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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 16, 2020


        Commissioners delay Kellogg Park fountain project

           The City of Plymouth and The  decision; a partial completion of
        Wilcox Foundation have mutual-  the fountain before winter is not
        ly agreed to delay the Wilcox  an option.”
        Fountain Project until the spring  Both referred to the action as
        of 2021 due to the COVID-19 glob-  a “temporary setback” and char-
        al pandemic, according to a    acterized the situation as “disap-
        statement from Mayor Oliver    pointing.” They agreed that the
        Wolcott.                       delay provides the opportunity to
           “There is now just too much  potentially start the project earli-
        risk involved in trying to com-  er in the spring of 2021 and work
        plete the project this year. The  continuously until completion
        project schedule was already   that summer.
        tight, and the current pandemic  “Unfortunately, circumstances
        adds a significant number of   beyond our control have forced
        unknowns and new risks to the  major upheavals in many aspects
        schedule,” he said.            of our lives. The City of Plymouth
           The Downtown Development    and The Wilcox Foundation
        Authority (DDA) also released a  remain committed to the project,
        statement about the delay, not-  and seeing it become a reality in
        ing, “The uncertainties around  2021,” Wolcott's statement noted.
        the City's ability to schedule the  “We are all making the best of
        independent contractors to per-  a truly unprecedented situation
        form the site construction work,  and will emerge from this crisis a
        and supply-chain disruptions are  stronger community,” he con-
        two of the major factors in our  cluded.                                                             An artist's rendering of the proposed Kellogg Park fountain.
        Curbside compost waste                                                        Continued, from page 3

