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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 12, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Suspect in multiple homicides is captured in Wayne

           A suspect in several homicides was  ed a traffic stop of the suspect as he was  from his vehicle prompting a foot chase.  The suspect was immediately taken
        arrested in Wayne by Michigan State    driving a 2017 Chrysler 200. The individ-  The Michigan State Police K-9 unit  into custody, according to police reports.
        Police last Saturday, according to police  ual believed to be connected to several  were called and “officer Koma” was used  “We will continue to work with county
        reports.                               homicides failed to stop when ordered to  to track the suspect who was eventually  and local police to focus on these danger-
           The 34-year-old suspect was seen in  pull over by troopers. That failure esca-  located hiding under a lawn chair at an  ous criminals in order to improve the
        Inkster on Friday at 7:15 p.m., according  lated into a vehicle pursuit, according to  address near Howe Road and Annapolis  quality of life in the city of Inkster,” “stat-
        to police reports when troopers attempt-  reports, and eventually the suspect ran  Street in the City of Wayne.    ed Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw.
        State grant is awarded to

        aid Eloise development

           Plans for the redevelopment of the  could be complete in 2026.
        Eloise Psychiatric Hospital have been bol-  The development will be completed in
        stered by a $695,000 grant from EGLE   phases and will include the preservation
        (State Department of Environment, Great  of two historic buildings on the property
        Lakes, and Energy).                    while other structures at the site, includ-
           Plans for the redevelopment at the for-  ing the former bakery and power plant,
        mer psychiatric hospital have been under  will be removed.
        way since John Hambrick, managing        The recently awarded state grant is
        member of 30712 Michigan Avenue LLC,   designated as funding for brownfield
        purchased the site from Wayne County for  remediation of contaminated soil at the
        $1 in 2018. The city of Westland has part-  site, according to a prepared statement
        nered with Hambrick's development com-  from the state office. Petroleum-related  ment of this challenging project,” noted  reliant and at one time served 10,000
        pany to redevelop the site as part of a  compounds apparently leached into the  Hambrick. Westland officials have said in  patients and 2,000 employees with neces-
        multi-phase project. When complete,    soil from underground storage tanks,  the past that another economic benefit of  sary utilities, farming, and service
        according to plans for the development,  according to the prepared statement. The  the project will be the drawing power of  providers located in 75 buildings on the
        new commercial establishments, a hotel  EGLE grant will fund the excavation,  the development which could spur more  900-acre site. Most of the buildings have
        and a restaurant bar will join the pre-  transport and disposal of the contaminat-  traffic and attention in the area.   been demolished although the remaining
        served historic buildings and the haunted  ed soil.                            The property was operated as a psychi-  buildings, including the Kay Beard build-
        attraction at the site. Total development  “We are very grateful to EGLE, the city  atric hospital until 1979 and then as  ing, were the topic of a horror movie and
        costs are estimated at more than $4 mil-  of Westland and the State of Michigan for  Wayne County General Hospital until  remain an attraction for paranormal
        lion and the first phase of development  this grant. It will assist us in the redevelop-  1984. The property was completely self-  investigators.

        Bright lights

        Winners of the 2022 All American Holiday Decorating Contest in Westland included
        Jason Wright for Best Traditional Display; Matt Sutela for Most Creative Display and
        Randy and Kim Krause for Over-the-Top Display. Honorable mention winners were Ron
        and Debbie Alessandrini, Melinda Smitt, Joseph and Sharon Foy, Barbara Fiedler and
        George Thomas. Hassan Saab, Westland Neighborhood Services director acknowl-
        edged the winners of the annual competition during the regular meeting of the city
        council members earlier this month.
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