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       Plymouth library presents comic magician on stage

         Midday Saturday, Fall Festival visi-                                   Zvara's performance is sponsored
       tors will want grab a chair in the park           ”                    by the Plymouth District Library; in
       for a fun experience, as magician and                                  the case of rain, the show will be
       comedian Cameron Zvara takes the        Audience participation         moved to the library building, just east
       Kellogg Park main stage at noon.            is part of the fun,        of The Gathering pavilion at 223 S.
         On-stage entertainment is an area                                    Main St
       where the Plymouth Fall Festival        so photo opportunities           Zvara has been wowing audiences
       never disappoints and  Zvara is sure to     will be plentiful.         and making them laugh around the
       keep the fun revved up, organizers                                     globe, and he always delivers an outra-
       said. A high-energy goofball with an                                   geous and unforgettable performance,
       impressive performance resume, he                                      library officials said. “We're thrilled to
       promises a fun combination of mind-                                    have him here at the Plymouth Fall
       blowing magic, skilled juggling and  part of the fun, so photo opportunities  Festival,” they added.
       comedy that the whole family can   for children (of all ages) will be plenti-  For more information, contact the
       enjoy.  Plus, audience participation is  ful.                          library at (734) 453-0750.
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