Plymouth Ice Festival
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sponsoring the wildly popular Dueling
Chainsaws which takes place at 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 9. In this exciting compe-
tition ice carvers are given 15 minutes,
one block and their chainsaws to cre-
ate ice carvings, hoping to be named
the champion at the event.
“As part of Ford's involvement at the
festival, we're also teaming up with
Gleaners Community Foodbank of
Southeast Michigan to make sure peo-
ple don't face hunger issues this winter
by matching donations to Gleaners,”
Bradley said. “Traditionally after the
holidays many food banks and shelters
have food shortages so Fordwill match
donations made during the festival. A
$20 donation to Gleaners will feed a
local family for a week and can be
made by texting the keyword FORD to
41444,” she added.
“During the past five years, Ford
Motor Co. Fund has contributed more
than $1.7 million to Gleaners
Community Food Bank as part of its
commitment to hunger relief in south-
eastern Michigan. Gleaners operates
four Ford Mobile Food Pantries, and
the Ford Resource and Engagement
Center in southwest Detroit includes a
Gleaners client-choice food service
hub. The Ford Volunteer Corps also
has enlisted thousands of Ford employ-
ees over the years to sort, pack and
deliver meals at Gleaners locations,”
Bradley said.
“With the involvement of Ford
Motor Co. and the other charities par-
ticipating this year, the Ice Festival has
evolved into an essential part of what
makes the Plymouth community
unique,”Geitzen said.