        pick-up suspended in city

           Curbside pick up of compost waste in  of touch points for the service provider
        the City of Plymouth has been suspend-  is to make sure all refuse fits into the
        ed in response to the COVID-19 pan-    automated trash cart or green City of
        demic.                                 Plymouth trash bags. Drivers do not
           City of Plymouth officials recently  have to touch the cart and can safely
        issued a statement regarding trash col-  empty it from the cab. Bags that sit on
        lection in the city during the Stay Home  top of the cart fall off, requiring drivers
        Stay Safe executive order from Gov.    to stop the truck, get out and touch the
        Gretchen Whitmer.                                        bag and put it in
           “The City of                    ”                     the truck, accord-
        Plymouth is taking                                       ing to city officials.  RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 28 Sec 28.9 (1) Waste Receptacle Requirements. Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 28 Sec
        enormous steps to          The City of Plymouth             All     refuse    28.9 (2) (a) Waste Receptacle Enclosures.
        provide business            is taking enormous           should be placed
        as usual in these                                        in the cart with the
        times of trial, while        steps to provide            lid       closed.
        also diligently tak-        business as usual            Republic Services
        ing steps to keep                                        will continue their
        our residents and          in these times of trial.      temporary suspen-
        staff safe.” The                                         sion of bulk item
        statement begins.                                        pick up; however,
           “Some of our                                          Municipal
        contractors, however, have had to adjust  Services staff will pick up large items as
        their services as a result of COVID-19.  usual. To schedule a pick up of large
        Republic Services is temporarily sus-  items, call (734) 453-7737. There will be a  The applicant is requesting nine variances:
        pending the beginning of yard waste    charge for the service.
        service across all the communities they  City employees will continue the          1. The applicant does not have a building on site, so he has used the 7'x12' (84' square foot) dumpster wall for his wall
                                                                                             sign (aka mural). The mural painting is 63.6' square feet whereas the maximum signable area is 30% or 25.2' square
        serve. It is unknown how long this delay  brush chipping schedule, but ask that      feet. The one variance requested is 38.4' square feet of signable area.
        will be in effect.”                    residents only place brush out to the       2. Banner signs shall be temporary, not to exceed 72 hours and not to exceed 4 times per year. The applicant has no
           According to the notification, each  curb that does not fit inside yard waste     place on the property where a monument sign can be constructed so the banner has been installed on the 4' aluminum
        bag or can of compost creates an addi-  bags or cans.                                fence. The three variance requests are: (1) to be allowed the banner to stay attached to the fence permanently hence
                                                                                             (2) exceeding the 72 hours and (3) more than the 4 times per year.
        tional touch point for the drivers, which  Residents are advised not to place
        then increases the possibility they could  small sticks and twigs or grass clippings  3. The string lights (Christmas lights) attached to the top of the 4' fence around the property are prohibited to highlight
        be exposed to the virus. Residents are  in the street for collection.                architectural features. The one variance requested is to allow string lights (Christmas lights) to be used as an archi-
        being asked not to place any extra bags  Additionally, city officials have closed    tectural feature.
        or cans at the curb until the service  the play structures in the parks until fur-  4. All exterior lighting shall be directed downward and shielded; if not the lighting is prohibited. The applicant has the
        resumes.                               ther notice. Residents are encouraged         rope lighting (Christmas lights) and festoon lighting (string lights) both of which are not shielded or directed down-
                                                                                             ward. The two variance requests are: (1) to allow both the rope & string lights be allowed to stay permanently even
           Trash pickups should continue on    to enjoy the parks by taking walks or         though (2) they are not shielded or downward directed.
        the regular schedule.                  kicking around a ball with family mem-
           Another way to decrease the number  bers.                                       5. The waste water receptacle is a free-standing tank sitting on the court pavement whereas the ordinance states it is
                                                                                             prohibited to be in an open lot and should be enclosed within a structure. The two variances requested are: (1) to
        Commissioners set date to                                                     ITEM NO. 5 - New Business
                                                                                             allow the waste water tank to remain free standing with (2) no enclosure.
        discuss 2020-2021 budget                                                      Application No. 1603-   Boleski Funeral Home
                                                                                                           25509 W Warren RD
                                                                                                           Dearborn Heights MI  48127
           Members of the Plymouth City        expected to be an agenda item at the   Location -           Vacant Land S 5 Mile RD/E Haggerty RD Corner Lot
        Commission took advantage of technolo-  next regular meeting of the city commis-
        gy and met remotely using Zoom internet  sion.                                Tax I.D.             Tax I.D. #78-021-99-0008-701 & #78-021-99-0008-702
                                                                                                           OS (Consent Judgement) Zoning District
        software April 6.                        In addition, the 2020 contract for the
           During the meeting, commissioners   lawn maintenance and mowing of 31      RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 20 Sec 20.2 (o) (r) Height, Area, Lot Coverage, Yard Requirements and Floor Area (as
                                                                                      amended 10/25/07).
        approved $8,549.27 in repairs to the city  locations in the city was awarded to
        street sweeping machine.               Serene Surroundings. The contract
           City contracted mechanics deter-    could be extended for three years,
        mined the sweeper had major damage to  administration officials noted.
        the hydraulic manifold, necessitating the  Members of the city commission also
        repairs. The work will be done by Bell  saw the proposed city budget for 2020-
        Equipment Co. and the repair costs will  2021 during the meeting. The Plymouth
        be met with funds from city budget     City Charter requires the administration
        equipment fund, according to officials.  to deliver a balanced budget at this first
           Commissioners also approved a new   meeting in April. Administration officials  The applicant is requesting two variances:
        zoning classification for city-owned   acknowledged the possibility of multiple
        parks, parkland and playgrounds.       changes to the figures presented in the  The applicant is in an OS (Consent Judgement) zoning district and is requesting two variances to construct a 11,621' square
                                                                                        foot new commercial funeral home with parking located front & side yards:
           The new Parks and Open Space desig-  budget due to impact on revenue sources
        nation is supported by the city Master  due to the COVID-19 pandemic.              1. To reduce the front yard (5 Mile RD) setback to 66.6' feet whereas 75' feet is required. Variance requested is eight
                                                                                             .6 feet (8.6) front yard setback.
        Plan, officials said, and was approved by  Officials tentatively scheduled a budg-
        members of the Planning Commission in  et study session for tonight, April 16. The  2. To reduce the side yard (Haggerty RD) setback to 66.6' feet whereas 75' feet is required. Variance requested is
                                                                                             eight.6 feet (8.6) side yard setback.
        January. A second reading of the pro-  proposed budget can be found at:
        posed language and map amendments is  Application No. 1604-   Rayyan Center
                                                                                                           46441 5 Mile RD
        Saxton’s development OK’d                                                     Location -           46441 5 Mile RD
                                                                                                           Plymouth MI 48170
                                                                                      Tax I.D.             Tax I.D. #78-010-99-0002-712
           A final site plan for the Saxton's proper-  Hollie Saraswat, Vice chairwoman  IND Zoning District
        ty on Ann Arbor Trail has been approved  Jennifer Kehoe and Chairwoman Karen  RE: Zoning Ordinance No. 99, Article 19 Sec 19.3 (5) IND District, Uses Specifically Prohibited
        by a 5-3 vote of members of the Plymouth  Sisolak.
        Planning Commission. The commission-      Commissioner Chuck Myslinski was
        ers also recommended approval of a     not in attendance.
        Planned Unit Development at the site.    Conditions discussed included a maxi-
           The proposal from Jewell-Maple      mum height for townhomes and a           1. The applicant is in an IND zoning district and is requesting one variance to allow a Montessori Pre-school whereas
        Development, includes renovation of the  required certificate of occupancy for the  schools are specifically prohibited. Variance requested is to allow a Montessori Pre-school within an existing building
                                                                                           in an IND district.
        Jewell building and demolition of the  Jewell building prior to constructing the
                                                                                                          If denied, the applicant may appeal to Circuit Court.
        adjacent building which formerly housed  residential units.                     The Charter Township of Plymouth will provide necessary reasonable aids and services, such as signers for the hearing
        Saxton's and the addition of 10 residential  “We wish you the best. We're looking  impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the
        units at the rear of the property along  forward to you being successful,” sisolak  meeting/hearing upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Plymouth.  Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary
                                                                                        aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Plymouth by writing or calling the Supervisor's Office, Charter
        Maple Street, including townhomes.     told the developer.. “I hope that you know    Township of Plymouth, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, Michigan, 48170, (734) 354-3211, TDD users:
           The no votes came from Commissioner  that you've got our support for this.”                        1-800-649-3777 (Michigan Relay Service)  PT0293 - 041620  2.5 x 19.327 + 2.5 x 15.417
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