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       Party time

       Live entertainment in tent is festival tradition

         When the crowds increase every   event really determine the crowd size.  end, most visitors welcome the fee and
       year, the hosts at the Party Tent during  Atomic Radio will entertain in the  often contribute generously at the door.
       the Fall Festival know they are doing  tent from 8 p.m. until midnight on  Their generosity is prompted by the
       something right.                   Friday, Sept. 8. The group was popular  real life heroes who man the door,
         For nearly a decade, E.G. Nicks on  with the crowd last year and has a fol-  check identifications and collect the
       Forest Street has invited the public to  lowing, so Agostini said they wanted to  fee. Each of them is a Vietnam veteran
       the Party Tent in the back parking lot  bring them back.               and a member of the Plymouth-Canton
       at the restaurant and every year, dis-  Power Play Detroit, another very  Vietnam Veterans organization in the
       counting bad weather, the crowds have  popular band will entertain crowds in  community. The $5 fee goes directly to
       increased. Frank Agostini and Tony  the tent from 8 until midnight on  the group, Agostini said, and when
       Belli, owners at the restaurant, are  Saturday, Sept. 9.               people become aware of the situation,
       now renting the largest tent possible to  “They are a big draw. People really  they are usually more than happy to
       accommodate the crowds who fill the  enjoy them and they blow the roof off,”  donate.
       space Friday and Saturday evenings  Agostini said. “The crowd loved them  Bob Dew, the first vice-president of
       during the Fall Festival.          last year. It's really going to be a great  the Vietnam veterans group said the
         Agostini said, as he does every year,  weekend,” he added.           members are very grateful for all
       that they continue to host the two-night  There is a $5 cover charge at the  Agostini and Belli have done for them
       party because “it's a lot of fun.”  tent each year and while normally, a  during the years.
       Agostini said the popularity of the  cover charge might be considered a
       bands booked to entertain during the  negative, during the Party Tent week-            See Tent, page 24

       Power Play Detroit will perform in the E.G. Nick's Party Tent from 8 p.m. until midnight Saturday, Sept. 9 during the Fall
       Festival. Band members include Mike Smith, Gary Kosten, Angelique Morency, Bob Olds and Jimmy Morency. The cover
       band was voted the best in metro Detroit in a magazine poll that included more than one million voters
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