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January 12, 2023                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Tickets for ‘The Light’ at Tipping Point Theater available

           Tipping Point Theatre will  The Light is a real-time roller-                                                            Robert Harling's modern classic
        present the Michigan premiere  coaster ride of laughter,                                 ”                                 Steel Magnolias, and concludes
        of Loy A. Webb's The Light begin-  romance, and reckoning that          Live theatre is my first love as an artist.        with the world premiere of the
        ning at 8 p.m. Jan. 26.        peels away the layers of truth,                                                             Tracy L. Spada comedy Game.
           The production will be under  doubt, pain, and ultimately the         There is nothing quite as exciting as             Set. Match!
        the direction of Carollette    power of love, Philllips said.            being in the ‘room where it happens’.               Tickets for The Light range
        Phillips and continues the 15th  “Live theatre is my first love                                                            from $28 to $48 depending on
        theatrical season of the       as an artist,” Phillips added.                                                              performance date and seating
        Northville theater.            “There is nothing quite as excit-  and Rashad, two people who  ability to “write great lines and  location and are now available
           Not every marriage proposal  ing as being in the 'room where it  love each other very much.  great one-liners.”         for purchase by visiting www.tip-
        goes as planned.  The Light intro-  happens,' which is one of the  However, just because you love  Tipping Point Theater will Discounts
        duces audiences to Rashad and  main reasons why I wanted to   someone doesn't mean you      host a very special opening night  for seniors (62 and over), military
        Genesis on what should be one of  serve as the director for this pro-  always agree with them or under-  pre-glow reception beginning at 5  and students are also available at
        the happiest days of their lives,  duction of The Light. The audi-  stand their perspective,” she  p.m. preceding the 6 p.m. per-  the Box Office window located
        but their joy quickly unravels  ence gets to be a fly-on-the-wall  said.                    formance on Saturday, Jan. 28.  inside Tipping Point Theatre at
        when ground-shifting accusa-   as a loving couple grapples with  The Light premiered off-   The event is open to ticket hold-  361 East Cady St., Northville, MI
        tions from the past resurface in  an unexpected bump on the road  Broadway at the Robert W.  ers for the Jan. 28 performance  48167.  Discounts for groups of
        this two-character drama. Can  to their wedding engagement.   Wilson Theater in 2019, with The  and light refreshments will be  15+ are available for purchase
        their relationship survive the  Webb's masterfully crafted play is  New York Times calling it “an  served.                 by calling the Box Office at
        growing divide between them    a fun, real, beautifully painful  unexpected mix of #MeToo and  Following these performanc-  (248)347-0003 or at the Box Office
        over who-and what-to believe?  window into the lives of Genesis  rom-com,” and nodded at Webb's  es, the season continues with  window.
                                                                                     Traffic study input is sought

                                                                                       Northville residents still have time to  only a few minutes to complete, officials
                                                                                     suggest traffic improvements or changes  said. View the online tool at:
                                                                                     to current routes as part of the Northville
                                                                                     Pedestrian and Traffic Study.            The    consultants,  Fleis    and
                                                                                       Residents and interested individuals  Vandenbrink with support from MKSK,
                                                                                     can access an online, interactive tool  and the Mobility Task Force, a volunteer
                                                                                     developed by the city traffic engineering  group of engaged citizens, are monitoring
                                                                                     consultants.                          the posted information. A summary of
                                                                                       Responders are urged to detail where  findings from comments received will be
                                                                                     they would like to see enhancements and  developed after the initial survey period
                                                                                     where there are potential issues for  ends on Jan. 21, according to a statement
                                                                                     pedestrians and drivers. The survey takes  from the city.

           Hopeful season

           Members of the Northville Township Police Department celebrated another suc-             To subscribe to The Eagle visit
           cessful Hope for the Holidays program in the community. A department         
           spokesperson said the officers were grateful and thanks all the community mem-
           bers who donated items to the effort. The contributions made the holiday season
           brighter for local families, he added. "As always, we thank you, our generous
           community, for thinking of others," he added.                                                            Sumpter Township
                                                                                                                  Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                             Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
        Garden Club meeting set Feb. 1                                                                      23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
                                                                                      The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 6:57 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
           Members of the Country Garden Club  There is a $10 fee for this meeting only.
        of Northville have scheduled meetings    Sue Grubba will discuss Shady        Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Patterson, Trustees: LaPorte, Morgan, Oddy, and Rush. Also showing pres-
                                                                                      ent: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire Chief Brown,
        through next spring at Plymouth First  Characters at the March 1 meeting and  water superintendent Danci and 17 attendees.
