Plymouth Ice Festival
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The Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC) will
be open as a warming station during the Plymouth Ice
Festival to give festival goers an opportunity to see first-
hand what happens when community support, committed
individuals, organizations and volunteers combine hard
work and efforts.
According to PARC President Don Soenen, the complex
will be open to the public as a warming station fromnoon to
8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9 and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan.
10. Visitors will be able to access PARC from the front of the
building aswell as the rear activities entrance.
“We'd (PARC) like tomake the festival evenmore of a suc-
cess,” saidSoenen.
Just PARC it
New arts and recreation complex
to offer warmth, refreshments
Lisa Spielman
Special Writer
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