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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 2, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        High schools each receive $5,000 grant

           Both high schools in the    ing to a prepared statement from                          ”                                 a 12- to 18-month period that
        Wayne Westland district were   the organization.                                                                           includes an additional $10,000 in
        among those awarded ASPIRE       In alignment with Michigan's           This is a new grant program that builds            grant funding, where they will
        grants from the Michigan College  Sixty by 30 goal, High School     on the  prior work of MCAN with high schools.          develop and execute plans to
        Access Network (MCAN).         Innovation Grants encourage                                                                 improve college-going culture, as
           Both Wayne Memorial and     schools to assess and improve                                                               well as create data infrastruc-
        John Glenn High School will    their college-going cultures                                                                ture to measure student trends.
        receive $5,000 as part of the pro-  through a multi-year collabora-                                                        The final stage, ALIGN, is a 6- to
        gram which awarded grants to   tive process. The schools will   “Michigan's students deserve  especially low-income students,  12-month period that includes
        only 10 high schools in the state.  work collaboratively with MCAN  robust, equity-based postsec-  first-generation college-going  another $10,000 in grant funding.
        Recipients will use the funds  and community partners to      ondary guidance that prepares  students, and students of color -  In this stage, the schools will
        over the next four to six months  develop sustainable, systems-  them for college and careers,”  can access postsecondary educa-  focus on sustaining best prac-
        to assess current systems and  wide plans to improve postsec-  said Ryan Fewins-Bliss, MCAN  tion that helps them achieve  tices and sharing results with
        practices, determine challenge  ondary outcomes for their stu-  executive director. “By address-  their career goals.”     others in the education commu-
        areas, develop an action plan  dents. This is a new grant pro-  ing systemic inequities and    Upon completion of the      nity.
        and establish a postsecondary  gram that builds on the  prior  employing best practices, we can  ASPIRE stage, schools will  For more information, visit
        action and success team, accord-  work of MCAN with high schools.   help ensure that all students -  progress to the ACTIVATE stage,
        Officials seek public input on park design

           A new community gathering
        space or park is under considera-          ”
        tion in Westland as part of creat-
        ing a future City Centre District      Plans are to
        in the community.
           A survey posted on the city         construct a
        website regarding the proposed        programmable
        City Centre Park is asking resi-
        dents and business owners to list       community
        amenities they might suggest for     gathering space.
        the park which would be con-
        structed on a parcel of land adja-
        cent to Westland City Hall. The
        proposed project has been in the  this district including the reloca-
        planning stages for more than a  tion of city gall and Fire Station
        year, according to a prepared  1. The announced goal of the
        statement from the city.       project is to “create a City Centre
           A survey regarding the pre-  District which will provide
        ferred amenities or needs of the  opportunity for future develop-
        public is available at https://ohm-  ment and provide an anchor for  new and existing businesses,
        xcd..., which can also be accessed  while providing an amenity for
        at the homepage of the city    residents, visitors and local work-
           Plans are to construct a pro-  ers that encourages them to con-
        grammable community gathering  nect with the community,”
        space in the former Service    according to the statement. To
        Merchandise site off Nankin    watch an animated video of the
        Boulevard. The project is the  park visit:
        continuation of the investment in  .com/watch?v=jn2TYJdbvV4

        band to

        play for


           Wayne Memorial High School
        students have hit a high note with
        the recent announcement that the
        Zebra Marching Band will per-
        form the National Anthem at
        Comerica Park this spring.
           The band will take to the base-
        ball diamond at 6:45 p.m. to per-
        form the anthem just before the
        game begins and the first pitch is
        thrown. School officials said a link
        would be posted on the Wayne
        Westland Community Schools
        website at a later date for the pur-
        chase of tickets to the game.
           All the marching band mem-
        bers will be admitted to the
        Detroit Tigers game free of charge
        in return for the musical perform-
        ance. Organizers suggested visiting
        the district website for more infor-
        mation regarding tickets for the
        Tigers vs. the San Francisco Giants


        is moved

        to school

           Full library services at the
        William Faust Public Library of
        Westland were expected to begin
        yesterday at Marshall Elementary
        School, 35100 Bayview Street.
        While there are still a few proce-
        dures to work through, patrons
        can check out and return items,
        fax/copy/print materials, use the
        computers and other services.
        Library employees are hoping to
        welcome patrons at the temporary
        facility while a major renovation
        of the library building on Central
        City Parkway is complete. The
        entrance and parking for the
        library is at the rear of the school
        building, accessible by the west
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