        United Methodist Church in Plymouth.   Carrie Spencer will talk about Those   3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Agenda with the following additions:
           Meetings will begin at 11 a.m., refresh-  Darn Squirrels at the April 12 meeting.  Remove D under unfinished business and addition of Item O. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        ments will be served and speakers will   Plymouth First United Methodist      4. Public Comment: Three (3) attendees spoke.
        follow at 11:30 a.m.                   Church is located at 45201 N. Territorial  5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2022; accept the
           The  Feb. 1 program will be a work-  Road in Plymouth.                        ZBA meeting minutes of August 25, 2022 and accept the planning commission meeting minutes of August 11, 2022. Roll
        shop about terrariums with speaker       Meetings are scheduled for the Garden   call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        Rachel Nisch from Graye's Greenhouse.  Room.                                  6. Warrants: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve warrants totaling $337,148.02. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.
                                                                                         Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      7-17. Reports. Motion by Bowman, supported by Rush to receive and file all reports. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.
                                       Sumpter Township                               Motion carried.
                                     Regular Board Meeting
                                Tuesday, September 27, 2022, 6:00 p.m.                18. Board Response: Rush wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels.
                               23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
                                           Minutes                                    19. Unfinished Business:
         The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 7:25 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  A.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to name and re-appoint an HR committee to access personnel-related needs,
                                                                                             and policies and provide recommendations to the Township Manager and Board of Trustees; members are Rush,
         A moment of silence was held for Tyrone Borden who passed away on September 13, 2022.  LaPorte, and Burdick. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Warren, Trustees: LaPorte, Morgan, Oddy, and Rush. Also showing pres-  B.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to add item B back to agenda due to confusion on approving agenda. Roll call
         ent: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire Chief Brown,  vote: Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Patterson, Rush, Oddy, and LaPorte. Nay: Morgan. Motion carried. Motion by LaPorte,
         and 10 attendees.                                                                   supported by Rush to approve Hoppe Design proposal and agreement to prepare a design and master plan for Banota
                                                                                             Park/Sherwood Pond at a cost of $28,000, with the Township Attorney's approval of the agreement. Roll call vote:
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the Agenda with the following additions:  Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Patterson, Rush, Laporte. Nay: Oddy, Morgan. Motion carried.
              Change to Item D Consider directing the HR Committee to review moving the part-time Treasury Department Clerk to
              full-time for the purpose of performing Accounts Payable duties.           C.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to accept an offer from Gerald Weiss in the amount of $3,500.00 for the town
              Add Item E. Consider publishing of newsletter by the newsletter committee with Anthony Burdick for fall delivery.  ship-owned vacant property located at 19745 Sumpter Road, 0.202 acres, Parcel #81-038-01-0005-01 and direct the
              Add Item F. Consider allowing the Treasurer's office clerk to work additional hours for less than 90 days to perform  township attorney to draft a purchase agreement. Roll call vote: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
              accounts payable duties as approved by the union, remaining a part-time employee.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                   D.  Motion by Patterson, supported by Morgan to remove this item.
         4. Public Comment: Three (3) attendees spoke.                                20. New Business:
         5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 13, 2022. Roll  A.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to open the Treasurer's office on Tuesday, December 27th for the designated
            call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                         winter tax collection day as required by law. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion Carried.
         6. Warrants: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve warrants totaling $255,893.15. Roll call vote: Yes: All in  B.  Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to appoint Vincent Warren to the Planning Commission with a term to
            favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                expire 09/23/2023. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         7-11. Reports. Motion by Bowman, supported by Rush to receive and file all reports. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.  C.  Motion by Hurst, supported by LaPorte to appoint Joe Jackson to the ZBA with a term to expire 01/13/2024. Roll call
         Motion carried.                                                                     vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         12. Board Response: Oddy stated ARPA funds were given to Sumpter to spend, not return or not accept. Morgan asked about  D.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the Sumpter Township Board meeting dates for 2023. Roll call
            candy check by the police department and was informed police department would not be checking candy; advised parents to  vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            check their children's candy at home.
