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February 2, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       CANTON - ROMULUS
                                                        CANTON - ROMULUS

           Winning ways

           The City of Romulus Police hock-
           ey players defeated the Westland
           police team by a score of 5-1 dur-
           ing a charity hockey game last
           week at the Taylor Sportsplex.
           The Hockey for Healthcare event
           was a benefit for Ascension of
           Southeast Michigan. Westland
           Mayor Michael P. Londeau,center,
           and Romulus Mayor Robert
           McCraight, left,had a friendly
           wager on the final score and the
           Westland loss means Londeau
           must buy McCraight lunch at a
           Romulus restaurant of his choice.
           McCraight chose Leonardo's
           Italian Grille. Taylor Mayor Tim
           Woolley, right, who hosted the
           event, joined his fellow officials at
           the game, but avoided the good-
           natured wagering.

        Wine Walk fundraiser tickets now available

           The Village Arts Factory will  a greater voice in the healthcare  took great strides in submitting  could go home with a bottle val-  information on this and other
        be the site of a unique fundrais-  system.                    ideas and developing all of the  ued at $100 or more.  Tickets will  programs hosted by The
        ing effort this month.           The event is limited to those  details for this fundraiser to  be on sale through Feb. 17 at  B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen Center,
           A Wine Walk is being organ-  older than 21 and is set for 6  make it the perfect girls' night No  visit
        ized by the women of the Canton  until 8 p.m. Feb. 24 at the arts  out.”                    on-site tickets will be available.   Information about the National
        Learn.Advocate.Mentor (LAM)    facility located at  50755 Cherry  For a ticket price of $40 per  The mentor program, titled  Women's Health Network, which
        program of the Lead#LikeAGirl  Hill Road in Canton Township.   person, participants will enjoy  Learn.Advocate.Mentor, com-  aspires to a healthcare system
        initiative in the township. The  “We are so proud of all of the  catered appetizers, wine sam-  prises young girls who have  that is guided by social justice
        event is an effort to generate  young ladies in LAM who       pling, live music, a pottery expe-  graduated from the Lead  and reflects the needs of diverse
        funding for the National       brought such creativity to the  rience, and an art exhibition. A  #LikeAGirl initiative that aims  women, is available at
        Women's Health Network, a      planning of this special fundrais-  wine pull will also be available  to inspire young women to
        501(c)(3) non-profit organization  er,” said Chelsea Straub, youth  on-site for an additional $20  rethink what it means to lead  For more information, call
        working to provide women with  recreation specialist.  “They  donation. A few lucky ladies  and live #LikeAGirl. For more  (734) 394-5361.
        Grant                                  mayor tasked my team with not only find-  Shooting suspects are sought
                                               ing innovative solutions, but to do it in a
                                               way that addresses the economic dispari-
        FROM PAGE 1                            ty and income inequality that has been   Canton Township police investigators  shoes.
                                               highlighted amongst minorities, discon-  are attempting to identify four individu-  The other three were wearing less-
        tion of existing businesses, development  nected youth, individuals with disabili-  als who may have been involved in a  distinct clothing, according to police
        of the city New Entrepreneur Success   ties and the unemployed within the com-  shooting that occurred in the area of  sources.
        Training (NEST) business incubator, and  munity.                             51074 Mott Road at about 11 p.m. Jan. 21.   There were no reported injuries in
        a workforce development program, that    “I'm proud to say that this project will  Police said multiple shots were fired  the shooting.
        together represent a “One Romulus” suc-  accomplish that.  I am excited for what  into an occupied mobile home in the  Police have requested that anyone
        cess strategy for the city and the Detroit  this opportunity will bring to the city as  incident.                  with information about the incident con-
        Aerotropolis Region.                   we bring the community's identified      Video from the area captured four  tact the Canton Police Department at
           Director of Community Safety and    vision for its future to fruition.”   individuals of interest, one wearing a  (734) 394-5400. Anonymous tips can also
        Development Kevin Krause stated,         Specifics of the grant are expected in  two-tone hooded jacket, a ski mask, light  be called in to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-
        “When I accepted this position, the    early spring as agreements are finalized.  color pants (possibly joggers) and dark  SPEAKUP.
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