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January 12, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       INKSTER - SUMPTER
                                                       INKSTER - SUMPTER

        Board awards school superintendent high marks

           Van Buren Public Schools    Secretary Darlene Loyer Gerick   Kudlak's employment contract  contract which included provi-  Arts degree from Eastern
        Superintendent Pete Kudlak has  and trustees Kelly Own, Calvin  with the district was extended  sions for one-year extensions,  Michigan University and served
        been given a top performance   Hawkins and Dionne Falconer,   until June 30, 2028 and board  which the board members have  as  assistant superintendent of
        rating by members of the district  approved the “Highly Effective”  members agreed to increase his  approved consistently during his  the Milan Area School District
        board of education.            rating for Kudlak during the Dec.  current $159,000 annual salary to  tenure. He also received the  and as a principal in the
           Members of the board, includ-  5 meeting. The rating was based  $165,000,  beginning in July of  highest possible rating from the  Plymouth Canton Community
        ing President Amy Pearce, Vice  on Kudlak's performance from  this year.                    board members in 2019, 2020 and  Schools prior to accepting the
        President Susan Featheringill,  January through December of     The five-year extension fol-  2021.                        superintendent position in Van
        Treasurer Simone Pinter,       2022.                          lows Kudlak's original three-year  Kudlak earned his Master of  Buren, according to his website.

        Inkster man accused of multiple child pornography crimes

           An Inkster man is accused of  According to the complaint,                                                               50 child pornography images,
        knowingly enticing young chil-  investigators interviewed the 10-                        ”                                 some including minors with other
        dren to send him sexually explic-  year-old Maryland girl last sum-  Several of the images found on England's account      people or objects. He also admit-
        it images on a website.        mer about a person she interact-                                                            ted, officials said, to swapping the
           Dimon Leon England is also  ed with on Snapchat. The child       meet the federal definition of child pornography,      images with other people.
        accused of producing, receiving,  admitted sending nude photos to                                                            The complaint alleges that
        or possessing child pornography  a man she believed was older.                                                             England knowingly persuaded,
        that had been mailed, shipped, or  She said he promised her Robux,  photos, she told investigators, and  account listing Roblox gift cards  induced, enticed, or coerced peo-
        transported in interstate com-  an in-game currency for the   on the advice of a friend blocked  were found, and officials believe  ple under the age of 18 to engage
        merce by computer or any means.  Roblox video game, if she sent  the account and sent the man's  the cards were sent to "numerous  in sexual activity that can result
        A criminal complaint was filed  the sexually explicit photos. She  user name to a family member.  Snapchat accounts" in exchange  in a criminal charge.
        against England last month alleg-  said she told the person she was  The family member contacted  for sexual pictures and videos.  He is also accused of produc-
        ing that England enticed a fifth-  only 10 during the exchange. She  police and the Snapchat user-  Several of the images found on  ing, receiving, or possessing child
        grade, 10-year-old girl and other  sent him multiple photos and sex-  name was traced back to  England's account meet the fed-  pornography that had been
        children to send him nude      ual videos, she told investigators.  England, according to the court  eral definition of child pornogra-  mailed, shipped, or transported
        images and videos in exchange    She never received any money  complaint.                   phy, the criminal complaint says  in interstate commerce by com-
        for video game currency.       or other compensation for the    Screenshots of an Amazon    and he admitted to having about  puter or any means.
        Police vehicle installation OK'd

