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February 2, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5




                                                                   A large piece of Northville
                                                                   Township is headed to the
                                                                   Grand     Rapids    area.
                                                                   Concrete rubble from the
                                                                   demolition of the former
                                                                   state psychiatric hospital
                                                                   buildings at Legacy Park is
                                                                   being crushed down to
                                                                   gravel, "cleaned" by a mag-
                                                                   net and sent by truckloads
                                                                   to the west side of Michigan,
                                                                   where it will be used to
                                                                   make     new    concrete.
                                                                   Currently there is a nation-
                                                                   wide concrete shortage, so
                                                                   the recycled demolition
                                                                   debris is a welcome addition
                                                                   to the construction industry,
                                                                   officials said. Nearly all the
                                                                   debris from the demolition
                                                                   project is being recycled,
                                                                   and not taken to a landfill,
                                                                   they added.

        School district hosts Parent Camp on Saturday

           The Northville Educational    Northville Public Schools in  hour each and parents will be  ber to suicide and their treat-  IHA, Everybody versus Stigma,
        Foundation and Northville      partnership with Northville    to select from about 35 different  ment and recovery from the  different counseling centers for
        Public Schools are partnering  Educational Foundation is      topics.                       adversity that followed.       our parents to visit,
        to host the Eighth Annual      offering a free conference to    “It's really just a general kind  Utilizing mental health tools,  “We'll also have wellness
        Northville Parent Camp. The    any parent in the area.        of widespread offering to par-  they evolved into the mental  type tables that will include
        event will take place from 9     “I would just encourage par-  ents, everything from college  health advocates they are today.  Alliance of Therapy Dogs. And
        a.m. until 2 p.m. this Saturday,  ents to think about Parent  planning for their kids to aca-  Hipple will discuss the per-  we'll also have resources that
        Feb. 4 at Northville High      Camp and attending because as  demic support to mental health  sonal challenges from a father's  are specific to families that
        School.                        a parent myself of students    and wellbeing, parenting sup-  perspective (including the tran-  have children that have special
           This is a “a one-stop shop”  here in this district, or just a  port, and everything in between  sition from being a professional  education  services  like
        for parents wanting to add     parent in general, this is an  that you can imagine,” said   athlete) and Hipple-Thomas     Michigan Alliance for Families
        more tools to their toolbox,   opportunity like no other      Baughman.                     will discuss her challenges    or SEPAC,” explained Beth
        organizers said.               where you have some of the       One of the presenting speak-  from a sibling’s perspective.   Santer, executive director of
           “Parent Camp is an opportu-  most highly qualified and tal-  ers will include former Lions  New this year will be a     special services at Northville
        nity that was designed many    ented professionals from across  quarterback Eric Hipple. He  Mental Health and Wellness    Public Schools.
        years ago that allows parents  the state and sometimes even   and his daughter, Tarah       Resource Fair which anyone       The workshops and event
        the opportunity to receive free  the country who have informa-  Hipple-Thomas, will talk about  can attend. Parents will be able  are free and sponsored by
        resources, training, and sup-  tion and resources and answers  their journey as they navigated.  to walk around and explore  Michigan Educational Credit
        port from local and national   to some of the most difficult  through a traumatic event with-  more than 50 vendors.       Union.
        vendors,” explained Aaron      parenting things that we face,”  in their family.               “Those resources are going    The full list of breakout ses-
        Baughman, assistant superin-   said Baughman.                    They will discuss how they  to range from mental health   sions can be found on the 2023
        tendent of instructional servic-  There will be three breakout  survived the fallout of the tragic  services, so we might have a  Parent Camp & Mental Health
        es at Northville Public Schools.  sessions that will last about an  loss of a beloved family mem-  table from Trinity Health and  and Wellness Fair website.

