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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 12, 2023

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

           Speaking up

           Plymouth Township Police Chief James
           H. Knittel, Jr. was the featured speaker
           last week at the regular noon meeting of
           the Plymouth Rotary Club members.
           Knittel explained the importance of state
           accreditation which was recently award-
           ed for the first time to the Plymouth
           Township Police Department. Knittel dis-
           cussed the benefits of acknowledging the
           standard procedures and policies of
           police and community interaction and the
           extensive criteria demanded for accredi-
           tation. He was introduced to the club
           members by Plymouth Township Trustee
           John Stewart and Wayne County
           Commissioner Al Haidous joined the
           audience for Knittel's talk and provided
           some closing remarks.

        Photography exhibit set at Cherry Hill gallery

           Works of members of the Ann  with opportunities for realism,  Arbor Camera Club includes  guests, and visitors, and take  and open to the public during
        Arbor Camera Club will be on   experimentation, drama and     members from southeastern     place beginning at 7 p.m. on the  gallery hours from 10 a.m. until 2
        display at The Gallery at the  simplistic form," according to a  Michigan and range in experi-  first and third Tuesday of the  p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday,
        Cherry Hill through Jan. 29.   prepared release.              ence from beginners to profes-  month from September through  from 4 until 8 p.m. Thursday and
           The collaborative exhibit,    Exhibit artists include:     sional exhibitors. All types of  June.                       Friday, during all public per-
        entitled "Collective Expressions  Terrance Alexander, Gerri Barr,  photographers are represented  The group meets at the Zion  formances or by special appoint-
        in Photography," is an open-topic  Howard Bond, Raul Campos,  in the club (landscape, portrait,  Lutheran Church, located at  ment arranged via email to
        exhibit representing the photo-  Regina Carriere, Pat Conner,  wildlife, street, sports, macro,  1501 West Liberty in Ann Arbor.
        graphic artistry of several mem-  Tom Egel, Lori Franzen, Larry  and more), as are all types of  Additional information about  The Village Theater at Cherry
        bers of the Ann Arbor Camera   Hoxey, Tim Kellman, John       photographs (digital, film, color,  the Ann Arbor Camera Club can  Hill is located at 50400 Cherry
        Club and provides a variety of  Lloyd, Keith Matz, Ann O'Hagan,  black and white, and large for-  be    found          at  Hill Road in Canton, MI, 48187.
        work regularly produced by     David Patria, William Serrell,  mat).                        https://AnnArborCamera         For more information about this
        their members. Ann Arbor       Scott   Strodtman,    James      Semi-monthly meetings of the                    latest exhibition, call (734) 394-
        Camera Club members believe    Whiteside, and Mary Whiteside.  Ann Arbor Camera Club include   This special art exhibit at The  5300 or visit www.cantonvil-
        that "photography is great art   Founded in 1956, the Ann     members, prospective members,  Gallery at Cherry Hill is free
        Warehouse project on DeHoCo property approved

           Following the example of both  at Five Mile and Napier roads.  ships.                    oper hoped to have a tenant    wetlands on the property will not
        Kroger and Amazon, a third com-  Jones Development presented    The property is currently val-  when construction was complete.  be disturbed by the construction
        pany is planning to construct  the plans to members of the    ued at $6.75 million and a repre-  He told the board members that  and  both  the  Michigan
        three new warehouse facilities in  Plymouth Township Board of  sentative of the developer told  Jones Development management  Department of Environment and
        Plymouth Township.             Trustees at a recent meeting.  the trustees the sale should be  was confident that all the build-  Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE)
           The warehouse plans include   The property is still owned by  final during the first quarter of  ings could be leased quickly.   officials are aware of the plans.
        one large building at 670,000  the City of Detroit and is includ-  this year. No tenants were identi-  He added that the buildings  The  plan,  previously
        square feet and two at 150,000  ed in the Michigan International  fied in the presentation which  could be divided into smaller  approved by members of the
        square feet on the 190-acre site at  Technology Center project, , a  will be built on build-to-suit mar-  spaces for potential clients and  township planning commission,
        the former site of the Detroit  cooperative effort between    keting efforts, the representative  that Jones would be cooperative  was unanimously approved by
        House of Corrections (DeHoCo)  Plymouth and Northville town-  said. He indicated that the devel-  with potential tenants needs. The  members of the board.

