2016 Ice Festival - page 22

Ray and the Motor City Kings will
play again Saturday night, beginning
at 8, Agostini said. Again this year,
there will be a $3 cover charge at the
tent which will be donated to the
Plymouth-Canton Vietnam Veterans
“That has been a really ideal situa-
tion,” Agostini said. “We get to enjoy
the party, the music, have some
drinks and help these guys at the
same time. This is a great way for us
to show our respect and repay the
debt we all owe these men and
women,” he added.
“Everybody here has a great time
at the Ice Festival. The whole staff
enjoys the energy and the excitement
of the weekend and I think that
brings people back to the tent and the
ice bar every year.
“We just have a great time.”
Plymouth Ice Festival
Page 20
from page 19
The Friends of the Plymouth
District Library are bringing some-
thing special to the Ice Festival again
this year.
“We were delighted to join in the
festivities last year, “ explained
Library Director Carol Souchock. “We
are anxious to welcome folks back to
the library for theupcoming festival.”
A free live performance from the
Great American Songbook is planned
for 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 9 at the library,
a Michigan Opera Theatre Community
Production. Performing will be sopra-
no Maria Cimarelli and baritone Mark
Vondrak. The pair will be accompa-
nied on keyboard by Amanda
No reservations or registration is
required, it is a drop-in event, library
officials said.
The entire family is invited to come
into the library and enjoy some hot
chocolate, crafts and fun winter activi-
ties from 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Jan.11.
Activities planned are geared to chil-
dren ages 5-12, but families are wel-
For more information on the library
go to plymouthlibrary.org and for addi-
tional information on the Ice Festival
visit plymouthicefestival.com
The library is located at 223 S. Main
For more information, call (734) 453-
Library offers ‘Great American Songbook’ concert
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