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Happy Birthday
Public safety officers help
celebrate kids’special days
As the coronavirus continues high school. His parents now live
to rage across the state, isolating about eight houses away, so they
families and curtailing usual hol- could enjoy the special birthday
iday celebrations, some local tribute, too.
police and fire departments Neighbors also stepped out-
have found a way to brighten side to send birthday wishes and
birthdays for area children. the nearby Duncan family even
The Sumpter Township made a Happy Birthday Blakely
Public Safety Department sign they drove around the yard
helped Blakely Cates enjoy a on a wagon.
very special 8th birthday cele- Luke said that the police and
bration last week, despite the fire officers have done several of
limits of the current public these birthday drive-bys since he Blakely Cates and her dad, Doyle Cates, Jr., enjoy the arrival of the Sumpter Fire Department trucks and
health crisis, when township first posted the opportunity on police cars to celebrate her 8th birthday.
police cars and fire trucks drove the Sumpter Township Police
by the Cates' Sumpter Road Facebook page. The lights and just the greatest. They do so
home with lights flashing and sirens tributes are available for much with us and work with the
sirens blaring, all to let her know children ages 3 through 10 while whole community,” Cates said.
that this was, in fact, her special the governor's current Stay at “This brings a lot of tears to a lot
day. Home Order continues, Luke of people.”
Sumpter Township Public said. The Northville Township
Safety Director Eric Luke said Requests for children slightly Police cars and fire department
he had to give credit to the older with special needs will trucks visited several birthday
Dundee Fire Department for the also be considered, he added. events last week, two at
idea. The officers typically make the Plymouth Township homes on
“I saw it and I thought, that's birthday runs between 10:30 and Ivywood.
something we can do here.” 11 a.m. The police officers meet At one home, 5-year-old Jack
The Northville Township the fire trucks at the station and Aaron had stopped by his grand-
Public Safety Department is also they head out to deliver the parents' home for a remote visit
visiting area homes to help extra-special good wishes. where he found his gift, a brand-
brighten up children's birthdays “These are strange times,” new battery-operated miniature
with a special lights and siren Luke said, “and this brings a lot Jeep, waiting for him in their
tribute to youngsters who have of joy to a lot of people. I think it garage. He was eager to take the
been kept at home for several benefits us as much as them. The miniature vehcile for a spin.
weeks. officers and firemen get out and The public safety tribute was
Doyle Cates, Jr. said his see the reaction of the kids, and appreciated, too, by Jack's par-
daughter really enjoyed the spe- the parents,” he said. ents, Aaron and Jill Howard. To
cial attention, “She was ecstatic,” Parents can simply message request a visit in Northville,
he said. “She told me that this the details of the birthday to the access communityrelations@
was the best day ever.” public safety department and, and if they
Luke and his family have the officers will make the drive- can, the public safety staff will Jack Howard, center, along with mom, Jill, and dad, Aaron, enjoy the
lived in Sumpter since 1996, by happen, if possible, Luke said. help youngsters celebrate safely attention from Northville Township Public Safety vehicles on his birth-
right after his graduation from “Our police department is on their special day. day last week.
Mayor posts message to residents
Romulus Mayor LeRoy Burcroff updat- message.
ed city residents about the current status “While it may not be top of mind for
in the city recently and offered some sug- many, now is an opportune time to com-
gestions during the isolation. plete your 2020 Census. You can do so
“This week, Governor Whitmer extend- from home, by mail, phone or online.
ed her Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Right now, our response rate is higher
Order through April 30. I know these are than state and national levels--let's keep
difficult times, but I am grateful for your that up.
efforts to stay home and help us flatten the “It's extremely important we are count-
curve. I encourage you to use this time to ed accurately to ensure we receive the
connect with your family and friends- funding needed for Romulus to thrive
whether via Snapchat, FaceTime or by over the next 10 years. You can learn more
picking up the phone to give them a call. I at
also ask that you continue praying for and “Be well, look out for your neighbors
thinking of our first responders and essen- and stay Romulus strong,” Burcroff con-
tial workers.” Burcroff said in a Facebook cluded.
Northville Township parks closed
All Northville Township parks, includ- ing guidelines and remain at least 6-feet
ing the soccer, baseball and lacrosse fields apart from one another. Parks and recre-
have been closed in response to Gov. ation officials said the policy would be re-
Gretchen Whitmer's executive order to evaluated as the governor' order was lifted.
Stay Home Stay Safe. The fields, courts, Signs will be posted at each park loca-
playgrounds, equipment and the dog parks tion and the public is urged to monitor and
will be closed at least until that order is ensure that everyone is adhering to the
listed, officials said in a prepared state- guidelines.
ment. “We do not want our first responders to
Paths and walkways will remain open have to devote valuable lifesaving time
for walking, bike riding and running but monitoring parks, playgrounds and athletic
require that users follow the social distanc- fields,” officials said.
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