           To subscribe to The Eagle visit

                        CITY OF ROMULUS
                        WEDNESDAY, February 1, 2023

          Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Board of Zoning Appeals will hold the following
          public hearings at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at the Romulus City Hall, 11111
          Wayne Road to consider the following petitions:
              1.   BZA-2022-007;  Campbell Fence  Variance, requesting a variance from Section
                   3.05(a)(2), Fences of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a fence to extend into the front
                   yard beyond the building line on the Oakdale frontage. The subject property is zoned
                   R1-B, Single Family Residential and is located at 15508 Harrison Road (DP# 80-142-
              2.   BZA-2023-001; Amazon DTW1 Fulfillment Dolly Pad Variance, requesting a vari-
                   ance from Section 11.17(b)(9) Accessory - Outdoor Storage of the Zoning Ordinance
                   to waive the requirement of a minimum (10)-foot concrete apron (dolly pad) to accom-
                   modate the trailer landing gear. The subject property is zoned Conditionally M-1, Light
                   Industrial and is located at 32801 Ecorse Road (Parcel ID # 80-038-99-0001-700).

          Copies of the applications are available for review at the Department of Public Services during reg-
          ular business hours which are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. All interested parties are
          encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said requests.  Written com-
          ments may be submitted and should be addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning
          Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485.
          Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
          City of Romulus, Michigan

          Publish: January 12, 2023                                   RM0703 - 011223  2.5 x 4.508

                                       Classified                                                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900                                        REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
                              KNAGE123385251085     2C3CDXJG7EH141368                 proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, February 2, 2023 for the following:
                              2011 CHEVROLET        2006 MERCURY                                        JOY ROAD WATER MAIN LOOP AND PRV REMOVALS
           PUBLIC AUCTION     2GNALPEC9B1202115     1MEHM42156G615615
          MARTINS’ TOWING     2009 HYUNDAI          2012 CHEVROLET                    Proposals may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or
                                                                                      you may contact Mike Sheppard at: All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clear-
         17180 DIX TOLEDO RD  KMHDC86E09U041840     1G1ZC5E02CF222750                 ly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of proposal opening. The
            BROWNSTOWN,       2017 CHEVROLET        2001 TOYOTA                       Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race,
                                                                                      color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
               MI 48193       1G1BE5SMXH7196323     4T1BG22K21U774335
           JANUARY 16, 2023   2006 JEEP             2007 CADILLAC                                                MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
              10:00 AM        1J8HR58N36C367819     1GYEE637570185010                 Publish 1/12/2023
                              2012 GMC              2008 NISSAN                                                                                      CN2470 - 011223  2.5 x 2.052
        2008 BUICK            1GTH6PFE6C8116239     3N1BC13E28L357369
        2G4WC582981195984     2010 KIA              2007 CHRYSLER
        2008 DODGE            KNDMG4C35A6354136     2C3LK63H97H663475
        1D7HU18228J233084     2010 HYUNDAI          2017 CHEVROLET
        2010 FORD             5NMSG3AB7AH361197     1GNKVGKD7HJ153149
        1FAHP3FN8AW119406     2004 MAZDA            2007 JEEP                 To subscribe to The Eagle visit
        2023 FORD             1YVFP80D445N96031     1J8GR48KX7C517650
        1FMEE5BP7PLA96194     2009 DODGE            2020 DODGE
        2007 CHEVROLET        1D3HV13T79S808273     2C3CDXGJXLH192492
        1G1AZ58F577226383     2014 CHEVROLET        2004 HONDA
        2003 DODGE            2G1WB5E3XE1103743     5FNRL18624B144914
        1D4HS38N93F514884     2010 SUBARU           2008 CHEVROLET
        2001 PLYMOUTH         JF1GE6B60AH509454     1G1ZJ57B684249442
        1P3ES46C01D237137     2005 MAZDA            2000 DODGE
        2015 KIA              4F2CZ06155KM24739     3B7HF12Y2YG135241
        KNDMB5C10F6030960     2000 JEEP             2014 TATAO
        2006 PONTIAC          1J4GW58N9TC166127     L9NTEACX0E1303201
        5Y2SL65886Z406985     2012 DODGE
        2006 DODGE            2C4RDGBG1CR402117
        2B3KA43G86H536917     2014 DODGE
        2008 KIA
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