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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          February 2, 2023


         All aboard

         Historic railroad train depot

         exhibit renovation is on track

           A new train station is expect-  having lived 90 years in the
        ed to open in Plymouth next    same house on Penniman Road
        Wednesday.                     in Plymouth. During her life-
           The Plymouth Historical     time, Ms. Dunning was a suc-
        Society received a grant of    cessful businesswoman, philan-
        $65,000 from the Margaret      thropist and civic booster.
        Dunning Foundation to reno-      In 1947, Bessie Dunning and
        vate and enhance the railroad  her daughter, Margaret, pur-
        depot exhibit space at the     chased a house at the present
        Plymouth Historical Museum     site of the library to provide the
        “Main Street” exhibit.         facility with a permanent
           The exhibit is being com-   home.
        pletely renovated with modern    In recognition, the library
        technologies, which will allow  building was named the
        visitors to walk inside and    Dunning Library.
        experience the sights and        The Plymouth Historical
        sounds of an early 20th-century  Museum is usually open to the  Carpenters put a face on the front of the depot, framed in the storage closet, and honed some of the
        railroad depot. The idea is to  public from 1 until 4 p.m.    openings for doors and "windows" which are enormous TV screens.
        showcase the role of trains and  Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
        the local railroad station in  and Sunday but is closed for
        Plymouth, circa 1885-1930,     renovation work until Feb. 8.
        explained museum Director      There is also an exhibit
        Liz Kerstens.                  changeover     under    way,
           “We are so grateful to the  “Snapshots of Plymouth” which
        Margaret Dunning Foundation    will open next week.
        for the support of our railroad  Construction on the new
        depot exhibit upgrade, as well  train depot exhibit is being
        as all of the support it has pro-  completed  by     Stella
        vided the museum through the   Contracting while O'Donnell
        years,”Kerstens said. “We are  Electric is installing the neces-
        hoping to be able to open the  sary wiring. AFP Sound
        new exhibit when the museum    Systems is doing the digital
        reopens Feb. 8, 2023.”         equipment phase and Highway
           Margaret Dunning was born   Media is creating the digital                                                The bead board is getting installed and the walls
        in 1910 in Redford Township    content.                                                                     and ceilings in the entryway are framed and soon
        and moved with her mother to     T.J. Gaffney of Streamline                                                 visitors will be able to walk into the sights and
        Plymouth in the 1920s. She     Historic Services is the overall  The closet that will house some of the electronic  sounds of the 1920s Pere Marquette Depot in
        died in 2015 at the age of 104,  project coordinator.         equipment is nearly complete.                 Plymouth, circa 1885-1930.
        Free COVID tests offered                                                                                Notice of Public Hearings

                                                                                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN
                                                                                                               PLANNING COMMISSION
           The Plymouth District Library is    the kits is not available, according to a
        offering a lot more than books these   prepared statement from the library.   PROPOSED ACTION:     Request for Special Land Use at multiple properties in the Township
                                                                                                           Wednesday, February 22, 2023
                                                                                      DATE OF HEARING:
        days.                                  Callers may reserve one kit per person  TIME OF HEARING:    7:00 PM
           Community residents can reserve a   in their household. A daily limit of five  PLACE OF HEARING:   Plymouth Township Hall Offices, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth,
        free COVID-19 antigen self-test kit by  kits applies, officials said, so if a house-               Michigan 48170
        simply calling the library at (734) 453-750  hold has more than five members, the  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Plymouth
        and selecting option four. Once reserved,  remainder will have to be requested on  has received (3) applications for Special Land Uses, the details for which are below. The Planning Commission
        library officials said, the kits must be  a second day.                       will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 7:00 pm, to hear public comment on all (3)
        picked up the same day from the library  Kits will be available while supplies
        hold shelf.                            last. Details are available at plymouthli-  PC#2467 - 14900 Beck Road (Tax ID R-78-010-99-0006-700). Application for proposed outdoor vehicle storage
           On-demand, walk-in distribution of                             for a self-storage facility.
                                                                                      PC#2463 - 1311 Ann Arbor Road (Tax ID R- 78-059-03-0039-300 and R-78-059-03-0042-000). Application for
                                                                                      proposed drive-through lane for a Biggby coffee establishment.
                                          NOTICE                                      PC#2466 - 14760 Northville Road (Tax ID R-78-017-03-0051-00). Application for proposed used car sales and
                         PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS                          outdoor vehicle storage, automobile commercial garage (oil change and minor repair), automobile major repair
                                                                                      shop (body and mechanical shop), and self-serve car wash.
         If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a writ-
         ten claim with the Plymouth Charter Township Department of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or  Written comments will be received by postal mail or email to until close-of-busi-
         backup was discovered. Notice should be mailed to Plymouth Charter Township, Department of Public Works,  ness on February 21, 2023. View the digital plans here, or in-person at the 2nd Floor Public Services Counter
         9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan 48170. Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery of  of Plymouth Township Hall (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM):
         damages. Contact the Department of Public Works, 734-354-3270, Extension 3, for assistance immediately upon
         discovery of an overflow or backup.
         Thank You                                                                    NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that persons interested may attend the public hearing and/or send correspon-
                                                                                      dence regarding the application to Plymouth Township Hall, attn.: Carol Martin. Plymouth Township will pro-
         PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP                                                    vide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at the public hearing upon
         DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS                                                   one week's advance notice by writing or calling the Supervisor's Office, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth,
                                                    JERRY VORVA Clerk,                Michigan 48170; (734) 354-3201.
                                                    Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                                                      Publish on, or before: February 6, 2023
         Published January and February 2023                        PT0293 - 020223  2.5 x 2.306  Gail Grieger, Secretary, Planning Commission   PT0301 - 020223  2.5 x 4.945

                ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH                                             Notice of Public Hearing
                          2023 SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT PROGRAM                                 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN
                                                                                                               PLANNING COMMISSION
         General Notice
         The Charter Township of Plymouth (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project:  PROPOSED ACTION:  Request for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Option
                                                                                      DATE OF HEARING:     Wednesday, February 15, 2023
                                 2023 Sidewalk Replacement Program                    TIME OF HEARING:     7:00 PM
                                          PL22010                                     PLACE OF HEARING:    Plymouth Township Hall Offices, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth,
                                                                                                           Michigan 48170
                                   Plymouth Township, Michigan
                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the Charter  Township of Plymouth has
         Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Plymouth Township Hall located at 9955 N.  received an application for a PUD Option on the property located at the southwest corner of 5 Mile Road and
         Haggerty Road, Plymouth, Michigan, MI 48170 until Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 at 10:00 am local  Ridge Road in the Charter Township of Plymouth, Michigan. Tax ID No.'s R-78-001-99-0001-704, R-78-001-
         time. At that time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.       01-0001-000, R-78-001-01-0002-000, R-78-001-01- 0003-000, R-78-001-01-0004-000, R-78-001-01-0005-000,
                                                                                      R-78-001-01-0006-000, R-78-001-01-0007-000, and R-78-001-01-0008-000.
         The Project includes the following Work:
            Removing and replacing existing concrete sidewalks along public rights-of-way within Plymouth Township.  The project would consist of the construction of a ½ mile oval harness racetrack and supporting structures includ-
            The approximate quantities of the major items of Work are:                ing a two-story Grandstand, Racing Building, Horse Barn, and Maintenance Building on the 128 acre site. The
                                                                                      proposed development is a relocation/replacement for an existing racetrack, Northville Downs, currently located
                                                                                      on the corner of 7 Mile and Sheldon Roads in the City of Northville, Michigan approximately 4.5 miles to the
                        31,925 SF     Concrete Walk Remove & Replace, 4 Inch
                                                                                      northeast of the Plymouth site.
                         8,038 SF     Concrete Walk Remove & Replace, 6 Inch
                         1,063 SF     Concrete Walk Remove & Replace, 8 Inch          View the digital plans here, or in-person at the 2nd Floor Public Services Counter of Plymouth Township Hall
                                                                                      (8:00  AM - 4:30 PM):
         Bids are requested for the following Contract: 2023 Sidewalk Replacement Program  rent_project s.php
         Obtaining the Bidding Documents                                              NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that persons interested may attend the public hearing and/or send correspon-
                                                                                      dence regarding the application to Plymouth Township Hall, attn.: Carol Martin. Plymouth Township will pro-
         Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found at the following designated website:   vide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at the public hearing upon
                                                                                      one week's advance notice by writing or calling the Supervisor's Office, 9955 N. Haggerty Road, Plymouth,
                               MITN website at              Michigan 48170; (734) 354-3201.
         The Township is providing the Bidding Documents on the MITN website at Please  Publish on, or before: January 31, 2023
         see separate files uploaded which consist of the Project Manual and the Drawings.  Gail Grieger, Secretary, Planning Commission         PT0300 - 020223  2.5 x 7.231

         Bidder's inquiries shall be directed to Mark Collins, Spalding DeDecker, at 248- 844-
         Instructions to Bidders.
         Bid Security in the amount, form, and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders must be
         submitted with each Bid.

         Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of 120 days after the actual date of opening thereof. This time period
         may be extended by mutual agreement of the OWNER and any Bidder or Bidders.
         The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative Bids and award the contract to other than the low-
         est bidder, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all Bids; and in general to make
         the award of the Contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in its sole discretion, to be in the best inter-
         est of the Charter Township of Plymouth.

         This Advertisement is issued by:
         Owner:  The Charter Township of Plymouth
         By:    Jerry Vorva,
         Title:  Township Clerk
         Date:  February 2, 2023                                    PT0302 - 020223  2.5 x 7.204
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