                                                                                         E.  Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve the Sumpter Township Planning Commission meeting dates for
         13. Unfinished Business:                                                            2023 with a 6:00 pm start time. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         A. Motion by Rush, supported by Hurst to approve the proposal submitted by CTI to replace/upgrade the PEG Video System  F.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to re-appoint Board of Review members: Paul Armstrong, Helen Teall, Sandi
            for a total cost of $67,050.00 and an associated (4) year service agreement at a separate total cost of $15,090.56. Roll call  Armstrong with Vincent Warren and Karen Woodington as alternate members beginning 01/01/2023 and expiring
            vote: Yes: Bowman, Rush, Hurst, Oddy, Warren. Nay: Morgan, LaPorte. Motion carried.  12/31/2024. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         14. New Business:                                                               G.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Morgan to extend the part-time DPW seasonal employee an additional 90 days with
                                                                                             union approval. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            A.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve the amended agreement with Friends of Michigan Animal Rescue.
                Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.            H.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve the purchase of water/sewer materials from Core & Main for a
                                                                                             total of $8,342.44. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            B.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve giving out treats to children on Halloween, Monday, October 31,
                2022, at each office in the Township Hall, with full-size candy bars from A. Burdick. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor  I.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to contract with Advanced Underground Inspection to video all township
                Nay: None. Motion carried.                                                   gravity sewer mains at a cost of $14,250.00. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            C.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan for the Sumpter Township Fire Department to hold an open house on   J.  Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve Resolution #2022-12, Wayne County Annual Permits(s) A-
                Saturday, October 15, 2022, from noon to 3:00 PM. P. Morgan will try for donuts. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.   23044, A-23099, and A-23133 for 2023. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         K.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to approve the request to outfit two new Ford police interceptor utilities
            D.  Motion by Rush, supported by Warren to direct the HR Committee to review moving the part-time treasury   through Herkimer Radio at an estimated total cost of $18,667 ($9,333/each), paid out of forfeiture funds. Roll call
                department clerk to full-time for the purpose of performing accounts payable duties. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         L.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the purchase offer for 14.62 acres on Martinsville Road, Parcel #81-
            E.  Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to publishing of newsletter by the newsletter committee with Anthony Burdick  136-99-0012-000 for $95,000.00 with attorney approval. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                for fall delivery. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         M.  N. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to reject both offers and invite both parties to re-submit last and best offer by
            F.  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to allow the Treasurer's office clerk to work additional hours for less than 90  12/06/2022, secured by Moving the Mitten Real Estate. Roll call vote: Yes: Bowman, Patterson, Hurst, Morgan,
                days to perform accounts payable duties as approved by the union, remaining a part-time employee. Roll call vote:   Rush, and Oddy. LaPorte abstained. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                Yes: Bowman, Hurst, Warren, LaPorte, Oddy, and Rush. Nay: Morgan. Motion carried
                                                                                         O.   Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve the AFSCME union contract good until 2026. Roll call vote: Yes:
         15. Announcements: Clerk Hurst announced a vendor market will be held on October 28 and 29 in the gym 9:00 am-4:00 pm,  All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            tables are $10 each. If interested call Maryann Watson at 461-9373. Socks are being collected in the month of October for
            the needy. Senior trip to the Lions game on December 4, 2022.             21. Announcements: Supervisor Bowman spoke of the kids Christmas gift card giveaway, on December 14, 2022 from 5:00-7:00
                                                                                         pm. Kids must register and be 12 and younger.
         16. Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 7:47 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
                                                                                      22. Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 7:30 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
         Minutes prepared by:
         Deputy Clerk K. Armatis                                                      Minutes prepared by:
         Sumpter Township                                                             Deputy Clerk K. Armatis
                                                                                      Sumpter Township
         __________________________  ________________________                         __________________________  ________________________
         Esther Hurst, Clerk          Date                                            Esther Hurst, Clerk         Date
         __________________________  ________________________                         __________________________  ________________________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor   Date                            ST0136 - 01 12 23  2.5 x 9.437  Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date             ST0137 - 01 12 23  2.5 x 12.25
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