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                                      Plymouth Ice Festival

       Close up and personal

       Petting farm and pony rides will thrill young visitors

         One of the most popular attractions
       at the Plymouth Ice Festival this year is
       sure to be the pony rides for little ones
       provided by Carousel Acres.
         “We call them the pony/unicorn
       rides,” said Tammy Iacobelli, the
       owner of Carousel Acres, a family busi-
       ness that has been providing special-
       ized animals for schools, parties and
       festivals for more than 25 years. The
       unicorn is actually a very cooperative
       pony wearing a harness with a pros-
       thetic horn.
         “Children love it,” Iacobelli said.
         She said the number of ponies,
       along with the animals she is also
       bringing to the festival for the petting
       farm, will depend on the weather. She
       said she never takes a chance with any
       of her animals getting sick or chilled.
         “These are all animals we have
       raised here on the farm, so we under-
       stand their  temperaments and nature.
       We won't take a chance with them,” she
       said. She said there are lots of possibil-
       ities for animals appearing at the festi-  Experienced and attentive staff members from Carousel Acres will be on hand at
       val and she plans to bring a miniature  the petting farm and pony rides sponsored by Michigan First Credit Union during
                                          the ice festival this year.
       horse, a donkey, some goats, a sheep or
       two, an alpaca and perhaps some    mals we have raised,” she added.    cotton candy and expected to be a pop-
       ducks and bunnies.                   She said she will send two staff  ular treat during the event.
         “I'm just not sure yet,” she said of  members with the animals at the Ice  Michigan First Chief Mortgage
       the animals. “It always depends on the  Festival.                      Lending Officer Dan Sugg said the 90-
       weather. For instance, the bunnies are  An arctic fox and a reindeer or cari-  year-old credit union wanted to be a
       not usually outside, so I just don't know  bou were possible choices for the pet-  part of the festival and the community.
       how they might do if it is really cold.”  ting farm, too, she said, but again, the  Sugg said he is a Plymouth native and
         She and her family, including her  weather the day of the event will dic-  has attended the ice festival many
       four daughters and 10 grandchildren,  tate which animals are on site.  times.
       are all involved with the farm. “Not my  The pony rides and the petting farm  “We're committed to the community
       daughters so much now that they are  are being sponsored this year by  and wanted to show our involvement
       grown, but my grandchildren enjoy it,”  Michigan First Credit Union which has  here. The ice festival seemed like a
       she said.  Iacobelli worked in special  two branches in Canton Township and  great opportunity,” he said.
       education for 28 years before operat-  a mortgage office in Plymouth across  Michigan First also sponsored the
       ing Carousel Acres full time.      from Kellogg Park.                  largest ice sculpture in Kellogg Park
         She stressed that all the animals she  Visitors to the pony rides and pet-  this year using 20 blocks of ice, the
       brings are used to behind handled and  ting farm might also want to watch for  largest sculpture in six years or so
       around people.                     the elves handing out “dry snow” to  according to festival producer James
         “As I mentioned, these are all ani-  youngsters.  The dry snow is actually  Geitzen of JAG entertainment.
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