less and low-income individuals in the
area. Items should be taken to the
United Way booth on Penniman
Avenue during the festival. New coats,
blankets and socks will also be accept-
The college carvers will be back this
year as the festival again partners with
local colleges and universities for the
Competition. The event will be spon-
sored by Genisys Credit Union this
year and will take place in Kellogg
Park under the watchful eyes of judges
who are experienced professional
The Individual College Carving
Competition will take place Saturday,
Jan. 9 from 9 a.m. until noon and the
team competition is planned for 8 a.m.
until noon Sunday, Jan. 10. Awards in
both categories will be presented at 1
p.m. the day of the competition.
Genisys is sponsoring several inter-
active ice sculptures throughout the
park which are ideal for the infamous
“selfie” photographs.
This year, the Ice Festival will
include a 3-mile family walk/run begin-
ning at 8 a.m. Saturday Jan. 9. Runners
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Plymouth Ice Festival
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