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January 12 –18, 2023                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 02                                                                                    www

                                       Dr. Martin Luther King Day celebrations set

               Vol. 138, No. 02           Next Monday is the annual
            Sumpter Township police    celebration of the influential life
          officials anticipate another  and achievements of Dr. Martin
          long wait for the two new    Luther King, Jr. The federal holi-
          Ford Police Interceptor utili-  day is scheduled each year on
          ty vehicles ordered more     the Monday closest to Dr. King's
          than a year ago.             birthday, Jan. 15.
                          See page 3.     The idea of Martin Luther
                                       King Day 2023 as a holiday was
                                       promoted soon after his assassi-
                                       nation in 1968. Following Dr.
                                       King's death, United States
                                       Representative, John Conyers, a
                Vol. 76, No. 02        democrat,  and United State
            Works of members of the    Senator Edward Brooke, a
          Ann Arbor Camera Club will   republican, introduced a bill in
          be on display at The Gallery  Congress to make Dr. King's
          at Cherry Hill through Jan.  birthday a national holiday.
          29.                             The bill first came to a vote in
                          See page 4.  the United States House of
                                       Representatives in 1979 and fell
                                       five votes short of the number
                                       needed. There were two main
                                       arguments mentioned by oppo-
                                       nents, the first being that a paid
                                       holiday for federal employees
               Vol. 76, No. 02
                                       would be too expensive and, sec-
             An Inkster man is accused  ondly, that a holiday to honor the
          of knowingly enticing young  birth of a private citizen who had
          children to send him sexual-  never held public office) would
          ly explicit images on a web-  be contrary to the longstanding
          site.                        tradition.
                          See page 3.     The effort received more pub-
                                       licity shortly after the failure of
                                       the bill when in September of
                                       1979, stevie Wonder released a
                                       song called “Happy Birthday”
                                       meant to make a case for the hol-
                Vol. 23, No. 02        iday. Additionally, six million sig-
            Northville residents still  natures were collected on a peti-
          have time to suggest traffic  tion in favor of the law.
          improvements or changes to      In 1981, when President
          current routes as part of the  Ronald Reagan came into office,
          Northville Pedestrian and    he originally opposed the holi-
          Traffic Study.               day as did North Carolina sena-
                          See page 5.  tors Jesse Helms and John
                                       Porter East, both republicans.
                                       Each  questioned whether King
                                       was important enough to receive
                                       such an honor and criticized Dr.
                                       King's opposition to the Vietnam  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivers “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington, Aug. 28,
                Vol. 23, No. 02        War.
                                          Despite the opposition,    Cherry Hill Road. Doors will  and the Romulus Community     Geiss.
            Following the example of   Reagen signed a bill on Nov. 2,  open at 5:30 p.m. for event par-  Schools will honor Dr. King with  For more information, contact
          both Kroger and Amazon, a    1983      proposed        by  ticipants to explore the Student  a morning march and presenta-  committee chairman the Rev.
          third company is planning to  Representative Katie Hall of  Art Gallery and participate in  tion at the auditorium at  Arthur Willis at (313)701-2423 or
          construct three new ware-    Indiana, to create a federal holi-  hands-on art projects.  The main  Romulus High School. The  City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg at
          house facilities in Plymouth  day honoring Dr. King. The bill  stage program is scheduled to  Monday celebration will begin  (734) 837-8898.
          Township.                    was approved in the House of  begin at 6:30 p.m., with wel-  with a Community March from     In Westland, the day will be
                          See page 4.  Representatives and was       comes presented by Canton     Romulus Middle School at 37300  commemorated     with    a
                                       observed for the first time on  Township Supervisor Anne    Wick Road to the high school at  Remembrance Walk followed by
                                       Jan. 20, 1986. Initially, some  Marie Graham-Hudak and      9650 Wayne Road. Shuttle serv-  the official city ceremony.
                                       states resisted observing the hol-  Plymouth Canton Community  ice will be provided from the  Walkers will march from
                                       iday and it was officially    Schools  Superintendent Dr.   high school to the middle school  Westland City Hall starting at 9
                                       observed in all 50 states for the  Monica Merritt.  The program,  from 7 a.m. until 7:45 a.m.  a.m. and will be followed by the
               Vol. 138, No. 02        first time in 2020.           which is also presented by the   Marchers will travel down  ceremony designed to express
            The Romulus Public            Canton Township and the    Canton Commission for Culture,  Wick Road east to Tobine Road,  the impact Dr. King had on the
          Library is planning several  Plymouth-Canton Community     Arts, and Heritage, will include  heading south beginning at 8  city and individuals in the Grand
          events later this year to cele-  Schools are coming together to  student performances, as well as  a.m.                Ballroom at 10 a.m.
          brate the 100th anniversary  present “It Starts With Me,” a  professional musical entertain-  Coffee and donuts will be   The march and program,
          of service to the community.   special Martin Luther King Day  ment.                     served in the Romulus High    organizers said, is designed to
                          See page 2.  celebration to honor Dr. King's  No tickets are required for  School lobby from 8:30 until 9:30  explain what Dr. King's message
                                       life and legacy and reflect on  this free general admission  a.m. sponsored by the Romulus  means to the community and to
                                       ways to continue to cultivate a  event. For additional informa-  Rotary Club.             help inspire people to continue
                                       beloved community.            tion, visit www.cantonvillagethe-  At 10 a.m. the Martin Luther  with his message and “help
                                          This special event will take or call (734) 394-5300.  King ceremony will begin in the  make the world a more inclusive
                                       place at The Village Theater at  The City of Romulus, the   high school auditorium with   and righteous place for us and
                                       Cherry Hill, located at 50400  Romulus Ministerial Alliance  keynote speaker Sen. Erika   our children.”
                Vol. 76, No. 02
            A 34-year-old suspect in
          several homicides was arrest-                                                          “Life’s most persistent
          ed in Wayne by Michigan State
          Police last Saturday, according
          to police reports.                                                                     and urgent question is,
                          See page 6.
                                                                                                 ‘What are you doing for others?’”

                                                                                                   In addition to the tradition-  sories will be collected from
                                                                                                 al celebration and remem-     participants following the
                                                                                                 brance of civil right leader and  march to Romulus High
                Vol. 76, No. 02                                                                  activist Dr. Martin Luther    School Jan. 16.
            Plans for the redevelop-                                                             King, Jr. set for next Monday,  Items will be collected and
          ment    of   the   Eloise                                                              Romulus residents are being   provided to the less fortunate
          Psychiatric Hospital have                                                              asked to help those less fortu-  in the community, noted
          been bolstered by a $695,000                                                           nate in the community keep    Rachel Funderburg. For more
          grant from EGLE (State                                                                 warm this winter.             information, contact her at
          Department of Environment,                                                               Winter coats, gloves, socks,  annualcoatandmittens@gmail.
          Great Lakes, and Energy).                                                              hats and cold weather acces-  com.
                          See page 6.

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