           Sumpter Township police officials and  by the COVID pandemic.
        officers anticipate another long wait for  Members of the board of trustees
        the two new Ford Police Interceptor utili-  approved Luke's request for the installa-
        ty vehicles ordered more than a year ago.  tion of the necessary equipment in the
           While the vehicles are expected to be  vehicles to be performed by Herkimer
        available this week, installation of the  Radio Service of Monroe.
        necessary radio and other police equip-  Cost of the installation was estimated
        ment could require another 12-week     at $18,667.                                                          Sumpter Township
                                                                                                                  Regular Board Meeting
        delay in having the new vehicles in serv-  Luke explained that the equipment                          Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
        ice in the township, explained Public  and radio installation could take as long                    23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
        Safety Director/Police Chief Eric Luke at  as 12 weeks, also due to supply chain                               Minutes
        a recent meeting of the board of trustees.  issues for parts due to the effects of the  The meeting was called to order by Clerk Hurst at 6:44 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
           The vehicles were first ordered more  pandemic.
        than a year ago but delivery was delayed  The cost of the installation will be fund-  Roll call: Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Warren, Trustees: LaPorte, Morgan, Oddy, and Rush. Supervisor Bowman excused. Also show-
                                                                                      ing present: Township Manager Anthony Burdick, Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety
        due to a delay in part availability caused  ed by the police forfeiture funds.  Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire Chief Brown, Water Superintendent Danci and 8 attendees.
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to have Trustee Rush chair the meeting. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.
                                                                                      Motion carried.
                      To subscribe to The Eagle visit                                 3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the Agenda with the following additions:
                                                                                         Table items: D, H, I and J.
                                                                                                           Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                               4. Public Comment: Three (3) attendees spoke.
                                                                                      5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of October 11, 2022 with cor-
                                                                                         rection on the motion to adjourn to reflect Warren supported. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      6. Warrants:  Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve warrants totaling $415,272.03. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.
                                                                                         Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                       Sumpter Township
                                     Regular Board Meeting                            7. Parks & Recreation Report: Manager Burdick reported that volunteers are welcome back, they have a tentative 2023
                                 Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 6:00 p.m.                    events schedule. Discussion on grants from Wayne County, suggestion to move forward for a LED lighting grant. Motion by
                               23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111                  Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      8. Water & Sewer Report: Treasurer Warren called on Superintendent Danci to speak. Danci reported flushing of hydrants has
         The meeting was called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:45 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  started using a numbering system, not flags. And approximately $17,000 collected in delinquent water before applying to
                                                                                         tax. Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to approve. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Warren, Trustees: Rush, LaPorte, and Oddy. Trustee Morgan excused. Also
         showing present: Township Manager Burdick, Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke,  9. Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Warren stated his report was in the office for anyone to see. He thanked everyone for allow-
         Fire Chief Brown, DPW Director Danci, and 8 attendees.                          ing him to serve the Township in the Treasurer capacity. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                                                                         All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Warren to approve the agenda. Roll Call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion
            carried.                                                                  10. Planning & Zoning Report: Oddy reported that the planning commission is looking at 3 different ordinances for refining
                                                                                         purposes and that a ZBA meeting is scheduled for October 27, 2022. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve. Roll
         4. Public Comment/Open Floor: One (1) attendee spoke.                           call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         5. Minutes: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 27, 2022. Roll  11. Senior's Report: Clerk Hurst reminded everyone of the Vendor Market being held on October 28-29, 2022 at the commu-
            call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                     nity center. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         6. Warrants:  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve warrants totaling $546,006.58. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  12. Board Response: Rush stated that it has been a pleasure working with Vincent Warren for a couple of years. Oddy stated
            Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                   that a recent letter in the local newspaper was full of misinformation and false statements. Stated Treasurer never gives a
                                                                                         report and is never in the board packet. False statement. Paper printed knowing it was false. The letter stated $177,000 was
         7. Supervisor's Report: Supervisor Bowman advised that the fairgrounds project was moving along with Banotai Park plans  misspent on fairgrounds. False. The fairgrounds were deemed dangerous and unsafe was the reason for demolition. Bids went
            also moving. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to accept the Supervisor's Report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay:  out. Also, $144,000 was spent on township hall restrooms with no bid. This was deemed an emergency, with no restrooms
            None. Motion carried.                                                        available.
         8. Attorney's Report: Attorney Young advised he will email his report to Clerk's office. Also, blight enforcement has been up  13. Unfinished Business:
            and many marijuana businesses going out of business around the state. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to accept the
            Attorney's Report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  A.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to remove from the agenda approval to appoint Trustees Oddy, Morgan, and
