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Township attorney corrects false allegations
Sumpter Township attorney tised the board for what he mis- ” have a duty to report that and I
Rob Young corrected several mis- takenly interpreted as the award- I have yet to see an issue would do so,” he said.
informed claims made by a resi- ing of a contract without proper Trustee Matt Oddy also correct-
dent during the Jan. 10 meeting of bidding procedures. He went so here where that has been violated, ever. ed Miller’s false assertions noting
the board of trustees. far as to imply “corruption” on the that there is a great deal of misin-
During the public comment part of the board. formation that “ends up in the
portion of the agenda, Randy Young explained that the township. Young said the law clearly paper and then we have to correct
Miller accused the board of violat- Burnham & Flower was the insur- “Burnham & Flower provides allowed the board members to it at the board table.” Oddy went
ing state law regarding the sale of ance agent for the township and a service. They provide informa- have a discussion of offers in through the last three sales of
township property, claimed that the responsibility of the agency tion to allow the board to make an closed session and to decide if the property by the township and
Supervisor Tim Bowman should every year is to solicit bids from as informed decision,” Young said. township is going to accept any detailed the public meetings and
have recused himself from voting many insurance providers as pos- He reminded the board members proposal. “We can't have those dis- discussions.. He explained that
on a property matter due to a con- sible. The agency then brings the that Burnham & Flower is cur- cussion of offers in public in front there had not been a closed ses-
flict of interest and alleged that bids to the township and an rently the agency used by, “proba- of the very people making the pro- sion on any of the three. “I didn't
the board had awarded a $400,000 appointed committee represent- bly 67 percent of the communities posals. Common sense would dic- attend any closed sessions and I
insurance contract without the ing the employees reviews the in the tri-county area. Their tate that,” he said. haven't missed meetings,” he said.
required bidding process. proposed plans. expertise has given us the ability Young then addressed the “You are not entitled to your
Young immediately responded “The committee meets with to make a smart decision,” he accusation of a conflict of interest own facts,” Young said. “When you
and apologized to the trustees for representatives of the unions to added. vote by Bowman. He noted that a say Burnham & Flower was
speaking out of turn on the agen- discuss a plan consistent with the As for the claim that the board board member can only recuse awarded a $400,000 plus contract,
da but said he felt correcting the union contracts and within the violated state law by meeting in himself from voting with permis- that is not accurate. That can't
false claims and assertions was budget,” Young explained. He closed session regarding the sale sion of the board. “It's up to the stand. We cannot let that roll out
necessary. Miller apparently reiterated that Burnham & of township property, Young said elected official to determine if anymore. We used to and it got
believed that the township insur- Flower is a facilitator and is not under state law the board mem- they have a financial interest in blown out of proportion, printed
ance agents, Burnham & Flower the insurance provider. Young bers “most certainly have a right whatever matter is before the in the newspaper and it turned
were being awarded a contract for said the committee members rec- to discuss the sale or purchase of township board,” he said. “I have out to be false.
a $468,611.88 small group insur- ommend the entity that provides property in closed session under yet to see an issue here where that “Misinformation has to be cor-
ance policy premium. Miller chas- the best plan for the employees in certain circumstances.” has been violated, ever. If so, I rected,” the attorney said.
Inkster officials mark 2022 city accomplishments
Inkster Mayor Patrick Wimberly and Homecoming Memorial Festival, a 3-day
members of the city council recently ” family-friendly event.
reminded residents of the progress in the Projects currently in development in the city Inkster received $50,000 from Priority
city and the projects completed during Health & National Fitness to erect an
2022. include the construction of Outdoor Fitness Court and sold the
Listed among accomplishments listed The Inkster Senior Wellness Center, a $2.5-million facility. Inkster Civic Center was to a local devel-
in a newsletter to residents, Wimberly oper and will be renovated into a state- of-
reminded residents of the completion of the-art indoor athletic arena. The arena
an open space amphitheater on Inkster affordable one- and two-bedroom apart- secure state approbation funds of $1.2 mil- will include indoor soccer, football and
and South River Park Drive. Funds for ment complex, officials said. lion for the project. The museum is slated other sports.
that project were allocated by state appro- A gas station was built on the corner of to open early this year. Last year, according to the newsletter,
priations through the office of State Rep. Middlebelt and Michigan Avenue which Also in progress is a $750,000 city side- the city generated $952,205.99 in land
Jewell Jones, the newsletter noted. will be opening soon and the Old Red walk replacement program, the newslet- sales.
Bathrooms, showers, and the common Carriage (in front of Heatherwood ter said. During 2022, according to city records,
area inside the Booker T. Dozier Center Apartments) was razed last year. The city hosted an Expungement Fair Inkster was awarded $5.3 million through
were renovated by using $800,000 allocat- Projects currently in development in with Attorney General Dana Nessel county, state, and federal appropriations,
ed from the office of Wayne County the city include the construction of The which served more than 300 residents. all used for improvements to the commu-
Executive Warren C. Evans through a Inkster Senior Wellness Center, a $2.5-mil- Inkster also hosted the Annual nity, the bulletin concluded.
Community Development Block lion facility. Wimberly said he and
Grant.The grant helped fund the remodel- Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib participat-
ing of the recreation center. ed in the Big Check ceremony at the initia-
Renovations of Colonial Park included tion of the project.
the paving and connection of the area to Also in development, is a historical and
the greenway path. Rodeway Hotel on cultural art museum at the former library
Michigan Avenue was remodeled into an site. State Sen Dayna Polehanki helped
Man dies shoveling snow
The heavy snowfall last week resulted ment. A neighbor told reporters that she
in tragedy as a 71-year-old man died while believed Steed could not get his snow-
shoveling snow at his Inkster home. blower started and was attempting to
According to police reports, the body of shovel his walks by hand, "and that's
Leroy Steed was found outside his home where it all ended."
Thursday morning, Jan. 26, where he had Steed's son, Roy Steed, cautioned oth-
fallen shoveling snow the night before. He ers about the dangers the snow presents.
had last been seen the night before, out- He urged residents to talk to their parents
side his home. Police said his death was and help them. "If they don't call, you call
caused by a suspected heart attack. them. Try to influence them not to go out
Steed, a grandfather, retired from there and shovel the snow," he told a local
General Motors after 30 years of employ- news station.
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Copart has vehicles up 10 DODG CHARGER SX
for public auction 2B3CA3CV6AH113257
Tuesday 2/7/23 at 10 AM 08 VOLK JETTA SE
at 3VWRM71KX8M054495