Page 19 - ff2023
P. 19
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Sweet Saturday
Annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast serves up smiles
One of the oldest and sweetest tradi-
tions at the Plymouth Fall Festival will
take place again this year from 7 a.m.
until noon Saturday when the Kiwanis
Club members serve their famous pan-
cake breakfast.
Some volunteer members of the
club begin their day as early as 5 a.m.
to begin to prepare to serve the antici-
pated 3,000 breakfasts, which is about
the usual, a spokesman said. Some of
the equipment, huge mixers, grills and
tables and chairs are set up Friday
night in The Gathering, after the ter place for children. The pancake support for Michigan Motts Children's
Plymouth Canton Little League Bingo breakfast is a fundraiser for the group Hospital and provides local student
games end. to help provide services worldwide scholarships.
The breakfasts include pancakes, and locally for children. The Kiwanis members bring the
sausage, juice, butter, syrup, coffee or Service is at the heart of every Good Morning USA Parade to down-
milk and tickets are priced at $7 if pur- Kiwanis Club, a spokesman said. town Plymouth each Fourth of July
chased in advance or $8 Saturday Members stage about 150,000 service and regularly add new features to
morning. Children eat free, which is projects and raise nearly $100 million Kiwanis Park on the corner of Farmer
part of the Kiwanis Club mission: every year for communities, families and Auburn streets. The popular pop-
Serving the Children of the World. and projects across the country and corn wagon in Kellogg Park attracts a
The club members are an eclectic around the world. International efforts crowd of visitors, especially during the
mix of genders, ages, occupations and include the campaign to eliminate Friday night summer concerts in the
interests, but all passionate about mak- Iodine Deficiency Disorder while
ing the community and the world a bet- locally, the club provides financial See Pancakes, page 20