't call people. “I'd
        schemes in your community by reading   rather you don't get scammed at all,” the
        the newspaper.   Be skeptical about any  attorney general said, adding she's willing  The applicant is requesting one variance:
        proposal that sounds too good to be true  to prosecute with her staff's help.           1. The applicant is in an R-1-S zoning district and is requesting one variance to construct a 13'x19' sunroom
        or has to be kept secret. Do not rush into  “I want Michigan to be the most proac-        that would reduce the rear yard setback to 43' feet whereas 50' feet is required. Variance requested is Seven
                                                                                                  (7) feet.
        anything. Check it out with friends,   tive state in the nation” on robocalls. She
        lawyers, police, the Better Business   advised seniors not to answer the phone  Application No. 1602-   Plymouth Park & Eats (Tommy Haji)
        Bureau, or the state or county consumer  at all for an unknown number noting that                  39411 Schoolcraft
        affairs department,” Tiderington cau-  individuals can look up the number on                       Plymouth MI  48170
        tioned on the web-  caller ID and then decide whether to  Location -           39411 Schoolcraft
        site,                                  return the call.                       Tax I.D.             Tax I.D. #78-024-99-0049-000
           Michigan Attorney General Dana        “We want to make the probate court   IND Zoning District
        Nessel's office also handles scams target-  system more user-friendly,” Nessel said.  RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 25 Sec 25.9 (2) (e) (1) Sign Regulations, Area, Height & Placement. Zoning Ordinance
        ing seniors, including work with state  She's especially concerned about those  No. 99, Article 25 Sec. 25.6 (3) (a) (d) (e) Banners, Pennants, Spinners, and Streamers. Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 25 Sec.
        agencies, businesses, and the Michigan  without legal representation.         25.8 (16) Signs Prohibited in All Districts
        Legislature. She and Tiderington note “If  Nessel said she appreciates the
        you are the victim of fraud, call the police  Michigan Supreme Court  members' con-
        immediately. You may be embarrassed    cern on how litigants are treated: “And
        because you were tricked, but your infor-  they're not putting up with that,” Nessel
        mation is vital in catching the con artist  said of litigant mistreatment.
        and preventing others from being victim-  Area residents at the forum spoke pas-
        ized.” Older people are victims of fraud  sionately about themselves and their
        schemes far out of proportion to their pop-  loved ones admission to and treatment in
        ulation numbers, according to reported  nursing homes.
        statistics                               Nessel acknowledged “holding for-
           Nessel led an elder abuse forum at the  profit nursing homes accountable” when
        Booker T. Dozier Recreation Center in  understaffed, as well as advocating for a
        Inksterearlier this year when she and  living wage in minimum wage pay was a
        other officials answered citizens’ ques-  goal.
        tions and offered advice about remaining  Nessel noted some cases of guardians
        safe from scams. Representatives of    who sell a senior's home “right out from
        health agencies and the Michigan       underneath them,” put that person in
        Department of Health & Human Services  nursing home care, and sell the home at
        also attended the event designed to keep  well below market value.
        seniors informed.                        She's concerned about guardians who
           Panelist Kari West of The Senior    have some 700 wards, which she learned
        Alliance at the Inkster forum urged sen-  on the listening tour. Some elderly people
        iors to be informed.                   have their money and control of health
           “A lot of it is about addressing problems  matters in the hands of these guardians
        before they get too big.” West said the  who can often be strangers.
        genetic testing fraud scammers are “just  Nessel announced a bipartisan Elder
        trying to make a buck” and go to senior  Abuse Task Force after conferring with
        facilities unannounced, saying they'll take  justices of the Michigan Supreme Court.
        cheek swabs.                           Nessel told the packed room on Aug. 26 of
           West got a specific test on the advice of  earlier efforts, “What these task forces  RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 28 Sec 28.8 (1) (b) Exterior Lighting, General Requirements. Zoning Ordinance No. 99,
        her physician, noting “And my doctor got  had been good at was identifying prob-  Article 28 Sec 28.8 (3) (b) Prohibited Exterior Lighting.
        the results afterward. That's how it should  lems in the system,” she said.                                                               Continued, page 4
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