                                                                                             Rush as a Review Committee to assess the additional WCA proposals of Sumpter Sketching and Sumpter Tax Maps.
         9. Police/Ordinance Report: Chief Luke gave his statistical report and added comments that in future planning staffing will  Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            be an issue for police and fire due to the increased population in the township. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to accept
            the Police/Ordinance Report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  14. New Business:
         10. Building Report: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to receive and file the Building Report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  A.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to accept the resignation of probationary firefighter Taylor Smith, with
            Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                       regrets. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         11. Fire Report: Chief Brown gave a statistical report. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to accept the Fire Report. Roll  B.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the 2nd quarter 2022 budget amendments. Roll call vote: Yes: All
            call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                         in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         12. Department of Public  Works Report: Danci reported he is obtaining bids and specs for future water projects.  C.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte for approval of the 2nd quarter, 2022 summary financial statements for
            Approximately $185,000 for grass cutter for corners, reminded residents to look for E on the water bills, make sure the water  posting and distribution. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            meter is in a heated area, and fixed old equipment to cut corner brush areas for now. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush
            to approve the Department of Public Works Report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  D.  TABLE.
         13. Board Response: Trustee Oddy would like to see a DTE evaluation in Sumpter Township.  E.  Motion by Warren, supported by Oddy to approve Resolution #2022-10 to join the Michigan Liquid Asset Fund Plus
                                                                                             in support of the Sumpter Township Investment Strategy. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.
         14. New Business:                                                                   Motion carried.
            A.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to adopt the amended and finalized contract between Sumpter Township and   F.  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy for approval to initiate the Preferred Vendor Program. Roll call vote: Yes: All
                Great Lakes Water Authority to begin July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2026. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay:   in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                None. Motion carried.
            B.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the WCA contract effective November 1, 2022, through October 31,  G.  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the proposal submitted by Hennessey Engineers to complete the
                2026. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, Rush, and Oddy. Nay: LaPorte. Motion carried.  required Michigan 5-year Water Reliability Study due for 2023 at a cost of $26,000.00. Roll call vote: Yes: All in
            C.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve the Township being closed from December 23, 2022, through   favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                January 2, 2023, with AFSCME employees using PTO or vacation time and the floating holiday. Roll call vote: Yes:
                All in favor: Nay: None. Motion carried.                                 H.  TABLE.
            D.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to begin pursuing bids for the Sumpter Township Fairgrounds project(s). Roll
                call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                 I.  TABLE.
            E.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to table appointing a committee to assess the additional WCA proposals of
                Sumpter Sketching and Sumpter Tax Maps until a third member is named due to Trustee Morgan declining the   J.  TABLE.
                appointment. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            F.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve D. Haydniak to attend MAMC fall conference from November 29,  15. Announcements: LaPorte thanked Treasurer Warren for a fantastic job, stating that Warren is a good person. Attorney Young
                2022, through December 1, 2022, at a cost not to exceed $950.00. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion  thanked Treasurer Warren, stating that Warren is a nice person and good family man. Morgan wished everyone a Happy
                carried.                                                                 Halloween. Resident Ban thanked Treasurer Warren and hoped to see him at future meetings. Also, bible study is ongoing at
                                                                                         the Senior center. Studying Ezekiel now.
         15. Announcements: River of Life Church having Harvest Fest on October 15, 2022, from 3-6 pm.
                                                                                      16. Closed session: Under MCL 15.268(h) to consider attorney-client privileged material exempt from discussion or disclosure
         16. Motion by Oddy, supported by Warren to go into Closed Session at 7:28 pm for an update on AFSCME Contract. Roll call  by state or federal law; Update on AFSCME & COAM contracts. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to move into closed
            vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                          session at 7:27 pm. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         17. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to return to the regular board meeting at 8:27 pm. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to rejoin the open meeting at 7:55 pm from closed session. Roll call vote: Yes: All in
            Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                   favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         18. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to instruct the attorney to proceed as directed. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay:  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to direct the Township Attorney to address and take recommended action on the
            None. Motion carried.                                                        issues discussed in the closed session. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         19. Adjournment. Motion by Rush, supported by Warren to adjourn at 8:28 pm. Motion carried.  16. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to adjourn at 7:56 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
         Minutes prepared by:                                                         Minutes prepared by:
         Deputy Clerk K. Armatis                                                      Deputy Clerk K. Armatis
         Sumpter Township                                                             Sumpter Township
         __________________________  ________________________                         __________________________  ________________________
         Esther Hurst, Clerk         Date                                             Esther Hurst, Clerk         Date
         __________________________  ________________________                         __________________________  ________________________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                             ST0135 - 01 12 23  2.5 x 10.12  Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date             ST0134 - 01 12 23  2.5 x 12.915
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