           Special                                                                                            NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                                  SUMPTER TOWNSHIP
                                                                                                                    REQUEST FOR
           guest                                                                                                   ZONING VARIANCE
                                                                                      The Sumpter Township Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Meeting at Sumpter Township Hall, 23480 Sumpter Road,
           Police canine officer                                                      Belleville, MI 48111 at:
           Max arrested the                                                                                         6:00 pm, Thursday
           affection and atten-                                                       regarding the request for the following variance.  February 23, 2023
           tion on students at
           W inchester                                                                                           NATURE OF THE REQUEST
           Elementary School                                                          The Township is in receipt of an application requesting a Zoning Ordinance Variance to allow for a split of property at more than
           recently. Max was                                                          a 4x1 ratio, allowing the parcel to be more conforming with a home on each parcel.
           accompanied by
           Northville Police                                                                                         SITE LOCATION
           Community Service                                                          The site of the requested variance is 21400 Elwell Road, Belleville, MI 48111.
           Ofc.      Andrew                                                           This Public Meeting has been scheduled in accordance with the requirements of Public Act. 168, Section 0 of 1959 (amendments
           Domzalski during                                                           to the Township Rural Zoning Act. P.A. 184) to provide all interested citizens with an opportunity to express opinions, ask ques-
           his visit to help the                                                      tions, and discuss in detail all aspects of the proposed use.
           students understand                                                        For those unable to attend the Public Hearing, written comments may be submitted to the Township Clerk’s Office prior to the
           some of the proce-                                                         hearing date.
           dures in the public
           safety department.                                                         Esther Hurst
           Max, a goldendoo-                                                          Sumpter Township
           dle, joined the police                                                     Published:  The Eagle, February 2, 2023
           department last fall                                                       Posted:  February 1, 2023                                    ST0139 - 02 02 23  2.5 x 3.869
           as a therapy dog
           and is partnered
           with Domzalski in                                                                                  NOTICE TO THE RESIDENTS
           community service                                                                                           OF THE
           efforts.                                                                                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                                                                                              PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO
                                                                                                                  ORDINANCE §53-17
                                         SYNOPSIS                                     PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Charter Township of Northville Board of Trustees will be considering adop-
                                    REGULAR MEETING                                   tion of the proposed amendment to Ordinance §53-17 (Keeping of Animals: Penalties) at their Regular Meeting
                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                            on February 16, 2023, at 7:00 P.M. at the Northville Township Hall located at 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville,
                                    BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                 Michigan 48168.  This amendment was introduced at the Board of Trustee meeting of January 19, 2023.
                                                                                      The proposed amendment will be as follows:
         DATE:          Thursday, January 19, 2023                                       A.  Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties specified for
         TIME:          7:00 p.m.                                                          a violation of the Township Code. However, only in the case of a violation of §53-4 a written warning
         PLACE:         44405 Six Mile Road                                                shall be provided to the responsible party as follows:
         CALL TO ORDER: Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                           The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, is authorized to serve a written notice of violation on the person
         PRESENT:        Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee                    responsible for any violation of the provisions of §53-4 which shall require compliance within 14 days of
                         Roger Lundberg, Clerk  Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee                 the notice.
                         Scott Frush, Trustee  Christopher Roosen, Trustee
                                                                                           Failure to comply with the written warning on a first offense or second offense shall result in the follow-
         ABSENT:         Jason Rhines, Treasurer                                           ing penalty:
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                               a.   The following civil fines shall apply in the event of a determination of responsibility for a
         1.   Agendas:                                                                            municipal civil infraction, unless a different fine is specified in connection with a particular
              A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved                          section:
         2.   Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                         i. First offense: The civil fine for a first offense violation shall be in the amount of $300, plus
              A.  Appointment - Building Board of Appeals - Andrew Duhn - Approved                costs and other sanctions, for each offense.
              B.  Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented                                 ii. Second offense: The civil fine for any offense which is a second offense shall be in an amount
         3.   Public Hearing: None                                                                of $500, plus costs and other sanctions for each offense.
         4.   Brief Public Comments: One letter was read into the public comments by              b. In addition to ordering the defendant determined to be responsible for a municipal civil
              Clerk Lundberg.                                                                     fraction to pay a civil fine, costs, damages and expenses, the Judge or Magistrate shall be
         5.   New Business:                                                                       authorized to issue any judgment, writ or order necessary to enforce or enjoin violation of the
              A.  Public Safety - Police - Vehicle Purchase - Approved                            chapter.
              B.  Public Services - Vehicle Purchase - Approved                              c.   Continuing offense. Each act of violation, and on each day upon which any such violation
         C.   Business Registration Fee Schedule - Approved                                       shall occur, shall constitute a separate offense.
              D.  Baseball Fencing Repair/Replacement- Millennium Park - Approved            d.   Remedies not exclusive. In addition to any remedies provided for by the Code of Ordinances,
              E.  Dugout Roof Replacement - Millennium Park - Approved                            any equitable or other remedies available may be sought.
              F.  Playground Replacement - Marv Gans Community Park - Approved               e.   The Judge or Magistrate shall be authorized to impose costs, damages and expenses provid-
         6.   Unfinished Business: None                                                           ed by the law.
         7.   Ordinances:                                                                    f.   A municipal civil infraction shall not be a lesser-included offense of a criminal offense or of
              A.   Ordinance Amendment Chapter 53-17 Penalties - First Reading Approved           an ordinance violation which is not a civil infraction.
         8.   Check Registry:                                                                g.   A third or subsequent offense shall be a misdemeanor punishable as set forth in §1-10 of the
         A.   In the amount of $ 3,516,882.85 for the period of December 3, 2022 to January 6, 2023. - Approved  Township Code.
         9.   Board Communication & Reports:
              A.  Mark Abbo, Roger Lundberg, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Cynthia Jankowski, Christopher   A copy of the full Ordinance and amendment can be viewed during normal business hours of 8 a.m. to  4:30 p.m.
                  Roosen, Todd Mutchler                                               at the Office of the Township Clerk, Northville Township Hall, 44405 Six Mile Road, Northville Michigan
         10.  Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None                      48168.
         11.  ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on January 31, 2023.        Roger Lundberg
         Respectfully submitted:                                                      Clerk
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor
         Roger Lundberg, Clerk                                         NT0208 - 020223  2.5 x 5.953  Publish February 2, 2023                       NT0209 - 020223  2.5 x 6.871
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