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        Massage parlor ordinance updated by trustees

                          Julie Brown  investigation at that time. The                           ”                                 if there had been increased med-
                          Staff Writer  new ordinance includes explicit          Trustees have addressed concerns                  ical rescue calls to senior health
                                       regulations regarding massage                                                               care facilities in light of the cur-
           Following complaints about  parlors, kennels, junkyards,       in the past with proximity of massage businesses         rent coronavirus pandemic.
        criminal sexual conduct at a   arcades      and     fortune               to day care centers and schools.                 Meier said that the call levels
        Canton massage parlor in 2018,  telling/palmistry.                                                                         appeared to be at about the
        members of the township board    Responding to a query at the                                                              same rate as usual.
        of trustees have updated the   recent meeting, Canton Public  other,” Siegrist said. Siegrist  members have addressed con-   “It has not been an easy time.
        ordinance language applicable  Safety Director Joshua Meier   added criminal convictions such  cerns in the past with proximity  From my perspective the town-
        to these facilities, along with sev-  said that massage parlor checks,  as sexually-oriented soliciting  of massage businesses to day  ship seems to be operating on an
        eral others in the township.   “will be random by design so we  will, under the new law in  care centers and schools. The  even keel,” with the average citi-
           In 2018, a young woman was  can enforce the ordinance as   Canton, have a seven-year “cool-  ordinance addresses that issue  zen not noticing differences,
        living at the massage establish-  written.”                   ing off” period rather than five  and now prohibits fortune  remarked Trustee John Anthony.
        ment,     noted    Township      Canton Clerk Michael Siegrist  years. Williams thanked Siegrist  telling/palmistry “which was  “We're in a unique position
        Supervisor Pat Williams during  explained that the ordinance is  and others for “a lot of good high-  determined to be illegal” com-  financially” compared to other
        a meeting of the board of      clear about the facilities. “Two  quality meetings (that) got us to  mented Siegrist.       municipalities, Williams said.
        trustees recently, although police  massage establishments cannot  this point.”                In other business, Trustee  “We'll make the best decisions
        said she was not a target of an  be within 1,000 feet of each   Canton Board of Trustees    Anne Marie Hudak asked Meier   we can as a team,” he added.
        Educator nominated for ‘Teacher of the Year’ award

           Ashley Benson, a first-grade teacher at Achieve
        Charter Academy in Canton Township, has been nominat-
        ed as the 2020 Michigan Charter School Teacher of the
           “I am thrilled for Ashley to have been chosen as a
        finalist for Michigan Association of Public School
        Academies (MAPSA) Teacher of the Year,” said Jennifer
        Conley, principal at Achieve Charter Academy.
           “Ashley is one of the most compassionate and caring
        teachers who provides a first-grade classroom that is
        focused on a combination of fun, firmness, and focus. She
        meets the needs of all her individual learners and is a
        huge asset to our school community.”
           Every year, MAPSA Charter School Awards provide a
        platform to highlight outstanding educators in Michigan
        charter schools. There are nearly 300 charter schools
        across Michigan and hundreds of nominations were
        received for the award this year.
           “We are so excited to have a member of our team
        receive this recognition. Ashley demonstrates sincere
        care for every student as she connects one-on-one with
        their interests and needs,” said Cathy Henkenberns,
        director of school quality at NHA. “She is dedicated to
        her own learning and strives to improve her practice. As a
        result, her students benefit from her growth mindset and
        dedication to her work.”                            Ashley Benson teaches her first grade class. Photo submitted
           To be considered for this recognition, MAPSA receives  try, and we've seen that come to light even more in the  'We're so proud to be able to honor them and shine a
        anonymous nominations from parents, teachers, school  past few weeks,” said Dan Quisenberry, MAPSA presi-  spotlight on their accomplishments.”
        leaders, and community members to recognize those who  dent.                                             The top five Teacher of the Year and Administrator of
        are going above and beyond.                           “These finalists represent the best of the best, and  the Year finalists will each receive a $500 cash prize and
           “Michigan's charter schools have some of the most  they're continuing to work every day to engage, inspire,  will earn a platform to share their best practices through-
        innovative, creative and talented educators in the coun-  and educate their students.                  out the year.
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